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  1. xFusilier

    Winter Election?

    True, but then again what's more likely to change the intellegence of a party or the intellegence of the electorate, or my intellegence seeing as I think that I just misspelled intellegence for the third oops no fourth time.
  2. xFusilier

    Arrogance Inc.

    We will never know if Dingwall was fired/resigned/was asked to leave/laid off/etc, those types of arrangements in terms of patronage positions are never disclosed to the public and never will be.  The only reason that Dingwall is coming out somewhat vindicated by this is poor politicking on the...
  3. xFusilier

    Winter Election?

    The reason that Stephen Harper is unpopular in the East is that many of the old-time members of his party...that being the REEEEEFORM Party (a rose by any other name) persist in casting their stereotypical biases about Easterners and Ontario in public without realizing that eventually they are...
  4. xFusilier

    Thousands chant 'Get out, Bush!'.......

    1.  Realpolitik is not simply a Cold War Containment strategy, the term itself dates to Bismarck. Although very much tied into Kissengers view of international relations it is not an out moded reference akin to the words "Fulda Gap". It is the notion that state-state relations are conducted in...
  5. xFusilier

    Thousands chant 'Get out, Bush!'.......

    If you wan't to believe that it's all roses and sunshine surrounding US actions in South America, by all means go to er.  Ignorance is bliss so they say.  However, the US did in fact bullwark several very nasty South American governments on the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" principal and we...
  6. xFusilier

    Winter Election?

    Unfortunately there are members of the Conservative party who believe that an electon is a great time to comment on issues that are outside of the party platform or if they are in the party platform, have completly nothing to do with the price of Tea in China.  This ammounts to usually one or...
  7. xFusilier

    Thousands chant 'Get out, Bush!'.......

    I would argue that current events in the middle east do not indicate that realpolitik is passing but rather an attempt by a government to justify unpopular actions.  I would argue that in the final analysis, when political ideologies are not in the way the actions in the middle east will be seen...
  8. xFusilier

    Thousands chant 'Get out, Bush!'.......

    What I'm trying to get across, and probably doing a poor job of it is that before we take Pat Robertson's advice and make sure he "sleeps widda fishes", a couple of key questions have to be answered, namely: 1.  What are the advantages of doing this vice simply staying the course? 2.  What is...
  9. xFusilier

    Thousands chant 'Get out, Bush!'.......

    Somewhere between John Wayne Movies are a great example of the way international relations should be conducted and now. Perhaps, but then again, let's say that you've got a Sgt-Maj in the regiment who was a notorious piss-head and all of a sudden finds Jesus/does the Twelve Steps - what ever -...
  10. xFusilier

    Thousands chant 'Get out, Bush!'.......

    So what's your point.  The west have dealt with people of this ilk for many, many years and called them friends/defenders of democracy.  The United States has propped up governments of far worse than Chavez's ilk (Pinochet/the Argentine Junta) all under the name of realpolitik.  So who's to say...
  11. xFusilier

    Winter Election?

    What would have to be done to get Ontarians to want to go to the polls hmmm: 1.  Replace Stephen Harper with Peter MacKay 2.  Lobotomize all of the mouth breathers in the Conservative Party who think the party is the political wing of the Heritage Front and think its a great idea to comment on...
  12. xFusilier

    Old Civil Charge and Fingerpint check = recruiting process delay (was: "crud")

    If it was only a charge and you were not convicted you may be able to apply to have the record purged, you may also have to apply to the RCMP to have any records held federally in reference to the fingerprinting that was done purusant to the Identification of Criminals Act.  However, in terms of...
  13. xFusilier

    Summer camps .... what did you get!

    I am presently employed at WCSTC, All cadets arriving at Whitehorse will travel in uniform
  14. xFusilier

    What was your price Stronach??????

    No one is asking though, why is it that...a star member of the opposition, which is supposedly the government in waiting, given the present political climate would cross the floor: because simply put if we were to have a general election tommorrow we would still have a Liberal government.  The...
  15. xFusilier

    DP3B Rant

    All En Force only spoke French, Ptl Comds had to deal with them through an attached interpreter. That's one of the better ideas I've heard in a long time...almost a thing of beauty in its simplicity (wondering why I never thought of it myself).
  16. xFusilier

    Guns and Mortars

    Thanks Mike, As a former PLF mortarman that made for a good read, and brought back a lot of great memories.
  17. xFusilier

    Alternate for the CIC

    I come from a bit of a different background then a lot of people who have posted one this subject, I am a 6A Res Infantry MCpl who works with a Cadet Corps (due to the fact that the nearest Res Unit is 1400 km away), for those of you who think that those who  decide to lead in the cadet movement...
  18. xFusilier

    Policy for standing up stood down regiments.

    I dont think they went to the Yukon Regt.  The Yukon Regt wasn't around long enough to have colours presented to it.  The RCMP does have SIBERIA 1918-19 emblazoned on it's Guidon however, the most likely reason that it is the only one is that it is the only unit that survived to present day.
  19. xFusilier

    Alternate for the CIC

    Not unless they've changed it... Pass RESO II - promoted 2Lt Pass RESOIII - promoted to Lt At least thats the way it used to work in the infantry, and I know for a fact there are tons of reserve infantry officers out there who do not have degrees IMHO the whole degree thing is a red herring.
  20. xFusilier


    However Americans tend to conventiently forget that the reason the people below the 49th paralell don't have colours or engage in behaviour or write cheques is largely due to the French