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  1. Hopkins

    Aptitude testing

    For the basic CFAT all they say is its grade 10 lvl (ontario)...Just know how to divide decimals and fractions...
  2. Hopkins

    Aptitude testing

    Don't even bother studying for it...The questions are 100 times harder than the practice tests...They won't ask you 2,4,6,8, ... whats the next number...It'll be 1,2,4,7,17,33... And verbal...Jebus memorize your dictionary...Whats Luquacious and Sagacious mean anyway?
  3. Hopkins

    Fitness Test

    Ummm...the step test is easy yes...But its about 6 minutes...You can complete it but still fail if your heart rate is too high so get fit now... I also failed my friggin hand grip test by 10KG so m pissed to hell...Bought one of those Nautilus things today...Will be takin it again next month
  4. Hopkins

    Age Limits to Join

    Christ dude you put my plans in a nutshell...If you go into the reserves right now you need to finish grade 10...So don't get too worked up until then... Make sure before your tests to have a fairly vast mathematical, verbal, and spatial ability (used in CFAT) and make sure you train hard so...
  5. Hopkins

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    I dunno much yet cause m still waiting to get in but I've heard nothin but crap about the MP's...Every grunt hates em cause they dont let em do anything...And they're a law freak...Anyways...I'd agree with the WHY statement lol! :threat:
  6. Hopkins

    The Grip Strength Superthread- Read Here First

    Yea I took all my tests today and failed the PT only cause I couldn't meet the limit of hand grip...Pissed off... Personally...though it doesn't really matter, they should find some other way to test that part of muscular strenth...Or many m just pissed cause I failed it :P Takin test in about...
  7. Hopkins

    started paper work today

    Good luck with the 14 day thing...took me 2 and 1/2 months and I had to call them to make them remember... Anyways good luck with everything else.  :salute:
  8. Hopkins

    And the journey begins.

    I'll be getting an engineering degree and if I can i'm going to also take a military strategy which would be a bonus. Anyways...Today I took my tests, Medical, PT, and APT...(Man I feel like an idiot sayin PT, Math, and APT...<--N00b lol) Anyways...I passed everything except for that damn hand...
  9. Hopkins

    Fitness Test

    Thanks R031...M trying to get one of those balls or donought shapped things but Cdn tire doesn't have em right now :( And tuesday is comin up pretty fast so we'll see.
  10. Hopkins

    Fitness Test

    I'm still fixed on what this Hand-Grip test is all about...Would someone mind explaining it a little more clear or even if there is a picture it would help me ...  Cause i'm absolutely clueless on what it is or how to do it or hwo to train for it...I did some forearm exercises last night but the...
  11. Hopkins

    Physical Requirements

    Just want to ask a simple question here...  Are these requirements and standards for the Reserve units as well?  (The running time mostly) :salute:
  12. Hopkins

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    I also have flat feet and also wear insoles...However I think insoles would be allowed but maybe someone who has been through the experience could enlighten us?  I'm also a runner, hiker, and a sports fanatic (Golf, Hockey, etc...)  Military is going to be my life.  And no stupid feet are gonna...
  13. Hopkins

    Reserve Training

    I'm with ya man...M taking a couple of my tests next week and I'll let ya know how it goes and what to look out for... How old are you?  Cause i'm 16 and truly am looking forward to this. :threat:
  14. Hopkins

    The Grip Strength Superthread- Read Here First

    Never knew Hand Grip was such a biggy...Sorry to hear about it man and thanks for the heads up...Considering m getting myself ready. Edit:  Hah scuse me for being a nooby...What do they require you to do for hand grip?
  15. Hopkins

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    I'm taking my tests next week so I haven't started my SQ just yet... However I am worried about the SQ dates. I'm still in Highschool for the next year and a half...I can't be gone 20 days to complete that course...Especially since I'm going to Shilo and Fort Lewis with my Regiment (5th RCA in...
  16. Hopkins

    Self Evaluation and Preparing for Fitness Test & Course.

    I'm taking my PT next week and have been running at 2.4 for the last 2 or 3 months...I can do it easily in under 12 min...I'm 16, 5"9 3/4 and weigh 150...Just wondering what you think a good time for the reserve PT would be and how long it takes you guys to do it. Can't wait to start  >:D :threat:
  17. Hopkins

    And the journey begins.

    Hey all, My name is Brandon Hopkins, I'm 16 and in grade 11 and have just been accepted for the 5th (B.C.) Reserve Field Regiment of the RCA (Royal Canadian Artillery)  I am going to be completing my PT, Math, and APT I think it is... All I wanna ask is if there is any advice on what to do for...