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  1. redleafjumper

    Trying to start a reserve unit

    It is nice that key political ridings in Quebec are getting an influx of defence cash.  It is, however, disappointing that Prince George is still out of the club despite the modest amount that would be needed to start a unit.  What is needed is for the government to allocate new monies and say...
  2. redleafjumper

    Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

    It is interesting to see this thread reactivated.  My own preferences are based on what I know, and I would suggest that what you like depends on what you are supposed to do.  I had the opportunity to try a G-36 a few years ago at the invitation of the Bundeswehr and I liked it, but I didn't...
  3. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    Geo your answer is generally correct, but a complete answer would be the long sword, hand-and-a-half, war sword or bastard sword. All of the those names refer to the same weapon.  Master of Arms Hans Talhoffer wrote his visual instruction manual on sword fighting and medieval combat in 1467...
  4. redleafjumper

    When mass killers meet armed resistance.

    +1 TCBF for raising Peel's principle #7, it really is the point of CCW.  Perhaps it might be useful to review Peel's principles of policing: "Peel's Nine Principles of Policing 1.  The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder. 2.  The ability of the police to...
  5. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    You nailed that one Van Gemeren, Bonfire is correct. Perhaps this question might be trickier:  What was the chief weapon of Talhoffer's arsenal?
  6. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    What was the name of John McCrae's horse, and what did this horse sign with his hoofprint? Cheers,
  7. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    The 14th Infantry Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment) went over in October 1914. What unit was formed under Major John Stewart to assit in putting down the second Riel Rebellion?
  8. redleafjumper

    Dealing with being home from Kandahar

    And I hope that you are taking your pipes!  The stirring notes of the "Highland Wedding" would be a good choice. Congratulations and cheers,
  9. redleafjumper

    When mass killers meet armed resistance.

    I am not aware of any Canadian colleges or university having their own armed police.  UBC has an RCMP station and presence on campus.  At most places there are Security Guards, but management philosophy tends to be that these are a sort of glorified fire picket or night watchman service.  Their...
  10. redleafjumper

    April 16, 2007 - Gunman kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

    It would be much better to spend some time on the victims.  These nutbars want attention and giving it to them just encourages the next one to break this grisly "record".
  11. redleafjumper

    When mass killers meet armed resistance.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, when someone chooses to "run amok" with a firearm, then the first thing that anyone does is get someone else with a firearm to stop that person.  I teach at a community college and the only option presented for defence is duck and cover, that is if you...
  12. redleafjumper

    April 16, 2007 - Gunman kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

    When there is a problem with a nut with a firearm, the solution to fixing it is usually to find someone else with a firearm. Here again is the classic failure of gun laws to prevent or resolve a tragedy.  The CCW license is the way to go.  Victim (gun free) Zones just make these sort of...
  13. redleafjumper

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    The conservatives will need to do a lot of work and some of what is going on is not all that helpful.  Consider this report on what our reps are telling them at the UN: This responsibility belongs to Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety, House of Commons, Ottawa ON, K1A 0A6. If you don't...
  14. redleafjumper

    Possibility of withdrawal from Afghanistan?

    I think the premise of the question is flawed in that it assumes that there is a more tolerable version of a regime which as its base  principle holds a view that western culture is fundamentally evil.  The Taliban is a political, cultural and monotheistic (like Judaism and Christianity)...
  15. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    Zalik, well done on Simo.  He is remembered as a national hero in Finland; he died in 2002.  Apparently most of his kills were made in three months, ending in March of 1940 when he was wounded in the face by a Soviet sniper.  He managed to get the sniper that shot him, but his career had ended. ...
  16. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    Geo, I am having trouble finding this answer.  While we are waiting I found one that might fill in while there is an answer to your question on colours. Who was the highest scoring sniper of all time?  How many confirmed kills and over what time period was this person's career? As a clue, no...
  17. redleafjumper

    Need Info. Touring Canadian Battle Sites in June

    This is a useful thread, I too, am going on a trip there this June and the information presented is quite helpful.  I went once before several years ago, but this time I will start at Verdun and head along the Somme to Ypres. It should be great! Cheers,
  18. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    I'll  try a WAG and go with the PPCLI. Cheers,
  19. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    I could find no record of a Patricia being awarded an Iron Cross second class (EKII) in WW1 for saving a German woman from drowning.  As for the armoured unit was it it the British Columbia Regiment (DCO) formerly Duke of Connaught's Own Rifles?
  20. redleafjumper

    Question of the Hour

    Larry, I will look into that Iron Cross matter through some German sources and see if I can find out any information.  Perhaps there is a Patricia historian floating about that could check into the regimental history from that direction. I haven't been able to locate the armoured unit referred...