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  1. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    An excellent source, which apparently is important. http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/~shs/Climate%20change/Climate%20model%20results/over%20estimate.pdf 117 predictions - three were sort of accurate and the other 114 overestimated the amount of warming. On average, the predictions forecasted two times...
  2. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Ahh remember the good old days whe the consensus was that the Earth was flat, or the Sun revolved around Earth, geologists were nuts for postulating Plate Tectonics or physicians believed ulcers were caused by stress ? They were the good old days, when consensus proved everyone wrong.
  3. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Probably about 10,000ft deep in ice.  About a year ago I was doing some work with university Co--Op students. One was a global warming devotee and we chatted a few times about what was happening.  I told him about the glacial history and how the Canadian geomorphological landscape happened...
  4. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    I have only just skimmed this yet, http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/Global/usa/report/Dealing%20in%20Doubt%202013%20-%20Greenpeace%20report%20on%20Climate%20Change%20Denial%20Machine.pdf . . . but it has a degree of desperate, knowing they are losing  odour  about it.  Same old, same old smears...
  5. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Debate in Parliament, unfortunately not ours. Australia has a new government and is cutting off the money going to global warming stuff.  A few days later has a debate and David Cameron will face a challenge to switch their Party plank to remove their support for the Climate Change Act (2008)...
  6. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    The IPCC AR5 is coming out soon. Some good background info from Climate Audit/Steve McIntyre on the process and some key players.  Steve took the summer off so it is good to have him back in the debate. And another post from Donna LaFramboise highlighting the 50:1 documentary...
  7. H

    Second CC-177 operational

    Heavy lift airplane porn. Elephant walks are usually for zoomies,  but this one was for the big boys. That would have been awesome to see live :nod: Can't find any video yet  . . .  http://www.349amw.afrc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123308219
  8. H

    CH-148 Cyclone Progress

    Well this genie can't be put back in the bottle.  Be fun to be a fly on the wall at Sikorsky HQ as they discuss how to respond.  You can bet this is a topic in the C Suite offices. 
  9. H

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    A real recap of, depending on your view point, a highly flexible Foreign Policy in action, or an incoherent fly by the seat of your pants amateur hour of Foreign Policy  in action. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clcl0VZhl24
  10. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Many people, Lizzie May being most notable,  regularly refer to "CO2 pollution". She will be shocked, shocked! I tell you to find out the Government of Ontario encourgaes farmers in that province to poison our food supply with massive quantities of CO2 pollution...
  11. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    CimateProgress is a very fair and unbiased (sarc/off) source of climate change information. http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2011/01/13/207334/science-kiehl-ncar-paleoclimate-lessons-from-earths-hot-past/ They claim we are well on the way to more than doubling CO2 by the end of this century...
  12. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Exactly  :nod:
  13. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    The AGW theory states there is a direct linear relationship between increasing CO2 and increasing temperature. The famous consensus of scientists says this  is true.  And a consensus cannot be wrong. Ever.
  14. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Australia comes to its senses and the new PM is not waiting around. http://joannenova.com.au/2013/09/coalition-starts-axing-australias-carbon-bureaucrat-machinery/ "[The Australian]  PUBLIC servants are drawing up plans to collapse 33 climate change schemes run by seven departments and eight...
  15. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Waaaaaaaay back in 2007, Judith Curry was still a Warmista. She has since admitted she was wrong and has come around to being very skeptical of the whole IPCC shmozzle and most of her fellow Climatologists. She now agrees with even denier Republicans.  No Christmas cards for her from Mann or...
  16. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    So you start off thinking you are saving the world from global warming and nothing could go wrong with being a do-gooder. Oooopsie! "Getting rid of biofuel programs would cut Europe’s food costs in half by 2020, and lower global food prices by 15 percent. That’s according to a new report...
  17. H

    CH-148 Cyclone Progress

    In the morning mail. . . .  "1. Mission system software which controls all weapons and sensors won’t be ready. 2. Messaging functionality/ tactical data exchange capability (automated data-link exchanges of tactical data between designated units, including the ships and aircraft) won’t be...
  18. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    This should be a good read.  Her first book exposed the IPCC, pitched as a policy neutral scientific body, as being, in reality, heavily infiltrated by non scientist environmental activists.  Highly recommend book. http://judithcurry.com/2013/09/09/laframboises-new-book-on-the-ipcc/ Ths new...
  19. H

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Some people think if the New York Times or CBC says there wee record droughts across the USA recently then it must be true. Other people realize journalists are for the most part clueless, challenged by numbers and prefer to re-print Greenpeace Fund Raising propaganda and pass it off as news...