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  1. Pusser

    Posting Policy-Out of Canada (OUTCAN) [MERGED]

    As a general rule, most OUTCAN positions are for fairly senior and qualified personnel.  The positions are also generally filled by merit.  People apply and then the most suitable candidate is chosen.  I hate to burst your bubble, but the chances of someone newly enrolled getting an OUTCAN...
  2. Pusser

    Rations, Meal Halls ect... Merged

    I'm with you on the nicotine, but only because smoking affects more than just the smoker and I see nothing beneficial in it - certainly nothing that outweighs the harm.  The same is not true with alcohol, caffeine or even fatty foods.  In moderation there is some benefit to those things and...
  3. Pusser

    Nijmegen March Medal. Authorized for wear on CAF DEU , mess kit?

    Only mostly true.  It is possible under some circumstances to get a CPSM while not qualifying for another medal.  There was a naval deployment a number of years ago where that was the only medal folks received.
  4. Pusser

    Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

    I agree that the CAF lacks a culture of fitness, but I don't agree with the solution I think you're implying.  There is nothing wrong with cheap bars, fatty foods and sugary drinks.  All things are fine in moderation, except smoking, that's just plain stupid.  Where we lack a culture of...
  5. Pusser

    Nijmegen March Medal. Authorized for wear on CAF DEU , mess kit?

    Lots of people wear all sorts of things under their lapels and not only mess jacket lapels.  I knew a fighter pilot who used to wear his cadet wings under the lapels of all of his uniforms because they were the first wings he had earned. I don't think it's that grey an area at all.  Honours are...
  6. Pusser

    Nijmegen March Medal. Authorized for wear on CAF DEU , mess kit?

    Yes I ignore that one as well.  Mind you, I've been wearing cufflinks on my long-sleeve white shirts for years (ever since I saw a Cmdre doing it over 20 years ago).  I now have quite a collection of over 50 pairs that I rotate through.  All of them are cool.  Some are really cool.
  7. Pusser

    Ops difference in elements

    Logistics NCMs can be and are employed in whatever element they are needed.  However, Logistics officers generally are only operationally employed in their specific element.  Naval LogOs will never serve in Service Battalion and Army LogOs will never see a ship (unless invited to a party in the...
  8. Pusser

    Nijmegen March Medal. Authorized for wear on CAF DEU , mess kit?

    There is this common attitude that we can wear whatever we like on mess dress because we pay for it.  Although there is a certain amount of flair that is often overlooked*, mess dress is still a CAF uniform and the CAF Dress Instructions do apply. There is a misconception when it comes to...
  9. Pusser

    PMV and Travel Limits While on TD

    Although perhaps poorly named, we're stuck with the term "cost comparison." I was nor referring in any way to a circumstance where the CO requests a member to use POMV.  That is pretty straightforward - member is reimbursed 100% of total road distance PLUS meals for the time it takes, PLUS any...
  10. Pusser

    Dress and Deportment

    I will not dispute this for a moment.  Obviously the mission and business of what we do must come first.  However, I've never understood why there seems to be a split between operational capability and dress and deportment and why some folks seem to think they are mutually exclusive. Why can't...
  11. Pusser

    Top Gun 2

    Yes, the USN has an up or out policy.  Nevertheless, there are plenty of 50+ naval aviator captains (one is a friend of mine).  However, it could be possible that this is one of those extremely rare occasions where Hollywood has made a mistake and portrayed military life and/or policy slightly...
  12. Pusser

    PMV and Travel Limits While on TD

    Except that there is no "official" cost comparison worksheet.  The one everybody uses was made up by somebody at DCBA (or they endorsed it).  Hence CANFORGEN 098/19, which essentially tells DCBA (again) to stop enforcing what they THINK should be policy, vice actual policy...
  13. Pusser

    PMV and Travel Limits While on TD

    We're going to have to agree to disagree.  Although we both recognize that there are a number of factors involved in making the decision, the fact remains that cost is a factor.  It may only be one factor, but it is still a factor.  No member should ever be out of pocket for doing their job, but...
  14. Pusser

    "Irregular" / extended working hours

    There is no such thing as Compensatory Time Off (CTO), notwithstanding that it happens a lot.  Short Leave is supposed to be used for that purpose.  In fact the Leave Policy Manual states: Section 9.1 Short Leave 9.1.01 Policy The purpose of short leave is to provide a member of the Regular...
  15. Pusser

    PMV and Travel Limits While on TD

    We're actually saying the same thing (so I'm not incorrect). You just went into more detail.  "Most economical" is not the same as "cheapest."  Being economical includes all of the factors you mentioned.  Economy is not just about money.  It includes, efficiency, practicality, etc. ...
  16. Pusser

    Dress and Deportment

    I love my sword.  It's an officer's badge of office and I would love to wear it more often.  If all officers had them, perhaps we would.  When I was first commissioned, my father offered me either a sword or mess dress as a present.  In retrospect, I foolishly chose the mess dress as a more...
  17. Pusser

    Dress and Deportment

    That's not an accurate assessment of the membership.  Yes, there are a lot of retired folks on there, but relatively few of them are CIC.  There is also centuries worth of experience, including a number of former Base and Formation CPOs.
  18. Pusser

    Bringing back "Double Dipping"

    My plan exactly and I have one of those qualifications that is in high demand and very short supply.  The guy I relieved in my current position (who is of similar vintage to me) was retiring in order to take a Public Service job.  When I asked him why, he told me that he was still healthy and...
  19. Pusser

    PMV and Travel Limits While on TD

    The cost comparison is for the travel by POMV to and from the TD location.  That still has to be done.  The policy is quite clear that travel has to be by the most economical means.  A cost comparison is required to determine his maximum reimbursement for travel from home to the TD location. ...
  20. Pusser

    PMV and Travel Limits While on TD

    I actually take serious offence to that.  Idiocy is not confined to one Branch or another.  I have seen "operators" make some colossally stupid decisions over the years that I have then had to clean up in order to keep them out of jail.  I am fully aware of the difference between rules and...