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  1. Cdn Blackshirt

    All Things Air Defence/AA (merged)

    Regardless of what Artillery wanted to do, who was at the top while this happened? I understand that at times the individual trades are going to try to stuff like this, but the guy at the top has to be responsible for maintaining a big picture view of what's going on. Especially with how long...
  2. Cdn Blackshirt

    All Things Air Defence/AA (merged)

    Who made the determination to eliminate our air defense and self-propelled artillery capability?   :salute:
  3. Cdn Blackshirt

    The Defence Budget [superthread]

    I have a bad feeling that our smug young PM just put a big bullseye on all of us. :facepalm:
  4. Cdn Blackshirt

    CH-148 Cyclone Progress

    So that would make 15 deliveries by end of this year, of which likely 3 will remain in the test programs and 12 will be in hangars?  Wow.  That would make for an embarrassing photo for the Liberal Party.
  5. Cdn Blackshirt

    The Defence Budget [superthread]

    This could be interesting for a couple of reasons as both the current liberal government and the US could use it as the basis of negotiations. "If we are exempt from a border adjustment tax and Canada is included as part of the American Trade solution, we will do the following." "If a border...
  6. Cdn Blackshirt

    CAN Enhanced (Permanent?) Fwd Presence in Latvia

    Kind of like Hong Kong with the Japanese.... Hmmmm....I wonder if there was a lesson that should've been learned from that? 
  7. Cdn Blackshirt

    VAdm Norman - Supply Ship contract: Legal fight

    Dumb question as I've never built anything as complicated as a ship.... For QA, does it not just make sense to have workers sign off on section production schedules that they completed the work on their designated  area and QA'd it prior to sealing it up? I'm a little dumbfounded that there...
  8. Cdn Blackshirt

    VAdm Norman - Supply Ship contract: Legal fight

    "Some of the QA disasters in the past have been self inflicted.  When we had some issues about 15 years ago on PRE, we looked into who was writing off on QA back in the mid-90's refit.  When the PO's and Chief saw the names, they said those particular guys were lazy ****s who would sign anything...
  9. Cdn Blackshirt

    CAN Enhanced (Permanent?) Fwd Presence in Latvia

    I don't think it is reasonable to ask our acting serving men and women, their spouses and children to accept that should a conflict break out, we have planned that the force to be wiped out in it's entirety.  But good news we've held back forces to eventually re-take that land later. Either...
  10. Cdn Blackshirt

    CAN Enhanced (Permanent?) Fwd Presence in Latvia

    Did I miss It? Is no one in the battlegroup providing artillery support? As that's a massive deficiency in the Latvian ground forces, it seems like a rather large omission. :salute:
  11. Cdn Blackshirt

    Russia in the 21st Century [Superthread]

    "Russia has no global ambition like the United States, its military is there to protect its sphere of influence and keep access to its spheres of interest open." I hear this comment regularly from those who attempt to defend the Russian for their indefensible actions. Regardless of their...
  12. Cdn Blackshirt

    CH-148 Cyclone Progress

    So is Sikorsky still in serial manufacturing right now?  I'm assuming we'll continue to receive "unaccepted" helicopters which will later need a standardized upgrade later after they've worked out the defects?
  13. Cdn Blackshirt

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    If I were Trump, I wouldn't do that. I'd provide logistics support, but if the Gulf Arabs want to protect the Sunni minority (who are not western-friendly from all reports), they should be providing the bulk of the troops for stabilization forces. The threat to Russia is if they oppose the...
  14. Cdn Blackshirt

    Russia in the 21st Century [Superthread]

    So Crimea, Donnas, South Ossetia and Abkhazia were all figments  of our imagination? I disagree with you about as much as is possible.  Russia has proven to be completely untrustworthy and expansionist anywhere they identified a vulnerable target. :salute:
  15. Cdn Blackshirt

    VAdm Norman - Supply Ship contract: Legal fight

    Hat tip to Chris Pook for pulling together that chronology....    :salute:
  16. Cdn Blackshirt

    The RCAF's Next Generation Fighter (CF-188 Replacement)

    Any different than the LAV 3 "upgrade"?  :warstory:
  17. Cdn Blackshirt

    VAdm Norman - Supply Ship contract: Legal fight

    Let me see if I have this right: 1.  Davie was confirmed with the Project Resolve AOR by previous Conservative Government 2.  Irving sensing an opportunity with their buddies in the new Liberal Government, sent some letters trying to kill that deal. 3.  The Cabinet having reviewed the Irving...
  18. Cdn Blackshirt

    Canadian Military/Defence procurement process (Mega Thread)

    Just out of curiosity, has the military procurement issue appeared in the PC leadership debates or in any of the platform anone has read? Just thinking out loud, but the 5-year knapsack example would be a great rallying point for all PC candidates to get behind as a party platform plank.  It...