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  1. xFusilier

    Can you recognize this rifle?

    Judging from the sights its most likely a No.3
  2. xFusilier

    Old Rucksack?

    I couldn't vought for the provenance of the item, but I'm pretty sure it was at one time Canadian Issue (somewhere before the 1964 Pat Cargo Pack and the C2 Rucksack).  The reason I say this is my Dad used to have one kicking around and I can remember the fit he had when my mom threw it out ;D
  3. xFusilier

    Name The Weapon!!!

    Chauchat Light Machine Gun
  4. xFusilier

    Question of the Hour

    The Royal Fusiliers
  5. xFusilier

    CF Flag on Cpl Braun's Coffin

    There is an option, if the deceased next of kin so requests to have the CF Ensign draped on the casket in place of the National Flag.  CFAO 24-5 refers http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/024-05_e.asp
  6. xFusilier

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    M551 pretending to be a T-72
  7. xFusilier

    Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

    MGen MacKenzie did not serve in the ranks he was commisioned a 2lt in the Queens Own Rifles through the University Officer Training Corps.
  8. xFusilier

    The Army Reserves - Annapolis Valley

    The unit in Middleton is a platoon of the West Nova Scotia Regiment.  You should contact the recruiter for the WNSR in Aldershot - (902) 678-7930 ext. 2101
  9. xFusilier

    Wikipedia's featured article for the next 24 hrs spotlights Army

    I agree it is WIkipedia is no replacement for primary sources of research, however, I just did a Cell Biology course that had a large amount of technical vocabulary that I had to be confortable with, I found it to be a great resource for things like that.  I've also used it as a primer to a...
  10. xFusilier

    Whitehorse. What should I expect?

    The camp has a number of Remington 870P shotguns that are usually issued on a basis of 1 per platoon or patrol as a predator control weapon.  All of the areas in which training is conducted are quite isolated and bear encounters have happened.  The cam has been fortunate in that the encounters...
  11. xFusilier

    Got my offer, but with 5 months in PAT?? Yea, I don't think so...

    The term AWWWW Muffin! comes to mind.  If you'd prefer to decline your offer, with no guarantee that you'd get another, next selection board may see candidates that are far more competitive than you, for the sake of a class B contract by all means, especially seeing as the CF only hires CEOTP's...
  12. xFusilier

    Who can wear a boat cloak?

    CF Dress Regulations: Art. 3 of the Forward as well as Chapter 1 Art.3 refers.
  13. xFusilier

    The Canadian Armed Forces Supplementary Order of Battle

    "Ducimus" - Regiments of Canadian Infanry whose authors name escapes me (and to be honest I probably buggered up the title as well) lists the regiments that form the RCIC supplementary order of battle.  Of the top of my head the Canadian Guards, The Perth Regiment and The Yukon Regiment are on...
  14. xFusilier

    Conservative minority government

    Ballots have the name of the party in full written under the candidates name.  Seeing as the Conservatives have been campaigning as Conservative for the past two elections as Conservative, I doubt anyone mixed up "Progressive Canadian Party" with "Conservative Party".
  15. xFusilier

    Conservative minority government

    Your base does not get you elected to power - as witnessed by conservatives (in what ever permutation) failing to form the government over 5 general election.  It might cause you to loose an election, usually only once because in terms of conservatives it usually works that conservatives abandon...
  16. xFusilier

    Conservative minority government

    The gun registry had very little to do with the conservatives victory.  People who saw firearms control as the single biggest issue, have been voting Reform/CCRAP/Conservative in every election since 1995 and probably earilier than that.  The story of this election was not that the Conservatives...
  17. xFusilier

    Conservative minority government

    In terms of registration of non-restricted firearms, the only thing that can be done through order in council is push the date upon which it becomes an offence not to have registered non-restricted firearms.  As for prohibited firearms those are now prohibited by statute instead of Order in...
  18. xFusilier

    Electing the Judicary

    It is, through called Parliament Let me ask you what happens when someone who, is accused of a high profile crime for which their is great indignation is wrongly convicted and goes down for 25 years simply so a judge can look good in an election year? As have I in terms of s.109 CC orders...
  19. xFusilier

    Multiculturalism or Melting Pot Discussion- Merged

    What is Canadian culture?  The fact that it is very difficult to define "Canadian culture"  points to the fact that that there is nothing to melt into.  The mosiac is in and of itself consistently changing,  and I have yet to see an argument outside of "things just won't be like they used to"...
  20. xFusilier

    Revitalization of Corrections Canada

    Good luck with that, why not make it a class action suit, I'll sign up if you pay for the lawyer.