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  1. K

    London Riots

    I think this is a relevant factor, re: direct causation, especially as it was spread via social media (Vancouver riots, the social media among teens, 'yeah, c'mon down'.  I was musing about 'behind the actions' re: poverty/project perspectives,  But I think excitement, acting out was a big part...
  2. K

    London Riots

    I relate to the problems of the problem of 'cultural inclusivity', I was around academics who were really rigid in that way and I hated it (orgins of 'political correctness', stuplifying effect on rational thought, which is promoted not by censorship, 'don't go there', but "here it is, what is...
  3. K

    London Riots

    I think you have some interesting insights there. There was the use of 'social media', which closed the gap re: "six degrees of separation", some stupid ideas were circulated by 'deviant/angry/trouble-maing others', just as in there was in Vancouver Riots-- I think directly causal is acting...
  4. K

    Medical Release ( merged )

    I don't think the system is against you.  And you can make yourself sicker with excessive worry over it (IME  ;) ).  Make sure you are taking care of yourself,  Exercise, socialize, hobbies, etc.-- not stressing over it, don't think or worry about it for too long, or for long periods of time. I...
  5. K

    Medical Release ( merged )

    Civilian here, I had to look up TCat and PCat to familiarize with these terms, designations.  Kind of lame, but I research for relaxation, hobby.  ;D  I'm on disability atm, ptsd (lower functioning, re: routines, etc.) -- not the end of the world.  Cutting is not necessarily suicidal-- when...
  6. K

    London Riots

    Another example of ultimate low-lifery:  Robbers pretend to be 'helping' an injured youth, while robbing from his back pack. >:D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZTywgv9s6Y&feature=related&has_verified=1 Scum, this just makes my skin crawl, nauseating. Yeah, thank goodness we can see ordinary...
  7. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    Yeah, went a long time without that 'first aid', several 'shock' events, and chaos, w/o first aid, so it did fry some of my "circuitry" but is healable.  I try to move on and keep positive, but I also know I do get bit back ayway, so I just try keep prepared for that (I've had some 'false...
  8. K

    VAC Update

    Sounds like how WSIB operates re: workers compensation/injured workers.  Percentages forumulas re: disability and they'll try to knock at a weak link.  INs. cos are profit driven, they are a business too (yeah, it's suprising to discover that, things aren't as fair and straight-forward as...
  9. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    @mariomike, Thank you for being a witness and for that spot of validation.  I feel relieved and I can let some things go.  "there it is, accept, move on. . .re-focus. . .".  (It was sometimes hard to figure out 'what the h was that?", lol).  There's a balance between being realistic, accepting...
  10. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    Great quote.  For sure it makes a difference, sometimes a short brief intervention, even 5 minutes is all it takes, as a witness which helps others re-ground.  That's powerful.  I've appreciated that via crisis line, short, brief, but what was needed.  And life before I got completly unable to...
  11. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    I can agree with all that you have said here.  And I can relate to your feelings of feeling put off by "academic types"-- I've experienced this as well.  University, there were a few professors who were exception and what made the difference was they didn't make a life of 'academica' and had...
  12. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    Curious. . . has anyone considered introducing Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, it makes sense as something that could be useful, reducing stress, re-stablizing stress response if that has become problematic. . .?  It would have to be studied. . ...
  13. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    In that discussion thread, some criticism re: CISD about it's potential to harm, did make sense, by some of the examples given.  A common exposure event (same event), a potentially vulnerable time (critical incident) +  witnessing a co-worker's traumatic reactions to the event, can have a...
  14. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    From the National Post article (http://tanadineen.com/psychologist/interviews/WhoAreTheseGriefCounsellors-National%20Post.htm) Is this what your main concern is that CISD "manufactures victims", creates conditions for malingering?
  15. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    I don't think I'm in the mood to go over risk factors atm.  But the USMC link, I think did provide a pretty good list, re: combat-related/OSI risk factors. For people coming back from Afghanistan, some could experience some post-traumatic stress effects (acute-pts) that can normally clear up in...
  16. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    An Afterthought re: resistence/barriers to seek help.  One anxiety/fear I faced was a result of 'physical threats' if I talk. . .  A few things helped.  I used the confidentiality and anonymity of crisis line to discuss some of those issues (not using names) to help me understand more...
  17. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    Stigma Busting (because Stigma is an issue the Corporal brought up. . .) From:  http://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/manuals/manual-pdf/iwcg/iraq_clinician_guide_app_j2.pdf (my emphasis added) Canadian Government:  see pie chart, conceptual representation of directions (intended, work in...
  18. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    Resilience Tips, General and Through Recovery: From:  http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/road-resilience.aspx# Some of the CBT techniques can go a long way as well in facilitating healthy, balanced perspective.  Through difficult times, added stress, it can be a challenge to maintain-- know how to...
  19. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

    Re: Resilience http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/homecoming.aspx and Resilience Tips Re: Homecoming:
  20. K

    The Star: An "Investigation" into Afghanistan and Violence in Canada

      Whoa. . . couldn't find a 'barfing smiley' to accompany my reaction to that ;)   --Thank goodness! ;D There's an old Zen saying, "chop wood, carry water", kind of a way to calm the mind, and re-ground.  Can also apply 'mindfulness skills", be intuned to the body/physiology, work safely to...