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Search results

  1. Sparkplugs

    MFRC Daycare

    I found a couple of awesome ladies who are stay at home moms who sit for me. One of them is having a baby, which is why I end up dealing with the MFRC, so she can have a few weeks off with the new nugget. Depending on the base, there are lots of resources -- ie, Trenton has a Facebook page...
  2. Sparkplugs

    Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

    One more happy to answer. I'm an AVN from enrollment, but my husband came from the green side, so I can definitely get some info on that side as well.
  3. Sparkplugs

    MFRC Daycare

    I had an enormous fight earlier this year with the MFRC here. Their priority list goes as follows: Full-time military kids, full-time civvie kids, part-time military kids, part-time civvie kids, casual military kids, casual civvie kids. I don't know, man, but for me, you are a MILITARY family...
  4. Sparkplugs

    My military partner rejects the idea of me joining the military.

    I'm half of a service couple -- feel free to pm me and I'll do what I can in terms of into/advice/experience for ya.
  5. Sparkplugs

    MATA and PATA ( Parental Leave )

    Well, that's close. You don't lose a week of pay for every 12 months on mata/pata, you lose the military top-up of a week's worth of pay, not the whole thing, seeing as EI kicked in some. In my case, I'll owe about 60% of a week's pay for my year on maternity/parental. Still crap, I think that's...
  6. Sparkplugs

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    Thank you, I'll definitely let her know!
  7. Sparkplugs

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    Quick little pmq question. The lady down the road babysits my son, and gas three kids of her own. There are vermin living around/under her porch, both front anf back, on her pmq. I don't mean mice, or moles, or bees, it's rats. Big, brown rats. I thought at first she was exaggerating when she...
  8. Sparkplugs

    Improved Combat Uniform

    No comment!  ;D
  9. Sparkplugs

    Improved Combat Uniform

    Well thank you for this, now I have to clean the chocolate milk out of my keyboard.  ;D
  10. Sparkplugs

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    That's what I heard too. Little disappointed, not gonna lie, but what can ya do? It was money I never expected to get, so bonus anyway!
  11. Sparkplugs

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    Pfft, jealous! You guys and your on-the-ball-ness.  ;D
  12. Sparkplugs

    Female Applicant Personal Stories

    I'm an AVN tech. :) I'll PM you tomorrow when I have some more time.
  13. Sparkplugs

    Female Applicant Personal Stories

    I'm one of the authors of one of the posts linked above...  :nod: And if you have any questions about anything, let me know here or by PM, even if they're ridiculous. Seriously, I asked someone what I was supposed to do with my birth control at St. Jean. I know a couple of female med techs as...
  14. Sparkplugs

    Timeline for AVOTP

    Thanks! I had a friend send me the list of file numbers this morning... Yours is under Career-General, and 5710-1 is Remusters and Occupational Transfers. If you want the document with the list of all of the numbers, PM me and I can send it to you. :) Cheers!
  15. Sparkplugs

    CAF Combat boots policy 2005-2018

    The regular GPs I can fit fine, but as soon as you stick the steel toe in there, I'm done for. Frustrating!
  16. Sparkplugs

    CAF Combat boots policy 2005-2018

    Sorry I can't help with Kingston-specific questions, but the dude that used to do the Trenton custom boots is gone for who knows how long, so they're in the same boat as you guys, it sounds like. I had custom boots done up with foot molding, fitting all that business, start to finish, for 2...
  17. Sparkplugs

    Timeline for AVOTP

    Just a quick question. With the memo to inform/ask your CoC, is there a specific file number for OTs? I spent some time in the books today and couldn't locate a list of file numbers. Specifically, I'm looking to apply for the flight attendant job, which isn't exactly an OT (because you go back...
  18. Sparkplugs

    Operation Walking Tall

    Do they have to be tan, or will black be okay as well? I think mine might be too small -- men's 4 or 4.5, but the husband has a shit-ton of black boots, assorted types, around size 11-12, any need for these?
  19. Sparkplugs

    Redress of Grievance – Mega thread [MERGED]

    I was told an IC would be the next step if I "didn't keep my nose clean." Thank you all so much for your information and advice, it's all good stuff and I'll definitely be able to make use of it. I appreciate all of your efforts.
  20. Sparkplugs

    Redress of Grievance – Mega thread [MERGED]

    Sorry for the confusion. Perhaps corrective PDR would have been a better term. Basically, I was accused of missing a mandatory function, and a corrective PDR was written to that effect. I was on leave when all of the information about this function came about, and I was on course and not on the...