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Search results

  1. Pusser

    PMV and Travel Limits While on TD

    The key question is whether you need a car to conduct your duties at the TD location.  If you do, there is a way to do that: 1)  Rent a car from home and drive that to the TD location.  That's the simplest option and all your gas receipts can be paid.  2)  Travel via POMV and claim mileage...
  2. Pusser

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    This is actually a tough choice.  Currently, the MND is also a commissioned officer, so he actually rates a salute on two counts.  Officers' commissions are generally for life (only one Canadian officer has actually been stripped of his commission) and so they carry it into retirement. 
  3. Pusser

    Army Uniform Change

    When the Navy DEU was first introduced, only P2s and above received white shoes.  MS and below were expected to wear black shoes/boots.  It didn't take long to realize that was a mistake - you just can't get black shoe polish out of white polyester.  We eventually started issuing white shoes to...
  4. Pusser

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    For whatever reason, the Navy does not (or at least didn't as late as 2007) wear rank on its weather jackets (floater coats and all round operational cold-weather wear).  As a result, there is a always a good chance you will see a multitude of  folks running around the dockyard in uniform in...
  5. Pusser

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    If you're wearing clothing specifically designed to remain unnoticed, don't be surprised when people don't notice you...
  6. Pusser

    Dark Blue Berets return

    Introducing logic and facts to an argument?  Really!?  What will they think of next?
  7. Pusser

    CAF rank system [Merged]

    A short explanation is that personnel can be recruited as either non-commissioned members (NCM) or as officers.  If you join as an NCM, promotion to corporal is automatic, provided you pass all the requisite training and it takes about four years from enrollment.  If you join as an officer...
  8. Pusser

    Dark Blue Berets return

    Armoured Corps berets are black.  RCN ones are navy blue.
  9. Pusser

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    I concede!  I guess I paid too much attention to the voices in my head (those of my Grade 7 English teacher and my father the English professor).  However, a little research reveals that using "they" (and them and their, etc.) actually dates from the 14th Century and that it was only in the 19th...
  10. Pusser

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    They're just being idiots.  The only vehicles that need to be saluted are those that are marked for that purpose (flags/plates).
  11. Pusser

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    Except that's not actually grammatically correct.  "They" is a third person plural pronoun, whereas "he" and "she" are third person singular pronouns.  English does not have a gender-neutral third person singular pronoun.  "They" is only correct if you are referring to more than one person.
  12. Pusser

    Air Cadet Blue Uniform

    Sorry, not really.  The current cadet uniforms were a completely new design that was first issued around 1978-1980, when they were green for all cadets: Sea, Army and Air.  It is/was a bush jacket that bore, I suppose, a minor resemblance to the old RCAF uniform, but only insomuch that it had an...
  13. Pusser

    Dress and Deportment

    Full dress uniforms with all their accoutrements and bling also look "cool, mean, tough and proud."
  14. Pusser

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    According to CANFORGEN 110/14, Air Canada will allow CAF members to take up to three bags (up to 32kg each) free of charge and West Jet will allow four bags.  Personnel traveling to Basic Training are CAF members.  The trouble, however, is they likely don't have ID cards yet.  They will have...
  15. Pusser

    Thoughts on decision by The Lorne Scots

    I don't think that the problem is that they were in the parade or even that they were armed.  However, it was a PARADE; therefore, they should have been in a parade order of dress, with their weapons at the shoulder arms and marching in a parade formation.  I don't understand this argument of...
  16. Pusser

    Medal Storage Box

    GDT Custom Woodcraft (https://www.facebook.com/pg/GDTWoodcraft/) is excellent (even if I do say so myself) and can make whatever you like to whatever specification.  Shipping to Vancouver from Ottawa is no problem.
  17. Pusser

    Wearing Uniform in Public (merged)

    Yes, people are getting all worked up over something very innocuous.  The regulations concerning wearing uniforms in public are all about protecting the CAF image and preventing abuse.  We don't want to see folks in uniform getting into bar fights, but moving between Point A and Point B at...
  18. Pusser

    Reserve time in Reg F pension

    Yes, precision is important, but note that I never said "paid service."  I said "pensionable service."  So, in my case, I was granted 296 days of "pensionable service" for my time in the Reserve.  That consisted of 110 days "Previous Full Time Paid Service (PFTPS) plus 1/4 X all my other Reserve...
  19. Pusser

    Can you live at the base for free or do they charge you ?

    There are many different possible scenarios, depending on the circumstances, some of which will involve either free food and accommodation (or reimbursement for it), but for the most part, no one lives for free at home.  If you're not deployed on operations, at sea in a ship, in the field on...
  20. Pusser

    how many hours a day/week do you work in airforce

    Of course I'm being facetious  ;D. However, I am reminded of the joke: Folks were sitting around the hangar and were the mood was grim.  They were fed up with their situation and wanted change, but didn't know how to bring it about.  "Why don't we go on strike?" said one young airman.  "We...