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  1. COBRA-6

    Battle for Wanat [Merged]

    Good point, our PAMs read like crap. You think in todays day and age we would have easy to read, understand and remember soldier's guides/user manuals with accompanying youtube-type videos or interactive online applications.  ::)
  2. COBRA-6

    CAF Combat boots policy 2005-2018

    I found a pic!  ;D
  3. COBRA-6

    CAF Combat boots policy 2005-2018

    I used to get crazy blood blisters doing ruck marches, and shin splints. Switched to Original SWAT with Superfeet insoles and now I don't even get hotspots. I will never go back. Convinced a few others to try SWATs or Magnums and they are all converts. Some go through the process to get a chit...
  4. COBRA-6

    Buttstock reccomendations

    Get rid of that POS ambi cocking handle. We had about half of ours break during field firing. JUNK!
  5. COBRA-6

    Buttstock reccomendations

    Are you talking about the Triad mount on the front sight block? I just removed mine (unscrewed) and popped in a Troy rail on my C8A3.
  6. COBRA-6

    A&W Papa Burgers: The choice of Griffon pilots everywhere

    Admit it, you kinda hope the chalet sauce part is true! I'd transfer to the Navy if it meant an unlimited supply of delicious chalet sauce... mmmm! 
  7. COBRA-6

    A&W Papa Burgers: The choice of Griffon pilots everywhere

    "And in other CF news, the Chinook community, refusing to be outdone, sling loaded a 5T bucket of KFC back to base. Later today, the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps and DLR held a joint press conference to announce the LEO2 Deep Fryer variant. Meanwhile, CMS staff refuse to comment on reports of...
  8. COBRA-6

    A&W Papa Burgers: The choice of Griffon pilots everywhere

    Kenora? Maybe they were on a long-range flight and decided the box lunches were just not cutting it? I doubt the sole purpose of the flight was to hit up the A&W and return to base!
  9. COBRA-6

    Cyprus: Still Working on a Solution

    and I think I know who would lend us the dozer too:
  10. COBRA-6

    CADPAT Rain Gear

    MOB pontoon bridge? Just might work...
  11. COBRA-6

    CADPAT Rain Gear

    The nice thing about the MOBs being waterproof is that they're large enough to function as an improvised canoe, or you can lash two together with an A7A strap together to make a raft, therefore we can divest the assault boats. DLR is trialing a modified electric trolling motor that would double...
  12. COBRA-6

    "Canadian general vents anger over bombings to Afghan village elders"

    C'mon X-mo, you know it's simpler than that! If only the government would listen to stopwar's solutions: No military = No war! If we don't have an Army then we won't be tempted to use it. Just like no Police Dept = no crime, and no Fire Department = no fires! See, it's simple! If only us...
  13. COBRA-6

    CADPAT Rain Gear

    The MOB should be inter-modal PLS-compatible. Trying to lift one yourself when actually full is a recipe for a med cat.
  14. COBRA-6

    Reservists dressed in Reg Force Regimental kit

    I am still waiting for a CADPAT baseball hat to be issued...  >:D
  15. COBRA-6

    CADPAT Rain Gear

    Then they'll just make a larger MOB!
  16. COBRA-6

    CADPAT Rain Gear

    No, we pretty much suck at everything. Buying fighting vehs without the required support variants, multiple orphan fleets, not enough vehs for the job resulting in constant Whole Fleet Management... etc etc. It's so depressing that this insanity has made its way down to the pers kit items like...
  17. COBRA-6

    Why we pay Reservists what we do (Including Reg v.s. Cl B v.s. Cl C pay, and Double-Dippin')

    I agree. The pain train is coming, and we're all standing on the tracks.
  18. COBRA-6

    Why we pay Reservists what we do (Including Reg v.s. Cl B v.s. Cl C pay, and Double-Dippin')

    Agreed, but I would suggest the average over a year would be closer to 5 days per week than 7 days per week, even within the field force which is only one chunk of CF Regular Force PYs. On the other hand you have the hours PRes people put in that are either not signed in for or not captured...
  19. COBRA-6

    AAC Silencer Shoot 2009

    The pic would be awesome. When I am king...  ;D
  20. COBRA-6

    Converse Desert Boot

    I've used Original SWAT Desert and Bates M9 Desert, they're both very good. The SWATs are a bit lighter. Original SWAT fits roughly the same as running shoe sizes, I took a smaller size in the Bates. Both are sold by CP Gear in Canada.