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  1. N

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    Well, the whole "Cost to keep a prisoner" argument is kind of bunk anyways. Most of the statistics involved are found by averaging the costs of the system per prisoner, when in reality, the difference between keeping x prisoners and x+1 prisoners is negligible. So unless getting rid of that...
  2. N

    What do you think about the CFPAS system?

    I frequently don't anything. Sometimes I don't nothing, though.
  3. N

    How the RCR fold their towels

    That did it. Thanks.
  4. N

    How the RCR fold their towels

    The Joke ------------ My Head
  5. N

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    I really think the "Liberal Arts" vs "Hard Science" is a false distinction. The stereotype of the "useless degree" is hardly a stereotype. It's been widely discussed lately as being the cause of the devaluation of the undergraduate degree in general. You get a lot of people who exit...
  6. N

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    True, an employer who generally doesn't distinguish between different degrees is certainly a great equalizer.
  7. N


    Is your final goal to join the regular forces? If so, I'll refer you to this post, which is regarding a slightly different situation than yours, but has many similarities: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/27638/post-956878.html#msg956878 Take that however you wish.
  8. N


    There is always a chance. Keep positive, and hope for the best. More importantly, take this as a learning opportunity. Almost everyone has had a poor interview at some point or another, you just had the misfortune of having it for something you really wanted. Reassess your skills, and make an...
  9. N

    All eyes on Ignatieff

    However, the interesting thing about the polls is that while the Cons are down nearly 4 points, the Liberals are up only 1.  The recipients of the difference are the Green, the Bloc, and the NDP. With our style of voting, that makes it really hard to know exactly what sort of effect that would...
  10. N

    Soldiers squander disability payouts

    That is in fact a very good deal for the soldiers. So good that you might have trouble getting it past any government accountants.
  11. N

    Soldiers squander disability payouts

    In Canada, capital gains are actually taxed at half of your marginal tax rate. You get to keep comparatively more money from an investment than you do from a regular paycheck. I realize that it doesn't help with the frustration of the situation at all, but I figure it is a prudent point to make.
  12. N

    Soldiers squander disability payouts

    Investing the proceeds to generate an income is a valid idea, but expectations should be tempered. While it's certainly overly optimistic to assume that everyone turn an investment into significant growth, reality isn't as bleak as you paint it either. Every one of the 'numerous downturns' of...
  13. N

    Soldiers squander disability payouts

    I'll just take the time to point out once again that just because someone is pointing out the government's thought process on the new act, doesn't mean that they are arguing for it. It's very important to be able to understand the whole argument so that you can fashion a concrete...
  14. N

    Fitness test in 2 days!

    Good luck! And remember, any physical test is actually 50% mental.
  15. N

    Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

    In quite the opposite sentiment to this topic, I actually cringe every time I see someone physically react to the WBC. It should be well known by now that their protests are (at least in part) financially motivated. Their entire 'church' is funded by civil lawsuits stemming from physical...
  16. N

    THIS shows why everyone needs to think about what they are posting on line.

    That's quite a good example to an important message. Although, if someone has to be reminded not to say things like that in the public domain, they're going to have problems, Facebook or not.
  17. N

    Music piracy?

    Those darned engineers and their shenanigans.  ;D
  18. N

    Brad/Chelsea Manning: Charged w/AFG file leak, Cdn angles, disposition (merged)

    I'm no doctor, but I'm fairly certain if I read much more of CBC in the next few days I'm going to burst a blood vessel and stroke out.
  19. N

    Sports in the CF, or rather lack thereof.

    Nothing in my amused, offhand response would seem to give that impression, so no.
  20. N

    Sports in the CF, or rather lack thereof.

    From the paper posted above as an example of Cpl's making themselves heard.