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  1. Navy_Blue

    The Trews new video...Bravo Zulu!!!

    Yeah that was from the Olympics.  One of the few times I have been impressed by US Media. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrA4V6YF6SA
  2. Navy_Blue

    The Trews new video...Bravo Zulu!!!

    I just saw the new Trews video "Highway of Heros."  Figured it deserved a better spot than radio chatter.  These guys are amazing and they really hit me with this.  :salute: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrkgV5bl7kQ&feature=player_embedded If your a soldier, a sailor, or an airman these guys...
  3. Navy_Blue

    An end to our games

    We the people in uniform help defend our country.  Our Athletes defend and have defended our Honour.  Bravo Zulu to all our Canadian Athletes.    :salute: I am so proud to be Canadian right now! :cdn:
  4. Navy_Blue

    Question about Navy response to natural disasters

    I still don't understand why we're not sending the tanker or our JSS....Wait that's right the tanker is a museum piece that can barely start her boiler without a seance...Darn we didn't think we needed to start building ours JSS yet.  Oh well maybe next Earth Quake    :(
  5. Navy_Blue

    Taliban "Workplace Accident" Merged Thread

    Do you still get your virgins if your incompetent???  ;D
  6. Navy_Blue

    Navy History

    This was sent to everyone on the base today.  Thought this was another fitting place to put it  :salute: On January 12, 1910 :  The Naval Service Bill is introduced into the House of Commons. The government proposal is for a naval force of 11 ships, costing $3,000,000.00 annually. Though the...
  7. Navy_Blue

    Sailors don't wear CADPAT direction by CANFORGEN

    On the being “more visible” note.  The submariners in the mix are expected to be able to wear our covies as walking out dress.  We are planning on dolphins for our ball caps and we might be able to wear our white sweaters through out the dockyard.  I think its far overdue myself.  Up until now...
  8. Navy_Blue

    Trident: No More Beards @ Sea

    The beard issue was a more serious one when we had the Chemox really.  The first types of SCBA were demand systems not positive pressure.  Because of the Chemoxs nature it was not a true positive pressure system.  Meaning that regardless of weather you have a seal or not the mask maintains...
  9. Navy_Blue

    Heads of navy, army and air force on plane that barely avoided mid-air collision

    Bruce Campion-Smith Ottawa bureau chief OTTAWA–Canada came close to losing its senior military leaders in the near-collision of a government Challenger jet and a commercial jetliner over British Columbia, the Star has learned. The April incident is now prompting questions why the military...
  10. Navy_Blue

    HMCS Chicoutimi {MERGED}

    On a Diesel powered sub we get a lot of our air when we charge.  Most gets sucked in for the diesel the rest is ours.  When we are dived and if it’s a long time we monitor the atmosphere and if it gets to low we burn a O2 candle and turn on our C02 absorption unit.  If we have a fire or our air...
  11. Navy_Blue

    Iraq to get $9 Billion US worth of mil. equipment, including 140 Abrams tanks?

    I wonder how much of this equipment is already in Iraq?  Its pretty jammy having a buyer for all your gear in theater.  No shipping costs and maybe even less extensive maintenance cost.  Why rebuild a used tank from the tracks up when you can paint it.
  12. Navy_Blue

    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Navy

    Kinda funny the Yanks are moving a lot of there gear west to counter the Chiness.  Now the Russians want to play again.
  13. Navy_Blue

    Are Submarines a required capability in a modern Navy??

    Wow +1 there gwp  :salute: :cdn:
  14. Navy_Blue

    HMCS WINNIPEG departs for six month deployment

    I'm willing to bet many of the Crew in the Wardroom on that ship and some of the Ops types new the kind of rules they were playing with.  However I'm sure many of the lower deck and junior personnel who spent seven hours chasing these goons too really were not aware of what would happen once...
  15. Navy_Blue

    HMCS WINNIPEG departs for six month deployment

    I've been down in the states the last few days and the American media is reporting that the Winnipeg had the pirates in custody but let them go.  They said our reasoning was that they had not committed any crimes against Canada so we had no reason to detain them.  They chased them for seven...
  16. Navy_Blue

    Hmmm...I wounder what the big lift ship is for??

    Well if you drove over the Mackay thismorning you would have seen the Tern settleing down to accept her cargo.  Around 1000 you would see the HMCS Chicoutimi tugged up the harbour and by now loaded on the Tern.  Still odds and end things to do but she will be on her way to the west coast soon...
  17. Navy_Blue

    Hmmm...I wounder what the big lift ship is for??

    Well for those of you in Halifax you may have noticed the MV Tern a heavy lift ship.  Over the next few days if you keep an eye on it you may get to see some interesting things.  I'll update further as more information becomes available to everyone.  More to Follow
  18. Navy_Blue

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    +1 Canuk  ;D I'm with you on that.  Again I love the ending I thought it was really well done.  I saw the fan forum too and was really shocked how critical they all seemed. :cdn:
  19. Navy_Blue

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    I think they intentionally dropped the Greek mythology and wrote in a transition to our more or less modern one almighty creator of all things.  I think it was the intent from very early on.  Just like we have in our religious evolution <== (the Pope likes this word now >:D) over the last 2000...
  20. Navy_Blue

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    This show has had religious undertones from the get go.  Not to mention cycling history and looking at the core of what the human race is really like when push comes to shove. No it wasn't time travel but suggested as a divine intervention bringing them to a planet millions of light years...