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  1. Pusser

    Bettering Fitness Standards while Waiting for BMQ

    I think the best piece of advice I can offer is to NOT stress out over this.  If you stress out and try to do too much, you will just hurt yourself, which could seriously hamper your ability to pass or even start BMQ.  If you're already doing something now, you're actually ahead of many of the...
  2. Pusser

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    That word is considered vulgar and so yes, it will keep you out, even on your calf.  The trouble is that when someone becomes a member of the CAF, it quickly becomes apparent that they are members, even in civilian clothing (e.g. olive t-shirts and dog tags hanging our when you go clubbing) and...
  3. Pusser

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    Yes, we only allow it in its spoken form (loudly and with enthusiasm).
  4. Pusser

    Retention vs Recruiting

    However, the reality is that we currently train people for these great jobs, but they actually then end up scrubbing pots and doing cleaning stations a good part of the time anyway.  In my plan, at least we're up front about it and then dangle a significant carrot at the end.  Right now, we see...
  5. Pusser

    Retention vs Recruiting

    Did you miss the part where I said exactly that?  Some folks seem to think I'm recommending that we enroll people for three years to paint rocks.  Far from it.  I'm arguing that first and foremost, we need to train personnel to be sailors, soldiers and air people.  After that, they can be...
  6. Pusser

    Retention vs Recruiting

    My idea is that I wouldn't give them any specific trade training in that first three years.  Admittedly, I'm not sure how or even if it would work for the Air Force, but I'm fairly confident, we could usefully employ personnel in the both the Army and Navy for three years without a great deal of...
  7. Pusser

    Retention vs Recruiting

    I often think there is entirely too much emphasis placed on long careers in the CAF.  I think instead, we should use a model that assumes that the majority of personnel will only serve for a short time (e.g. 5-10 years), with only a few being selected for further service. We should first fix...
  8. Pusser

    New IRP / Move policy-effective Dec 01, 2017 [Merged]

    My advice would be to get it done. Period.  You could literally find yourself in a world of sh*t if you don't.  Then, file a claim for it.  If it's paid, great!  If not, such is life.  Don't make serious decisions based on whether IRP will pay for something.  It's not a question of whether you...
  9. Pusser

    Acting lacking MCpl in charge of a section with qualified MCpl's

    You may be over-complicating this.  If the CoC has designated the A/MCpl as the supervisor in the Sgt's absence, that pretty much seals the deal.  This is a command prerogative.  I suppose the other MCpls could complain, but I don't think it would do much good.
  10. Pusser


    How did we ever manage to win a world war without cell phones?
  11. Pusser

    Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

    A fine is a punishment and you must be convicted in order to be punished.  So, if you were fined, you were convicted.  Even a traffic ticket (for which you pay a fine) is a conviction (read the fine print).  The ticket is the charge and when you sign it and mail it back with a cheque, you are...
  12. Pusser

    CANFORGEN 168/18 (aka PATCHFORGEN) [Merged]

    Don't forget NAVRES - they hate it when we leave them out...
  13. Pusser

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    As a member of the CAF, you would be allowed to occupy single quarters appropriate to your rank, IF they exist and IF there is vacancy.  So the question is whether there is a base nearby that has a vacancy in its single officer quarters.  I too was civvy U ROTP and I had a room in the Officers'...
  14. Pusser

    Forced to pay / belong to a mess [Merged]

    Shipboard messes actually receive the bulk of their funding through exchange profits (all bars and the ship's canteen) and since they don't have any of the infrastructure requirements of land based messes, virtually all of their funds can be spent on entertaining the mess members.  Dues actually...
  15. Pusser

    Forced to pay / belong to a mess [Merged]

    Part of me wants to go the other way and pay for all of my uniforms.  The trouble with the current system is we are required to wear the plastic crap manufactured by the lowest bidder.  Given the choice, I would opt for higher quality (which leads to higher comfort and longer lasting wear).  I...
  16. Pusser

    Upcoming Changes to the Dress Manual

    In speaking with the project manager (who's on my floor), it's still a go with hope that production will start within the coming months.  Apparently, the think that's slowing it down is sourcing the manufacture of the oak leaves - they're having trouble finding someone who can make them crappily...
  17. Pusser

    Upcoming Changes to the Dress Manual

    There is no doubt that the current issue peak cap is poorly designed.  Whomever thought a plastic hat was a good idea should be stuffed in a plastic bag and left to stew.  However, a new one is on the way with a cloth cover and shaped for human heads.
  18. Pusser

    Upcoming Changes to the Dress Manual

    It is nevertheless, an abomination.  Just because you can, doesn't mean you should...
  19. Pusser

    Forced to pay / belong to a mess [Merged]

    The fact that you refer to "our employment" is part of the problem.  We are not regular "employees," but rather something well beyond that.  I truly don't understand why anyone would not take advantage of the things messes offer (perhaps not everything, but at least some of it).  We all get to...