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  1. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Maybe not prohibition, but think of the lives that could be saved if we took that 2 billion dollars and spent it equipping every vehicle with a Breathalyzer switch. Now that would actually make a difference.
  2. R

    Afghan Detainee Mega Thread

    I guess the problem here would be that there is no viable alternative in place, and I highly doubt that we will get the leaders of the various terror organizations to attend a conference to hammer out a new â Å“rules of warâ ? agreement. Besides, since its inception the Geneva Convention has...
  3. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    And if it was, then it's no different then a pistol. In fact, it's less effective for a criminal then a pistol due to its larger size. The only people made safer by firearms registration and prohibition are criminals.
  4. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Yes, actually it is. Or at least it the US equivalent of "prohibited". Private ownership of automatic weapons has been restricted in the US since the 1930's. Only people with special licenses can own them. The same is true in Canada.
  5. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Interesting thread. There is no proof that gun control in its current incarnation works. In fact, all proof points to the contrary. 1- Handguns have been registered in Canada since the 1960's. Handgun crime has gone continuously up. The same has happened in European countries like England...
  6. R

    Adscam/ Gomery Inquiry/ et al

    If don't pay my taxes, they can ultimatly put me in jail, but behavior like this (and the sponsoship thing as a whole) goes unpunished. It makes me sick everytime I see the almost 50% taken off the top on my paycheck. I wish someone would come up with a system to make politicians accountable...
  7. R

    JTF-2 Members Can't get Disability Payments

    The problem, from what I have read, isn't with the unit being secret, but with the missions being secret. Since the mission "never happened" an injury suffered by a soldier on that mission is never reported nor officially documented. They are therefore not able to collect a pension for them...
  8. R

    Advanced Infantry Training

    When i first joined (1989) I remember some people mentioning an Advanced Infantry Course, but I was under the impression that it was just a unit thing. I've never seen one of these course take place.
  9. R

    Islam and Western Society

    I don't agree with most of the tone or the content of the article, BUT the point I wanted to bring up with it is that people are using Islam, and the â Å“freedom of religionâ ? blanket as a cover to get away with what would otherwise be considered criminal and borderline and treasonous acts...
  10. R

    Operations in Built-Up Areas (OBUA)

    Nobody's mentioned it, but multiple points of entry is also very problematic for structures where the layout is not know (again the battles in Falluja are an example). The tactics used for precision DA attacks do not all port to extended urban battles. I think you can separate the tactics and...
  11. R

    Islam and Western Society

    This article will probably stir up some interesting discussion. I don't necessarily agree with everything in it, but I do agree that there now seems to be an "every religion but christianity" double standard prelevant in our society. http://www.michnews.com/artman/publish/article_6378.shtml
  12. R

    Bloc Quebecois Leader To Visit Alberta!

    Much of the whole sovereignty thing the Bloc calls for is more like decentralization of the Federal government and Alberta and Quebec have much common ground on that issue.
  13. R

    Ubique - Pronounced "u-beek" or "u-bik-way"?

    From what I remember of the latin classes I took in high-school. Both pronunciations are acceptable, however â Å“YOU-BEEK-WAYâ ? would be a proper pronunciation, while â Å“YOU-BEEKâ ? would be a gutteral/slang pronunciation. Sort of like â Å“rosaeâ ? can be pronounced either â Å“ROZ-AYEâ ...
  14. R

    How the Pentagon rewrote the film 'GoldenEye' to include a Canadian adm

    I don't find anything insidous about this. If you want my stuff, then you'll have to listen to my input; it's an age old game. Besides, I'd pay money to have Famke Janssen wrap her legs around my head  ;D
  15. R

    JTF-2 Patrol / Tactical vests? any info?

    Damn ... CDN $529.35 and your reserve still wasn't met? How much were you asking for it?  ???
  16. R

    Jungle Warfare

    It's funny that stuff like this is even considered news. I'm surprised they didn't spin it as "Jungle Peacekeeping"  ::)
  17. R

    Kifaru Tailgunner as Buttpack Replacement

    Kifaru does make some kickass stuff;   I've got my eye on a Zulu for next year ;) I beleive the belt also had PALS attachements on it, making it possible to pouches to like you would with webbing. I wonder how this thing would interact with body armour on? Also, looking at it, I think the...
  18. R

    JTF2 & AFG (merged)

    Harleys are only used by the super secret JTF-3! Shhhhhhhh   :-X Darn, I've said too much already. Mods, please delete this post before the black Hyundai Accents (Canada can't afford black helicopters) show up to destroy the servers    :o
  19. R

    JTF2 & AFG (merged)

    OH! OH! OH! So if I grow a beard I should have no problem making it through selection right? Dammit, I knew their was a trick to it; they won't let you pass unless you have beard! Screw that PT shit, I'm just throwing away all my razors! Gentlemen, I think we're on to something here.
  20. R

    JTF2 & AFG (merged)

    Given the insurmountable evidence that: 1- Assault pioneers guys are big burly guys with beards 2- JTF guys are big burly guys with beards I think the only logical conclusion that can be reached, is that JTF soldiers are all assault pioneer qualified. It also stands to reason that ZZ Top were...