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  1. The Rifleman

    Race Uproar Over (British) Army Troop Quota

    Bosnia or Kosovo? I was a Jacket but was lucky enough the keep away from the Saxon. Such a warry name for an up-armoured truck!  ::)
  2. The Rifleman

    All Tigers, No Donkeys - by Kurt Grant

    cancel my last - I have been in contact via e-mail with Kurt. What a thoroughly nice chap!  :salute:
  3. The Rifleman

    Race Uproar Over (British) Army Troop Quota

    they are all regulars, but there are also a large number in the TA as the same rules apply. I think that there are 2 main reasons why Commonwealth citizens join the British army - the pay (better than at home - most send back home a sizeable chunk to support parents/siblings) and the chance of...
  4. The Rifleman

    Race Uproar Over (British) Army Troop Quota

    If it wasn't for Commonwealth soldiers the British infantry would grind to a halt. Simply put the (British) MoD needs to sort out its terms and conditions of service so that the natives would seriously consider a career in the armed forces. A school leaver can earn more in McDonald's than as a...
  5. The Rifleman

    Legion of Frontiersman (Split) Twenty Seven Amazing Facts From the PPCLI History

    here is another Legion of Frontiersman, "General" Donnelly, wearing as many para wings as possible and an SAS stable belt
  6. The Rifleman

    Legion of Frontiersman (Split) Twenty Seven Amazing Facts From the PPCLI History

    Can anyone tell me what a VP button is? The LoF here in the UK tend to wear as many badges, buttons and medals as possible so i bet they are champing at the bit to get this (it obviously means a great deal to the PPCLII) - we have a problem with this pretend military organisation turning up at...
  7. The Rifleman

    Argentina Reasserts Claims To Falklands (again)

    I'm also pretty sure that the RN have a sub permanently on location but they are never listed on the strength of a garrison.
  8. The Rifleman

    Twenty Seven Amazing Facts From the PPCLI History

    not a bad looking medal at all
  9. The Rifleman

    Legion of Frontiersman (Split) Twenty Seven Amazing Facts From the PPCLI History

    Here in the UK there is a quasi military organisation called the "Legion of Frontiermen" who claim to have provided a significant number of the men for the first draft of the PPCLI - can anyone verify this?
  10. The Rifleman

    Argentina Reasserts Claims To Falklands (again)

    the British army also have a regular infantry company on the islands - they are rotated through all the regiments and sometimes this role is carried out by Territorial Army companies. This is mainly an exercise opertunity with plenty of live firing and long range comms
  11. The Rifleman

    Recoil by Andy McNab

    Recoil - the book with an image of a recoiless RPG?  ::) I am half way through and struggling with this - its pretty awful
  12. The Rifleman

    PONGO -Origin of this term

    In the British Army a "Donkey Walloper" is a term used in reference to the Royal Horse Artillery. It originates from the Great war when the gun teams got stuck in the mud and the riders would whip them to try and get moving rather than dismount and get muddy themselves! The rest of the...
  13. The Rifleman

    PONGO -Origin of this term

    "hot bunking" is still going on within the worlds navies on board submarines. They dont physically share a bunk but swap when their shifts end - hence hot (or rather warm & smelly!) bunk  ;)
  14. The Rifleman

    PONGO -Origin of this term

    Mate: Bosun's Mate, Gunner's Mate, Mate of a ship, all derive their rating from the French word "matelot" meaning sailor.
  15. The Rifleman

    UK Homeland Security Critic Canned for Comments about Minority Troops

    As an ex British squaddie (reg & reserve) I can in all honesty say that idleness has no colour - a squaddie will quite happily do as little as possible and for as long as possible. This politicians comments are just fuelling a myth - in fact due to the fact that there are more whites than blacks...
  16. The Rifleman

    Need some history: Brockville Rifles..Anyone help?

    I tried to see the turrets on Google Earth but Brockville is blurred  :(
  17. The Rifleman

    Children of Men

    HEAT had "Andy McNab" as technical advisor - that's why that scene is so good
  18. The Rifleman

    Vietnam Hero to be Awarded Medal of Honor

    I'm an ex infanteer but credit where credit is due
  19. The Rifleman

    Vietnam Hero to be Awarded Medal of Honor

    Yep - the Royal Engineers had the first signal sections (telegraphy during the Crimean War of 1854 - 1856) that blossomed into the Royal Signals (British army) the baloon battalions and kite sections joined with the Royal Flying Corps to become the RAF The Ordnance Survey (mapping) was formed...
  20. The Rifleman

    Children of Men

    it was a good enough film. I particularly liked the theme. As a Londoner married to a Romanian I was aware of many of the underlying themes - especially the need to blame all of the UKs woes on immigrants (who tend to work harder than the natives do and get paid less for it!). It was nice for me...