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  1. K

    2011 Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami

    Fukushima Daiichi Plant, now a Level 7, INES (same level as Chernobyl, but some differences): http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/france-wants-nato-to-fight-harder-against-gaddafis-forces/2011/04/12/AFxrFEND_story.html Meltdown in 3 of the reactors.  Speedy response to evacuate the area earlier...
  2. K

    Layton pitches veterans' benefits plan

    I know the difference between an addict talking crap to my face vs. a person who is in flashback-- the non-verbals give it away (and it can't really be faked), and I saw it out there.  Trauma is distinctive and discernable. While it's a wait to get addiction treatment, and most on the street...
  3. K

    Layton pitches veterans' benefits plan

    It seems to me you are contradicting yourself by your very argument, as I see that you are shouting slogans.  And to others, 'name-calling', objectification, personal attacks-- sticks and stones.  :P  But whatever  ::)  I will still go to bat on Veteran's rights, regardless of who comes into...
  4. K

    Layton pitches veterans' benefits plan

    Regardless, it's bringing back Veterans issues to the forefront of political debate to hold the other parties to account, and that can put pressures on the other parties to respond and show what they are doing and not doing for Veterans-- this should be a win for Veterans either way, if starting...
  5. K

    Layton pitches veterans' benefits plan

  6. K

    2011 Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami

    Helpful graphics. Hi-Resolution photographs taken by a small unmanned drone (released by AIR PHOTO SERVICE): http://cryptome.org/eyeball/daiichi-npp/daiichi-photos.htm Diane Sawyer/ABC news, check out 1:56 min-2:08, the green metal seen in the footage is the reactor core...
  7. K

    Cpl. Yannick Scherrer killed by IED 27 March 2011

    Sad loss. Condolences to the family, friends and regiment of Cpl. Scherrer.
  8. K

    2011 Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami

    Concerned about the workers health and safety at Fukushima, some casualties.  http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/press/corp-com/release/11032002-e.html
  9. K

    2011 Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami

    I wouldn't say it's all just hype, though there are some who are feeding on the drama of it which is not constructive, and panic can spread from there, as we've seen.  I think its important, to continue the efforts of getting clean food, water, shelter, warm blankets and coats, and medical...
  10. K

    2011 Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami

    http://abcnews.go.com/International/japan-nuclear-crisis-nrc-spent-fuel-pool-unit/story?id=13146516&page=3 Edit: (delete emotional)
  11. K

    2011 Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami

    It doesn't look good.  Level 6, and potentially escalating:  Workers had to evaculate the plant due to seccumbing to radiation sickness. From Associated Press: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_japan_earthquake/print
  12. K

    2011 Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami

    Nuclear Risks Monitoring radiation affected areas map by exposure levels, continually updated:  http://www.targetmap.com/viewer.aspx?reportId=4870 Relevant because risk re: acute radiation exposures, medicine needs.  Children, babies, nursing and/or pregnant women, special attention.  Lesser...
  13. K

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    I've avoided this thread, but some reading on the 'philosophy of science', can be worthwhile, foundational understanding.  Science typically relies on "controlled experiments", that's not possible when measure the fullness of ecological variables-- it can't all be accounted for and mitigated...
  14. K

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    Thanks Thucydides for sharing that great article.  It gives me further appreciation of the military for innovation and some positive trickle-down effects culturally when it comes to production of science and innovation.  Life and death situations, responding to immediacy of need concerns--...
  15. K

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    Atmospheric Energy This is the test house: http://volkerthomsen.com/ae-atmospheric-energy-storage-system/ From: http://sustainability-journal.ca/  tolmie129@rogers.com Basic Principles of AE systems: Ron Tolmie is a retired scientist from Atomic Canada.  In his retirement, he's developed...
  16. K

    Turmoil in Libya (2011) and post-Gaddafi blowback

    I suspect this is a key factor.  Gadhafi had plans to Nationalize foreign oil in Libya:  http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20110131/gadhafi-threatened-nationalizing-petro-canada-110131/ Bad investment with a nutty dictator and regime, the slightest slight and he's on a tyrade. It seems...
  17. K

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    Some update on World's Oil Reserves: http://www.cnbc.com/id/33550165?slide=1 (derived from Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy) I converted the info into a chart for myself so I could read it better.  A few things stuck out for me though: The US consumes twice as much...
  18. K

    Turmoil in Libya (2011) and post-Gaddafi blowback

    There is some Canadian Oil interests in Libya: Petro Canada (now merged with Suncor) signed a 1 billion dollar signing bonus over to Gaddafi, in exchange for 30 year contract in oil exploration. Terms of the agreement here: http://www.wikileaks.ch/cable/2008/06/08TRIPOLI498.html Libya also...
  19. K

    Punditry Gone Mad - the Coming World War

    It might depend on which groups of economists one subscribes to and which think-tanks (and which think tanks are currently still funded. . . ?) ER-- I'd be interested in hearing directly your responses to: http://www.tvo.org/TVO/WebObjects/TVO.woa?videoid?802137132001 I still think we are...
  20. K

    Turmoil in Libya (2011) and post-Gaddafi blowback

    I'm not suggesting price fixing (but I believe it's possible that happens-- there's always some criminal activity, not policed sufficiently, we find out after the fact. . . Enron?. . .), but just the chaos that naturally happens in the marketplace, creating the reality, by panic, etc. If OPEC...