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  1. Mikeg81

    Good ROF, bad drill

    Yep, he was my No 1. I remember the WP coming with that special fuze...M762 was it? It's a pretty neat piece of kit, I remember it had the digital display on it, and you could set it with the electronic fuze setter too. Had to watch or the battery would die on it, and then it was PD only. I...
  2. Mikeg81

    Good ROF, bad drill

    Due to a private message, I am out of this one. Good talking to you Petard.
  3. Mikeg81

    Good ROF, bad drill

    All I am saying is what I experienced first hand. Not one round in my troop fell back out of the thousands we fired(M109's had hyd rammers and had fall backs, were the 109's bad guns? What if we had to use those guns on ops?). The one fall back I did see was at a high elevation. Yes, a fall...
  4. Mikeg81

    Good ROF, bad drill

    Thanks for coming down from above to bless me with your superior intellect.
  5. Mikeg81

    Good ROF, bad drill

    My experience comes from being with E Bty during 3-06, including Op Medusa. The battery fired about 6800 rounds total of 155 and 81mm during the 6 mos we were there(with about 20 or so of 120mm mortar, but that is another story). 1: The round on the loading tray: The only broken fuses we had...
  6. Mikeg81

    CF Looking to Buy More M777s

    Never said I wasn't used to it, just bringing up the point of commonality of equip between us and the regs.
  7. Mikeg81

    CF Looking to Buy More M777s

    Not a bad idea, but the sight from the 777 is very different from a C3 sight, more like an M109 sight. It'd be a heck of a jury rig. My reg't has a C3 carriage marked 1944 on it, and one of our C1 salute guns is breech stamped for the same year, built at Rock Island in the US.
  8. Mikeg81

    CF Looking to Buy More M777s

    I know, I used the C3 most of the time before I went over...the 777's were with us only a couple of times. I've seen the projected service life for the C3, it's 2046 or thereabouts. That includes the digitized trg fleet plan for it(you can PM me for proof to back that up). The reason I brought...
  9. Mikeg81

    CF Looking to Buy More M777s

    Yes, the concepts of gun drill can be applied to almost any gun. However, respectfully disagree about the usefullness of the C3. IMHO its a mongrel gun that was brought in to fire ammunition that the reserves have never seen. I personally don't see the benifit that was gained over the C1/C2...
  10. Mikeg81

    CF Looking to Buy More M777s

    It'd be even nicer if the CF could get a good deal on new production M119's to replace the LG1's and C3's. Even though the US is going the 777 direction for their light forces, they've realized 105 is still a viable battlefield option(shown by UK use in Helmand and US in Iraq), and have ramped...
  11. Mikeg81

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    And if you were to do some research, you'd understand that that would be one small part as to why the 2A exists.
  12. Mikeg81

    Arty Question

    Jeebus, thats an old photo.
  13. Mikeg81

    Reserve Weekend BMQ ( merged )

    Really, they never told you to sweep/mop? :o Holy crap the army has gotten soft...
  14. Mikeg81

    Reserve Weekend BMQ ( merged )

    But it begs the question, why is your corner dirty on a BMQ? ;D
  15. Mikeg81

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    You, and the gubermint have NO RIGHT to know what I own, just like it is none of the gubermint's business about my love life when I renew my PAL. If you knew anything about gun laws, you'd know that "automatic rifles" are already prohibited. Also, the only unregistered hanguns are those in...
  16. Mikeg81

    Raise your hand if you agree...

    OK, OK, I get it. Bad idea. The current uniform is just fine. How dare I think outside the box. Can a mod lock this please?
  17. Mikeg81

    Raise your hand if you agree...

    Don't get me wrong, I have intense pride in what the Regiment has done. Adding to it is what I am looking for. Sharp dress Artillery Blues, or generic green "enivironmental" thing.
  18. Mikeg81

    Raise your hand if you agree...

    I was working with you over at Area Troops, remember?  ;) I have asked about them. They are listed in the dress regs, and authorized to wear. And no, they don't exist at my unit...
  19. Mikeg81

    Raise your hand if you agree...

    Never f**king mind...
  20. Mikeg81

    Does the gun registry help reduce crime?

    The Government has no need to know that I own a rifle. Period.