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Search results

  1. armyguy62

    Looking for three sigs pigs

    I am looking for a few guys I worked with in the 80's & 90's... Mcpl Neil Munn (from N.B.) Mcpl Curtis Hoare (from N.S.) and Sgt Doug Geddes (from Gimli, Manitoba)
  2. armyguy62

    Newbie on this forum

    AAAaaahhhhhhh, well played old RCEME!!
  3. armyguy62

    Wearing of Iron Ring in uniform?

    For what it is worth, I nearly tore my ring finger off when jumping of an M-113. I always thought it was BS till it happened to me.
  4. armyguy62

    Looking for a "few good men"

    I am looking for a few guys I served with in the 80's & 90's. If anyone can point me in the right direction, or give them my email address I would really appreciate it.  I am looking for Neil Munn (from N.B.) Curtis Hoare (from N.S.) and Doug Geddes (from Gimli, Manitoba). **** Neil... please...
  5. armyguy62

    Hypothetical question re: Allied Airborne Forces WW2

    Just wondering what thoughts there might be regarding the following question: Might the British and US Forces have been better served during WW2 by limiting their Airborne forces to, say, a Brigade each. Certainly the Airborne soldiers were the "cream of the crop" and having so many of those men...
  6. armyguy62

    new to the trade

    Radop brings to mind one further point... if you do not have a sense of humour, get to the QM asap and get issued one. It may be the most valuable piece of kit you have. It may not protect your life but it will certainly protect your sanity. You also might want to hold off on drinking with your...
  7. armyguy62

    Question re: German invasion of Poland, Sept 1939

    I am going to continue looking into this but here are a couple of thoughts... Thanks to everyone who took the time to answer. I am new to army.ca and still find it odd to be conversing (so to speak) with people who care about the military, are well read in military history, can put it in the...
  8. armyguy62

    Question re: Artillery terminology WW2 (German)

    Many thanks for the answers. I suspect that it refers to a multi-battery barrage on a set grid reference. Although I have not finished reading the book, General Raus has only used the term when his forces are under attack, never on the offensive. Further, since the book was translated from...
  9. armyguy62

    BMQ and seperation anxiety

    I would suggest you keep encouraging him to hang on for a couple of weeks. I think if he can tough it out he will find that he is better able to cope with the separation. This is an opportunity to use (or begin to develop) those powers of concentration that are so useful in the military... he...
  10. armyguy62

    Question re: Artillery terminology WW2 (German)

    I am reading an interesting book (Panzer Operations: The Eastern Front Memoir of General Raus, 1941-1945) and in it he makes mention a number of times of a "drumfire artillery barrage". He provides no explanation as to what a drumfire barrage is, does anyone out there know?
  11. armyguy62

    Question re: German invasion of Poland, Sept 1939

    Thanks redleafjumper, the site looks good and provides what may be the best answer I am likely to find. Regards
  12. armyguy62

    All Things HMCS Windsor (merged)

    That is exactly what we NEED.  Media attention on the $hitty stuff our government buys.  If enough people complain, b1tch and moan, the government will be pressured into getting us proper kit... Frankly I don't think the majority of Canadians care (except those who are serving, have served...
  13. armyguy62

    Question re: German invasion of Poland, Sept 1939

    I have a question regarding the actions of the Polish Cavalry during the German invasion of Poland. I have read that the Polish Cavalry 1. attacked a German Panzer Division; 2. never attacked a German Panzer Division (German propaganda) 3. attacked a German Panzer Division because prior to the...
  14. armyguy62

    new to the trade

    Back to the original question.... I am an ex-Radio Tech / LCIS tech but worked in a couple of Sig Tp/Pl's in my day so here is my kick at the cat... Pay close attention to everything work related, you will quickly get a feel for who is checked out and who is full of poo. The MCpl Det Commanders...
  15. armyguy62

    Realistic Training - Does it happen?

    I was just curious if anyone had any stories of realistic training they had been involved in. I do not mean live fire exercises etc, but rather exercises where the "fog of war" or some kind of monkey wrench was intentionally added (or untinentionally for that matter) and it resulted in added...
  16. armyguy62

    Teamwork-is it forced????

      I suppose  will add my 2 cents worth too....  Frankly I do not think that an individual can be forced to adopt the tenet of teamwork. I have worked with people who pretended to be teamplayers but it was pretty obvious they did not get the concept of teamwork. I believe that those who do not...
  17. armyguy62

    join at 17?

    For what it is worth I joined at 17 and never regretted it for a moment.  Is 17 too young?  I suppose it depends on the person joining, I met plenty of young soldiers (teens & early 20's) who were highly motivated and very mature. I also met a few who were older and did not have the maturity God...
  18. armyguy62

    Could use some thoughts for Recruiting...If anyone still cares about out Army...

    You might want to keep an eye out for individuals who seem to be watching you but seem afraid to approach (ie. they avert their gaze when you look at them). Try approaching them in a low key manner. This probably seems odd advice but when I was in High school I was painfully shy and would rather...
  19. armyguy62

    Army or Navy? - A Merged Thread

    I spent 4 years as an Army Radio Technician in CFS Mill Cove, Nova Scotia (a tiny Navy receiver site with an army MACS site added ). Despite what many will say, the Army and Navy cultures are not that different. Our (the Army guys) boots were shinier and our drill was sharper, but when it came...
  20. armyguy62

    What is your military status?

    21 years as a 221 Radio Technician / 227 LCIS tech LOVED every minute (well, most of them anyway) of it and if I had not picked up a Bosnian boo-boo I would still be in