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  1. razorguns

    US Army: What about North Korea?

    if 30,000 = success 300,000 = win Gen Shineski said this YEARS AGO before Rumsidiot ignored him. Our job is to win.  All Bush and his general-wannabees have done since day 1 is handcuff and restrict the military from doing it's job. Now they want to place a 'surrender date'.  and 3,700...
  2. razorguns

    US Army: What about North Korea?

    replying to this forum is such a pain.  takes 20 mins to reply one successfully. 1. surge (more troops) 2. shineski asked for more troops hence - more troops = progress.  but in the beginnning - two armchair generals, rumsfeld and wolfowitz told Gen Shineski to TGFH. This is not Razorguns...
  3. razorguns

    US vs. Iran

    if u join the military with a 'whats in it for me?' attitude - its the wrong reason. you join to save other brothers lives with your skills and knowledge.  oh yeah, and some benefits now and then.  :) the us govt doesn't care what ur opinion is.  as long as u pickup that machine gun when...
  4. razorguns

    USAF Woes

    makes u wonder where that $12 billion/month is going if the AF is pressed for cash, and soldiers have to buy their own body armor and helmets :) the non-public portions of our base are so run-down and poorly equipped, it's kinda embarassing.  u should see our bathrooms.  :) r
  5. razorguns

    New Rule Limits ‘Predatory’ Loans to Servicemembers

    service members are pretty low on the income scale.  most people who have financial difficulties and debt - are also on the low income scale.  so this really has no relation to the military if u think about it.  you could say the same about college students, or mcdonald employees. r
  6. razorguns

    US vs. Iran

    people voted him in TWICE.  the war was already going on when he was voted in once. no one has any leg to stand on to complain about him.  they voted him in.  they need to deal with it. electing democrats in 2008 will NOT stop the war.  wait til democrats start getting phone calls from...
  7. razorguns

    US Army: What about North Korea?

    if we didn't have the resources we either: 1) institute the draft 2) hire more contractors 3) delay the war until we do. all this is irrelevant tho.  rumsidiot blew Shineski off (funny since Bush now wants to 'listen to the generals on the ground'), and now we got a complete mess that we're...
  8. razorguns

    Reaction to Gen Patraeus

    gen petr sounds like a glorified 'yes'-man.  even his own boss has said bad things about him.  google it. shineski was the best general we had during the war.  he was awesome at motivating us. r
  9. razorguns

    US Army: What about North Korea?

    if we went in 500k strong like Gen Shineski asked, and not be refuted by Rumsidiot - we wouldn't have to kill anyone. 'surges' are too little, too late.  it's 4 years off the starting point. r
  10. razorguns

    US Army: What about North Korea?

    large-scale constant attacks by muslims?  where?  name ONE country that has a foreign policy of 'keeping to ourselves' suffers from this? Politics aside : we can win this iraq war easily.  stop handicapping the us military out there.  it's ridiculous.  we're now FIGHTING ALONGSIDE guys who...
  11. razorguns

    US Army: What about North Korea?

    9/11 is the result of us fucking around in the ME for decades.  Pissing off poor arabs everywhere.  It was coming. There is no terrorism in switzerland. r
  12. razorguns

    Reaction to Gen Patraeus

    He's a glorified yes-man.  Like he would say something scandalous or against Bush's desires. Even Gen Petr's boss thinks he's a ass-kissing douchebag. Gen P is not talked about kindly in army circles.  He may be a good soldier, but he hasn't proven himself as a leader. Then again, this war...
  13. razorguns

    US Army: What about North Korea?

    we dn't need to fight north korea.  that is until they find oil. we just need 'an enemy' to scare americans.  and thus keep the defense war funds coming in. it's what leaders do.  create an 'enemy', scare the populace, then take their taxes for defense budgets.  look at where 'defense' ranks...
  14. razorguns

    (US) Army Examines Possibility of Private Medical Contractor

    yep that walter reed scandal was just made up.  and disabled vietnam vets are still living it up today! we'll c how disabled iraqi vets are treated in 20 years.  history usually repeats. r
  15. razorguns

    (US) Army Examines Possibility of Private Medical Contractor

    the dod's mistreatment of disabled vets 1 year after disability is pretty well written about on the web.  i can't tell u specifics cuz thank god i don't talk from personal experience.  vietnam vets, iraqi vets, walter reed, is tip of the iceberg.  it's pretty much expected not to expect the...
  16. razorguns

    (US) Army Examines Possibility of Private Medical Contractor

    ask any vietnam vet :) r
  17. razorguns

    (US) Army Examines Possibility of Private Medical Contractor

    You mean general TRICARE or ... ex my friend served in iraq, both legs blown off, now she's in ny, forgotten, living off food stamps. r
  18. razorguns

    7 NCO's Punished

    While this is sad - i don't see what was done wrong by these NCO's that resulted in his death.  The course is designed to be grueling and prepare you for war.  Accidents *may* happen.  Nobody wants to see another soldier die, definately 'not on their clock'. btw: Letter of reprimand = a stern...
  19. razorguns

    (US) Army Examines Possibility of Private Medical Contractor

    contracting companies have huge budgets (where do u think those war funds go??!) so i'm sure they can easily recruit the best medical staff, equipment, etc. and probably receive far better care than Private Joe Ballcap. r