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  1. Prairie canuck

    Canada's tanks

    A passing thought. The USMC are restructuring their forces to focus on the Pacific (China). The focus will be on missiles and unmanned equipment. China's navy and missiles may chew through the landing ships. (you all can go find the articles as it would take pages to explain. The Marine Corps Is...
  2. Prairie canuck

    Canadian Tire orders inventory early, charters cargo ships to keep shelves stocked

    With their inventory it should be called China Tire. I doubt they even make an effort to find Canadian or north American merchandise. Let's keep financing that empire same as Europe did by buying Russian oil and gas. Wait till China starts cutting us off from all that junk we buy.
  3. Prairie canuck

    Armoured RECCE

    Sounds like the USMC Commandant is not satisfied that the 2 leading ARV contenders, despite being amphibious, are wheeled. Or I may be reading that incorrectly. Apologies if this was already posted https://sgp.fas.org/crs/weapons/IF11831.pdf
  4. Prairie canuck

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    I think Canada desperately needs to take care of our northern approaches first before we continue to boast and half commit as we have done in the last month. If you need to get to 2% GDP then 3 or 4 bases complete with naval and air capabilities will chew through billions pretty quick. However...
  5. Prairie canuck

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    I don't mean to sound like Singh (I really really don't want to sound like Singh) but 2% is arbitrary. The focus should be on identifying and obtaining needed capabilities and personnel. That may be 1.5% or it could be 3% or even 5%. The CAF and the government needs to decide what they need...
  6. Prairie canuck

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    If the Canadian public requires to be educated on why the CAF is so dilapidated, can't meet its NATO commitments, etc and why it should instead be a high priority why do we not see that in the media? (Just to be clear I am in the high priority camp) All these retired generals and all retired...
  7. Prairie canuck

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Canada is not alone on this project and if the senior partner says it needs to hurry up then can Canada have much of a choice? Would not doing so have consequences from not helping to ensure US continental defence?
  8. Prairie canuck

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Just curious but are the equipment requirements/specifications already determined? If so why take 10yrs?
  9. Prairie canuck

    Domestic and Arctic Mobility Enhancement Project

    Working the problem with mobility in mind in the far north, let's say Baffin Island. Access with any larger vehicles such as a MBT, LAV, and even the TAPV are very very limited, so notwithstanding it's military requirements the vehicles presently used for patrols are limited to snowmobiles...
  10. Prairie canuck

    Domestic and Arctic Mobility Enhancement Project

    I knew the line maintenance crews who trialed those. They certainly looked impressive compared to the old Flextrac/Foremost equipment. In actual usage, not so impressive. You must have been around the old head office on Taylor and Harrow shop out back. Forgive my ignorance but who is the RM?
  11. Prairie canuck

    Domestic and Arctic Mobility Enhancement Project

    As an example we've all seen how Russian vehicles are getting stuck when they try to "off road". I can testify that the Foremost tracked vehicles will traverse those same areas without any problems. Wide tracked vehicles are built for that and can even be specified to float. (we had a couple...
  12. Prairie canuck

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    Quebec will be happy. Why wouldn't they be? If they gave the work to Irving wouldn't NS be happy? Davie is the one large yard looking for work. If I held any preconceived bias against Quebec I would have not suggested Davie. Army.prairies? gimme a break. Thou doth protest too much, methinks.
  13. Prairie canuck

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    At over $2 billion per... As a comparison Australia bought the RFA Largs Bay from Britain for about $170 million Canadian $. Not sure on the cost of modifications. (needs a permanent helicopter hangar imo) But the San Antonio would certainly fit the role of big honkin ship...
  14. Prairie canuck

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    The Whitbeys and Harpers would need a (major?) refit but then it could keep Davie busy for a while. Get new capability and keep Quebec happy.... only if the LCACs come with them.
  15. Prairie canuck

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    VG understood, thanks.
  16. Prairie canuck

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    So, just trying to wrap my head around this replacement vessel's requirements, if the expectation that this new vessel is to patrol the Grand Banks then the size must increase to accommodate those potential sea states correct? Is this not more of a small frigate as opposed to a corvette? This is...
  17. Prairie canuck

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    I took it for granted that the AN124 was something which went "unspoken" 🥺😁 Same for the katie.... Also we're on par regarding strat sealift but I gotta ask....
  18. Prairie canuck

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    Well I'm far from being a "young.un" and I don't care for high horses (phobia of mine). I'm one of those ignorant Canadian public who's here to learn and ask why things are the way they are. Couldn't hurt to have some information to support the CAF when we civvies are discussing things amongst...
  19. Prairie canuck

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    Could the second generation Visby corvette being developed by Sweden be a contender for the MCDV replacement?