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  1. GGHG_Cadet

    2 new Army Cadet Exchanges (ACE) 2007

    ACE is the short form for Army Cadet Exchange, the badge received is the International Tour badge. To apply you need a copy of the Advanced Training summer camp application instead of the normal cadet summer camp application. You need to have completed NSCE, CLI and meet the fitness requirements...
  2. GGHG_Cadet

    2 new Army Cadet Exchanges (ACE) 2007

    The exchange program promotes senior leadership and it prepares cadets to take roles as staff cadets. At Connaught, all exchange cadets are held to the same standard as staff cadets, and on the course reports it deals with your leadership and management skills. The exchanges all have cadet...
  3. GGHG_Cadet

    2 new Army Cadet Exchanges (ACE) 2007

    No, it has not been around for at least 5 years. In 2001 there was an international expedition there but that does not count as an exchange.
  4. GGHG_Cadet

    2 new Army Cadet Exchanges (ACE) 2007

    I think that it is a good idea but the problem is that the ACE exchanges don't get enough puiblicity and tend not to fill up. For example ACE Italy was cancelled this year due to insufficient numbers. I know a lot of people apply for exchanges like the UK ones, Germany, or ACE USA but not so...
  5. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    Hey, I have a lot of corps pictures from what I believe to be the mid-80s; if you want I can send you a couple to see if you remember anyone/ anything.
  6. GGHG_Cadet

    Dean Thompson's Cambrian Patrol 2006 tangent

    This may be out of my lane but weren't a lot of the guys with 2VP in Medak reservists? All of which served well, did they not?
  7. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    Markham GGs still wear ascots, not so sure about the Dennison GGs. By any chance do you know Roger Carlsen? He was a former 748 cadet so you may know him.
  8. GGHG_Cadet

    Conditions ROTP

    Any further information Wookilar?
  9. GGHG_Cadet

    Changes, needed fixes in Cadets (merged)

    I have never ever had a problem with CHAP, and at camp I cannot recall a real CHAP case. The reason people seem to have problems with it is because it is not implemented properly at the corps level. When being taught CHAP the cadets need to know that there is a difference between...
  10. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    No its Outward Bound Scotland exchange, basically the same though
  11. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    Nice shots Medic, I remember scanning those pictures and there are lots more where those came from. Hmm maybe I should return those photos back to the corps, I've had them for long enough. Now for a couple more modern photos-
  12. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    HaHa, I completely missed this but the GGHG RSM next to the GGFG RSM is wearing his aiguilette(sp?) on the wrong side. He has an officers one and I have an NCOs(I should have an officers one too) but the officers aiguilette is worn on the right side not the left.
  13. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    Yea I remember many a time this summer I made fun of that WO because his uniform had mixed Infantry and Armoured accoutrements. He is a good guy though. It sucks what happened in the end, how is good ole Steven doing?
  14. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    AFAIK in my picture the only thing unauthorized is the Scotland/ Canada pin that the Army Cadet league gave us. But in the other pictures I don't know what is unauthorized. I just wanted to show the crazy things that can be allowed to be worn.
  15. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    Here we go- This was on Outward Bound Scotland exchange after our drill competition. We were in England at a base called Strensall. We are the three cadets with black berets on our exchange. Guy on the left is a BCR but his corps used to be Irish Fusiliers so they wear the green hackle and a...
  16. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    The GGHG WO on the right is the RSM of my sister corps. My uniform is the exact same except I prefer the smaller buttons on my tunic, I have GGHG lapel pins and I have the same two medals the GGFG RSM has. Also I carry a sword, not a drill cane because my corps does not have one.
  17. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    Well if I can find a photo of myself as RSM then I win.
  18. GGHG_Cadet

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    The one I like the best is the QYR guy on the front of the Reference Manual, if you look closely at his shoulders you can see QY in gold. Well the QYR cadets wear the same slip ons that NCOs wear (on their short sleeve shirts) on their tunics instead of metal shoulder titles. Edit- What do you...
  19. GGHG_Cadet

    Need Advice on Flag Party

    For an escort to the Flag most likely. I carry a sword as an RSM and I would like my escorts to carry swords just like my AFU and Sister corps does.
  20. GGHG_Cadet

    Cadet long service medal

    You qualify for at least the Army Cadet Service Medal, possibly the Air cadet one too.