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  1. R

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    The school thing sickens me but it's like that everywhere now. According to them it's *never* ok to fight and if attacked you should just take it without fighting back. The school system is indoctrinating our kids to be victims. Why? I don't know but I could chime in with my conspiracy theory again.
  2. R

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    Concerning the knife thing and the 15ft rule. What is means is that from 15 ft a person can close the distance and stab you before you can draw your gun and shoot. I think it has also been legally established that a person with a knife within 15ft of you can constitute a deadly threat (don't...
  3. R

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    So if get this straight, according to the law Guy breaks into my house and takes my DVD player I confront him (no weapons) and say: â Å“hey put that downâ ? He says no and tries to run So according to Sec. 38 1(a) and 1(b) I cannot physically try and stop him (this would require a struggle and...
  4. R

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    Now you're getting into "citizen's arrest" territory. I'm honestly not sure if Canadian law still has anything to cover this. Also, as pointed out, there's also the case of the guy running away with your possessions. While I think I *should* be able to run after and subdue him to recover my...
  5. R

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    Now that is just assinine. So every fight has to basically look like a hockey fight? Do you know how this extends to the use weapons; i.e. guy slashes at you and you move out of the way and hit him. Do you have to wait for him to slash again before doing something else? This just goes to...
  6. R

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    True, but that goes out the window when the guy turns around and starts running. Chasing him out of the store=good Attacking his car=bad (at this point you've gone from self-defense to wanting to punish the guy for his actions; that's not your job).
  7. R

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    It's the cult of non-responsibility. We have gotten to the point where not only do we not want to be responsible for ourselves, but we seem to have empowered the government to actively deter us from taking responsibility for ourselves. How we got here, I'm not sure anymore. I think it's tied...
  8. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    I wasn't going to post anymore but I can't help it. Either: 1- You live in a really small idyllic town. 2- You don't read the newspaper 3- You're willingly ignorant and/or dumb Pick one (ok, 2 and 3 overlap).   If it's 1), please tell me where this is so I can find out if they need IT...
  9. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    I don't understand exactly what you (or Grossman) means here. 1- Being prepared makes aggression SEEM more likely 2- Or Being prepared MAKES aggression more likely
  10. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    As always happens in gun-control debates, facts were presented and ignored in favor of philosophical beliefs. Theirs is no more point in arguing since people's true colours have shone through. I had an entire post that went in to personal attacks. It was cathartic to write, but I decided to post...
  11. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    The case FOR gun control has always been light on hard facts and big on emotional pleas (i.e â Å“My brother was shot please help me ban all gunsâ ?). Once you actually break down the numbers in the statistics and look at them rationally you have to realize that if you applied the same threshold...
  12. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    How so, I don't see that, please explain your logic to me. As for the people who think this has to do with â Å“right to keep and bear armsâ ?, it doesn't, not directly. It has to do with individual freedom and the mechanism through which we limit freedom for the good of society. If you want to...
  13. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    I don't recall this study, got a link? I will however bet that it groups homicides, suicides and accidents into one whole â Å“firearms deathsâ ? category. I have seen similar statistics from Toronto. Once broken down to exclude suicides and accidents, homicides only represented about 15% of...
  14. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    KevinB: nice piece. I need a digital camera  :-[
  15. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    When, were, what's the answer? I have never since I have owned a gun (15+ years) seen a study that shows that responsible civilian ownership and use of firearms constitutes a threat to society. If you have one, please let me know where it is. The bottom line is the pro-registration/anti-gun...
  16. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Ceasar, now you're avoiding the question, please answer it. You cannot create laws based on what you think others should and should not do, you need to have some kind of real justification. If you impose laws based on beliefs without any supporting evidence, then legally and morally you are on...
  17. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    The argument should not be philosophical it should be about facts. I don't want my freedom to depend on philosophical beliefs. Show me the proof that indicates that a legally carried handgun poses a significant threat of being used in an illegal way? It seems we already established that...
  18. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    I didn't say it was a right, what I'm saying is that if I want to carry a firearm to defend myself, what right do YOU have to prevent me. The state does not confer freedom onto us, as people we are all equal and willfully choose to give up some of our freedom to live in a â Å“civilizedâ ...
  19. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Ok, fine, so YOU are telling ME that I can't do something, therefore limiting my freedom. Whenever society limits people's freedom in some way, they need (or at least should) have evidence that this is somehow for the best. What evidence do you have that justifies limiting my freedom?
  20. R

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    And how are we doing so now? There is nothing keeping me from illegally carrying my legally owned pistol on me except respect for the law. As for the rest of your post, almost every day I read the newspaper or listen to the news and hear of an incident that could have been prevented had a...