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  1. midgetcop

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    Hey Slim. No prob.  ;) As far as I know, anyone has the right to pursue civil action on anyone for anything. The real question is whether they can convince a Judge that their case has a leg to stand on. Hmmm...are you asking, for example, should a small female who is a blackbelt in martial...
  2. midgetcop

    Government Falls! The 2006 election thread

    The problem with the Libs (and politicians in general) is that they dream up this stuff without consulting the *real* experts on this issue - in this case, law enforcement agencies. I'm pretty sure if you asked any cop they'd tell you this is total garbage. We already have laws that enable...
  3. midgetcop

    Guns, Gangs and Toronto

    Our security company does a lot of work in and around the Toronto Housing projects, where about 95% of the tenants are black. And you *bet*, the second that an arrest has to be made they cry "racism!", and when it starts to get physical they cry "brutality!". I might have felt differently 5...
  4. midgetcop

    Self Defence and Protecting Canadians

    It's ambiguous because it's impossible to account for every possible scenario in this situation. It leaves the courts room to interpret each individual case. Using as "much force as is reasonably necessary" may very well apply to stabbing an unarmed trespasser. For example, I'm a 5'2" female...
  5. midgetcop

    Liberals want Handgun Ban

    Police forces don't exactly work the same as private industry. Officers don't get laid off during a slow year.  ;) And this stupid stupid STUPID on Martin's part. It's a campaign "promise" that sounds appealing but will do diddly-squat to get guns off the streets.
  6. midgetcop

    Military wins no matter what after election

    I agree that it is. And I also vote liberal.  But that's *past* us now, and there are other issues that need to be addressed.
  7. midgetcop

    Military wins no matter what after election

    That's why Ontario has been the hardest province for the conservatives to win over - we're still reeling from the "Common Sense" Revolution.
  8. midgetcop

    Military wins no matter what after election

    I would rather a leader that didn't feel that the definition of marriage is the most pressing issue in our country.
  9. midgetcop

    Post count??

    I've been stuck on 39 posts for quite a while now....is anyone else having problems with their post count?
  10. midgetcop


  11. midgetcop

    Guns, Gangs and Toronto

    It *is* used....but of course the public relations machine would never admit it. *Should* it be used? Absolutely. It would be foolish to ignore the trends (not just young, black males, but neighbourhoods too). The innocent people getting pulled over/questioned by the police have to realize...
  12. midgetcop

    Military wins no matter what after election

    I'll believe it when I see it. ALL parties like to dangle that carrot in front the voters at election time.
  13. midgetcop

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    Running by itself won't do much for your legs (unless you're a beginner -- then it builds basic endurance). IMHO weight training ALL major muscle groups is essential, especially legs. Squats are a great overall exercise that will not only work all your leg muscles at once, but will also build...
  14. midgetcop

    Guns, Gangs and Toronto

    Also, to implement harsher sentences for gun-related crimes.
  15. midgetcop

    Guns, Gangs and Toronto

    I'll have to search for a link, but I'm pretty sure that Toronto doesn't land first in Canada for homicide per capita. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's the homicide BY FIREARM, and not necessary the general homicide rate that has increased in Toronto.
  16. midgetcop

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    Of course. A 5-min warmup is always necessary to get the heartrate up.  :)
  17. midgetcop

    York U: Flower Power, Pray for Peace!

    Of course. My experience is the Canadian Experience (where's that trademark logo when you need it?)
  18. midgetcop

    Anyone else having trouble with The Personal Insurance company?

    My parents used to have auto insurance with them, and they have multiple horror stories to tell. Even I had a huge problem with them when I was covered under my parent's policy. But I'm too lazy to type it all now.  :P
  19. midgetcop

    What would you do???

    Because every day is like Straight Pride day. ;) :warstory:
  20. midgetcop

    York U: Flower Power, Pray for Peace!

    In my experience university seems to do the former, whereas college prepares you for the latter. Depends on the job of course. Some jobs absolutely require at least a degree.