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  1. combatbuddha

    Body Piercings

    This didn't happen to be in Victoria about 8 yrs ago?
  2. combatbuddha

    IR Postings [Merged]

    No, a EME guy posted to Southern Ontario
  3. combatbuddha

    IR Postings [Merged]

    That is the info I am looking for, as a friend of mine is being told different from the Det he is posted to. The information I got is from him. Thanks
  4. combatbuddha

    Change over to IPS

    I signed my IPS at the 17 year mark. Is this contract my new TOS effective the day I signed? I have tried to read the documentation, and am confused as to how the new pension regulations will affect me. I can read tech manuals but not legaleese If i get out at 21 years, am I grandfathered under...
  5. combatbuddha

    IR Postings [Merged]

    Situation A soldier is posted to a CF Det on an IR and has to live on the economy because the Det has no quarters available. He has been told that because he is "living out" his seperation allowance will not be paid, and only his apartment rental and groceries. He will also be entitiled to the...
  6. combatbuddha

    Maintenance Officer Clarification

    What befuddles me is that the word Gagetown, or any referrence to that "place" does not appear anywhere in the original post. However the intricacies of EME doctrine should not be posted for all to read. This should be left for discussion within the intranet, or even better, between the EME...
  7. combatbuddha

    Maintenance Officer Clarification

    Gagetown has many Maint Os, and again this matter would depend on unit policy and Maintenance Plan. If one must get picky, then the Officer who the senior tech would report to, IE OC Admin Coy, BC Hq and Svc's Bty, OIC Admin Pl, would sign the appropriate block. The unit could reproduce a copy...
  8. combatbuddha

    Maintenance Officer Clarification

    This is where it falls to delegated authority, either official or implied. The unit Maintenance Plan should clarify this. Many units, Reg and reserve do not have a Maint O, and the highest ranking EME person within the organization would become the Maintenance NCO (Not ET unless you are MWO)...
  9. combatbuddha

    the mystery pain

    If it goes down the back of your leg, it is another indication of Sciatica. I'm being treated for Piriformis Syndrome (spelling?). It is a small muscle that can cause aggrevation to the sciatic nerve. Stretching, time, and limited activity has been my regime for this for the past 5 months...
  10. combatbuddha

    Convoy Escort

    This was heavily identified by the Op Archer ROTO 0 PRT. Our maint guys did alot of research and provided the Crystal palace (NDHQ) with pictures, books and invaluable feedback. We took heavy note the the Yu'alls had a cupola on every vehicle that left the wire, and all cupolas were of the same...
  11. combatbuddha

    Best Marches

    The EME Regimental march past has always been my fav It is a combination of: Aupres De Ma Blonde/ Lillibulero A .wav of the March Past can be found at this link, as well as the words. http://www.forces.gc.ca/admmat/dglepm/emebranch/branch_history/branch_history_e.htm  :tank: Arte et Marte
  12. combatbuddha

    Electronic-Optronic Technician ( EO Tech )

    It has been tried within the past six months and the ex EO tech got no where. The CF/ Army/ Branch has to recognize this from the National, not local level. I asked the CM in November and basically got a "not a snowballs chance in hell" answer. But this shouldn't kep us from trying.
  13. combatbuddha

    Borden Thread- Merged

    Thats a hard one. You should have a joining instruction that details this. The CFB Borden website should be able to help you out or try calling the Base Duty center. Keep all receipts, and be patient with the claims pers. Remember, you are not the first person to join, move and who has to...
  14. combatbuddha

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Read the documentation from the ADM(HR) site. It helped with my insomnia, and also gives a translucent (not especially clear) picture of the demographics involved. Again I fall back to the Edmonton based MCpl Wrench bender, who would make Sgt Rock look like Beetle Bailey, but can't move beyond...
  15. combatbuddha

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Why, if it is not required at the "worker bee" level? Again, I beleive it should be in the same classification as OPMEs and other professional development and not something that reeks of discrimination.
  16. combatbuddha

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Simple. Points are already awarded for professional development. Include second language ability in this category. From my point of view it would help the worker bees and middle managers (Pte-WO). Pers who are top performers (and have technical courses, OPMEs, and other training) from both hard...
  17. combatbuddha

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Does anyone have any information with regards the newly announced policy on bilingualism within the CF. In particular I am concerned if this is going to be a continued area for "points" from a Merit Board for promotion. Common sense would say No, but we have sene in the past how far this has...
  18. combatbuddha

    CADPAT Bagpipe Bag cover

    Nice, my Bro had some made up in green, from chopped up pers cam nets.
  19. combatbuddha

    EME Cap Badge at CFSEME

    Total crap about regimental getting shortened. Pers going to their first posting should have more than a basic clue. Svc Bns can't be relied on for much, let alone "caring" about turning out quality techs. LET (Land Enviornmental training, BDT (basic Driver training) and even driver wheel should...
  20. combatbuddha

    EME Cap Badge at CFSEME

    Regimental is still around and different from when I went through. They still teach the basics, but have shied away alot form the Army stuff. It's a shame.