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  1. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Ceasar, I believe your argument can be summed up with   â Å“I want to feel safe, so lets make sure nobody has gunsâ ?.   Logically this is the only conclusion I can draw from your statements. I own a pistol and a rifle, and regardless of the law there is nothing stopping me from going out...
  2. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    My view that self-defense is in effect illegal is based on the fact that the tools for effective self-defense are themselves denied to me. So if someone attacks me using a gun or a knife and I'm a law-abiding citizen, I might be armed with my keys or a flashlight, or in the extreme a pocketknife...
  3. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    What I'm arguing for is that I should be able to purchase a firearm for self defense purposes. I'm also arguing for CCW in Canada. As for an increase in firearms ownership, well that's up to people to decide now isn't it? Please support that belief with facts. I think enough proof of the...
  4. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Did you read my post at all? A â Å“magic solutionâ ? would be some magical law that immediately makes people safer and removes violent crime from society. That's what the anti-gun crowd is looking for and it doesn't exist. The effect of their actions is in fact the reverse of what they want to...
  5. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Can a country (like Canada) control the flow of anything across its borders? We can't control drugs, we can't control people, and we can't control firearms. China, North Korea, and Cuba have effective means of curbing trafficking, but do you really want to live there? My point here being that...
  6. R

    Infantry Reserve in Gagetown Infantry school

    I've done the demo platoon thing in Gagetown several times. As to whether you'll get the all the shit jobs, it's a crapshoot. I've seen some reservists sections getting â Å“riddenâ ? and treated like shit and others just seamlessly integrated. Will you get shit jobs? Probably, what would you do...
  7. R

    Cadpat and Personal Info in the Surplus

    RV: Fair enought. My comments were not all directed at you, but at the tone of some other posts in the thread.  Anyway, I guess we more or less agree so it's all good. If the classification of the CADPAT goods pans out as described, then does a CANFORGEN ordering their destruction have any...
  8. R

    Drug use/drug testing in the CF (merged)

    All other issues asside, I   think the real question is simple: when do we declare the "war on drugs" lost? It seems to me that with the quasi-acceptance marijuana has in our current society that the "war on pot" has defenitly been lost. I think we need to re-org and re-think our strategy...
  9. R

    Cadpat and Personal Info in the Surplus

    Agreed, but since no one responded to it in the other thread and this one seems to have more activity, I though I would transpose it here. I don't know whether the claims made by CEL are true or false and I'm actually hoping someone here (maybe a supply type) who has access to the relevant...
  10. R

    Cadpat and Personal Info in the Surplus

    Here's a comment on the CADPAT stuff by the guy himself in a similar thread in the equipment forum According to him, and the information he has been given, CADPAT clothing are NOT controlled items.
  11. R

    Report warns of rising tide of U.S. 'anti-<Canadianism>'

    What about Canadian Anti-Canadianism? I'm Canadian and have trouble reconciling the fact that I live in the same country as the people who keep re-electing the liberals. ;D
  12. R

    All Arms Light Forces

    This sounds so vague as to suggest that they really don't know what the hell to do with the light units. Has the working group actually outlined the types of operations that light units should be able to perform? This does seem to be a major part of the problem. I also believe the US "Light"...
  13. R

    Cadpat and Personal Info in the Surplus

    RV, you're not getting my point. If someone deemed that that stuff should NOT be sold, then how did it make its way to a surplus store in the first place? The problem here isn't the store; it's the CF. The people who should be punished and whacked with the big stick are the supply fucks who...
  14. R

    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

    Why not just create a "JTF-2" forum on the board to act as a lightning rod, or maybe be a little sneakier and call it "Special Operations" (shades of SOCNET's old "delta" forum)  ;D
  15. R

    New CADPAT Uniform for the RCR

    Now that is some funny shit
  16. R

    Spy Agency

    I believe the separation of foreign and security intelligence services have to do with the mandate and â Å“rulesâ ? surrounding each type of organization. Security intelligence organizations usually have strict operating parameters that they must adhere to, in part to protect our right to...
  17. R

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    Well, you're right, I haven't been to Manitoba. I just never met anybody in the army who was fluent (I do say FLUENT, not just functional) in both languages who wasn't originally from Qc or NB. I wonder if the gov has any actually statistics on this. Might help elucidate this mystery.
  18. R

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    I think the bottom line here is that, all things being equal, bilingualism is advantage that helps you get ahead. Now Quebec being what it is, I think it tends to generate more functionally bilingual people then any other province. I've never met someone who was fluent (written and oral) in both...
  19. R

    WOW, this is interesting..The "Logan" is a developmental design for the Canadian

    Was going to say just that. The "Logan" has been around for a few years (pre 2001 at least). I for one am anxiously awaiting your pics  ;D
  20. R

    Theater & Continental Balistic Missile Defence . . . and Canada

    This is going be way off topic, so mods feel free to branch it. Both of those threats are actually very improbable. Now, instead of repeating what has been said in other places, I will link to discussions and articles posted on another board, in this case the Lightfighter discussion board (I'm...