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  1. helpup

    What makes a hot resale in Petawawa?

    Bottom line, buy in a location that works for you and a house that is for your family above all....... Buy in a location and price range for most Army guys/girls if all you want is a fast resale.  Be smart and improve what ever you buy yearly for how ever long your here and if your priced...
  2. helpup

    What makes a hot resale in Petawawa?

    Nix, I have been living in Pet since 90  and bought my first house in 95.  Second house was in Ottawa and third and current house is back in Pet/Pembroke.  I have watched my original house that I bought for 118 and sold for 167 sell two years later for 220,  it is now going for over 250.  Are...
  3. helpup

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Hmm lobster, Yeah we had a can of that come in a care package.  but our fingers got sticky eating it so we had to put down the cards.............. or was that laptop's gee with all this time on our hands not doing anything.............. ah well those who dont have a clue will remain blissfully...
  4. helpup

    Word association (just for fun)

    ohhhhh skin,,,,,,,,,,,, ooops deployed too long. job (movie refferance)
  5. helpup

    Sleeping Brit Prof on Air Canada Plane Wakes Up in Hangar

    I can understand overbooking and even accept it's practice.  But leaving someone on the plane, especially when it is about to be parked in a hanger is a bigger oh no in my books
  6. helpup

    Word association (just for fun)

    Well spank my bottom and call it a good day.  I was not familiar with that word TV.  :o And with the other Thread I learned another word ( or it's proper use and spelling)  Two things new in one day.  I really have to start hitting the Thesaurus again and put down those comic books. I will...
  7. helpup

    Cheesy E.European Record Covers from the 70s

    good point anyone have a sound bite
  8. helpup

    Cheesy E.European Record Covers from the 70s

    good point, I was thinking of dilapitory creams and just typed.....  :o p.s spell check never works properly on my work computer and since it is the work computer I dont always have time to check spelling and such. But on that subject is not say " Neat" or "Nair"  A depilatory lotion?  ok now...
  9. helpup

    Word association (just for fun)

    Typo?!?  Or is there a new type of phone on the market?  A step in our evolution or is this the homogenous Milk thing.  On the chance that you meant homophobe,  ;D Hoover ( Me thinks he doth protest too much)
  10. helpup

    Cheesy E.European Record Covers from the 70s

    I should think that would be the title just to give fair warning.  At least the German Singer Nina ( mind you it was the late 80's was good looking even though hairy.  Yah, Yah, this is the way women would look if societies conventions did not dictate that they dilapidate...
  11. helpup

    Cheesy E.European Record Covers from the 70s

    That almost left me speechless.
  12. helpup

    Word association (just for fun)

  13. helpup

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    But they are smart enough to bring thier beach umbrella for the Leo's. 
  14. helpup

    Sleeping Brit Prof on Air Canada Plane Wakes Up in Hangar

    What gets me is the spin ( true or not) of how the Airlines come across as not fully accepting a "mea culpa".  Yes Sleepy dwarf should be responsiable for being able to wake up, not be left behind and keeping the gene pool polution free.  But the airline is also suppose to run a check of the...
  15. helpup

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Ah, CHUD's now there is a B movie from Beta vs VHS timeframe.  I havent watched it in a looooong time. They made a sequal didnt they.  As for dumbest thing, someone didnt fill out his profile and states PERSEC as the reason but feel free to PM him though.
  16. helpup

    After Afghanistan - What Will Canada Do With Its Army?

    I dont think it will play out that excessive.  ( at the Pte Level ) You would have alot of those same young soldiers ( including a % of officers and NCO's ) Who would be getting out after the initial contract anyhow.  Since I have joined I have noticed that out of every Crse of new troops we get...
  17. helpup

    Parental Leave

    Nice Post Bruce Now lets see if we can change the convicts are allowed it rule.
  18. helpup

    Sky Hooks and Shore Line

    A box of pogo points for putting on the maps going to CQ so you can get a GIB for the LAV/Coyote  ( guy in back)
  19. helpup

    Sky Hooks and Shore Line

    I just put this in another thread but will post here as well.  Send young pup out for cleaner/solvent/lubricant.............. do one of two ways. 1. a never find it quest, where they are re-directed all over. 2.a need all these protective measures to use the product. That product's name is...
  20. helpup

    Posting To Meaford.

    You may be right it has been a few years for me, but I do have Thursday night on my head.  I thought Wed's was Prime Rib day ( The meat is as big as the plate and the Yorkie pudding comes in it's own bowl.  ( but then I may have gotten the days mixed up.) Miss the big breakfast as well. 