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Search results

  1. Kev T

    HALO/HAHO Freefall Parachuting

    Thanks for the answer. I'm still curious though, is the oxygen qualification a Canadian course taught at CPC or do we have to get it from the Brits, Americans, etc? Also I've read that US Special Forces jump from 40,000 ft on some operations. Can you please explain why some operations entail...
  2. Kev T

    HALO/HAHO Freefall Parachuting

    Couldn't find this topic anywhere and it's been pricking my curiousity for literally years. Trenton has a freefall parachute course. I've heard that the Army does not do freefall jumps with oxygen kit i.e. doesn't jump from any higher than 12,000 - 13,000 feet which is I think the max altitude a...
  3. Kev T

    Thank you troops!

    I pretty much think of the troops overseas and especially in A-Stan everyday especially all the casualties, wounded and deceased. I wish all the wounded a fast and successful recovery so that they can fully return to duty and/or to doing whatever they want to do afterwards without any problems...
  4. Kev T

    CANSOFCOM Search and Rescue?

    Check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0eso2CsKjw&search=Pararescue I don't think this has been posted before. Gives you an idea of what Pararescue is all about. Bit different from SAR Tech I'm afraid. It would just make my day if CANSOFCOM came out with a PJ outfit that did...
  5. Kev T

    Helo Insertion Methods

    That would be awesome. I heard the Light Forces Working Group was there to improve the light battalions i.e. they want light infantry to be more than just infantry without vehicles. Hopefully this will eventually be a core skill utilized by the light battalions in the near future.
  6. Kev T

    Tan berets and other CANSOFCOM, JTF, and CSOR fashions [1st split: CSOR]

    I think it's fine if CANSOFCOM has it's own command badge - that only makes sense. This is true - slipped up a bit there with the command badge - but won't joining CSOR be technically joining a new "regiment?" You will be part of a new command but at the same time CSOR is now your unit (I'm...
  7. Kev T

    Tan berets and other CANSOFCOM, JTF, and CSOR fashions [1st split: CSOR]

    I seem to sense a lot of negativity generated towards CANSOFCOM and it's subordinate units having a tan beret, specific capbadge, and possible command badge. First of all these are all acroutments that pretty much standard in every other unit. Every regiment/corps has specific collar dogs, a...
  8. Kev T

    Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

    Thanks for the answers - kinda clears things up a bit. Seems like there are in fact a few different types of definitions out there. I would agree with you though that a police SWAT team is not close to being a Tier 1 unit at all. But where does that leave green ops as there are a lot of...
  9. Kev T

    Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

    Are you saying that a Tier 1 unit is just a hostage rescue outfit that isn't really tasked with green ops? I was under the impression that a Tier 1 unit was capable of pretty much all special forces missions but also had a CT mandate e.g. the 22nd SAS Regiment is a special forces unit that is...
  10. Kev T

    Helo Insertion Methods

    Thanks for the answer. Hopefully soon our troops will be able to carry out this training more often.
  11. Kev T

    Helo Insertion Methods

    This question is something that's been nagging at me for a while especially since I can't find an answer anywhere. I've seen our infantrymen rappel out of helicopters, I've seen them helo-cast, and I've observed some Patricia's fast-roping from a tower in Washington (on video), but how often is...
  12. Kev T

    HM The Queen Approves New Regimental Titles

    I am a strong advocate of the regimental system. It's proven, effective, it works, and it makes you feel like you're a part of something special and larger. Plus it just seems to sound much better when someone asks what unit you're from and you reply e.g. 1st Battalion, The Royal Irish Regiment...
  13. Kev T

    Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

    Here is a more detailed answer - I'm not 100% positive on all this so if anyone knows the proper definitions please feel free to make corrections. There are different levels or tiers across the special operations spectrum. A Tier 1 unit is basically a special forces unit capable of performing...
  14. Kev T

    Para Vid

    The Canadian Army should have inspirational videos like this instead of some of the outdated decrepit crap on the DND site.
  15. Kev T

    Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

    The CSOR selection itself seems to be pretty short - only 2 days - and seems more like the JTF2's Cooper Test with some extra stuff on top. JTF2 has their 7 day selection before candidates can go on SOAC. I'm just thinking that the actual 2 day selection course - not the fitness test - seems to...
  16. Kev T

    Tan berets and other CANSOFCOM, JTF, and CSOR fashions [1st split: CSOR]

    I know that this ain't original but how's about this. The old Special Service Force shoulder patch except the sword and wings will be metal on top of a black cloth shield background. Instead of a scroll with "Osons" under it there can be a new motto or whatever.
  17. Kev T

    Canadian Special Operations Force Command (CANSOFCOM)

    Thanks a lot for the answer and the information; interesting - and good - as to why the name was changed.
  18. Kev T

    Canadian Special Operations Force Command (CANSOFCOM)

    Most of it. Just that, like you said, it's 17 pages - kinda long - figured I could just get a simple answer. But I guess I'll just go back through the forum and see what I can find.  
  19. Kev T

    Canadian Special Operations Force Command (CANSOFCOM)

    Just wondering about something I saw (from a slideshow on the DIN I think or on the CDS website about CF Transformation) a while back from when this entire concept first came up. I remember reading about something called the "Special Operations Group" or SOG which will contain JTF2, JATF now...
  20. Kev T

    Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

    Thanks for the clarification. What about special forces and special operations forces? The CSOR has been labelled as a special operations force. Are SOF the same as SOC? I always thought that special forces and special operations forces were the same thing, though I may have read a thing or two...