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  1. midgetcop

    Does the gun registry help reduce crime?

    I meant in the general sense of the 'current' governments which implement these projects. In the specific case of the registry: the federal Liberals. Edited to add the above clarification.
  2. midgetcop

    Quitting Smoking

    Old Ranger - how are you making out?
  3. midgetcop

    Does the gun registry help reduce crime?

    Not sure that many criminals who are committing these firearms offenses are all that concerned with registering them in the first place. NOT TO MENTION, the idea of a handgun ban (popular topic in Toronto right now) isn't really convincing me that criminals will suddenly give them up to the...
  4. midgetcop

    New CBC Show-Between Hope and Fear

    Which begs the question - does the media ( in this case, the CBC) simply follow general public opinion and slant their "documentaries" in that direction, or does the media influence and form general public opinion itself? Or is it an endless cycle?
  5. midgetcop

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    *Any* increase in intensity or routine change-up holds the risk of injury. Not to mention, running for 30-40 minutes no matter how low the intensity places a strain on the muscles and joints of the body. And you're suggesting that a new runner does that *twice a day*? Long, low-intensity jogs...
  6. midgetcop


    Sorry, original name should read 'midgetcop'.
  7. midgetcop


    Needed something new...I'd been using that old nickname for many different forums. People usually shorten my name to 'midge' anyway.  :)
  8. midgetcop

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    I know this thread hasn't been responded to in a while, but I had to throw in my two cents... Always take what personal trainers say with a grain of salt, and constantly research ways to achieve your fitness goals. A lot of people take what these trainers say as gospel, and it's hard not to...
  9. midgetcop


    Lune - for your 2.4k run, are you sprinting flat out, or are you working in intervals? If you're able to maintain pace for more than a couple of minutes at a time, you're more than likely not working your anaerobic capacity.
  10. midgetcop

    Ah the joys of the Pre-enrollment Medical

    I will have to respectively disagree with you on that one. The treadmill was useful when I was a beginner, but didn't translate very well once I started running on a track/outside. And that's ultimately what we're training for, right? The best way to train is to mimic as closely as possible...
  11. midgetcop

    Cadets vs Boy Scouts (role, "child soldiers", etc.)

    Pshhh. I don't know about you guys, but flying gliders and going camping sure turned *me* into a mindless drone.  ::) This guy clearly doesn't know what he's talking about, and is trying to take cadets and pretzel it into his overtly biased opinion. Just more talking points for someone with an...
  12. midgetcop

    When the police need to shoot...

    The media should definitely take part of the blame. Toronto-area newspapers often have headlines akin to 'SIU to investigate police shooting of suspect at so-and-so-location'. Not to say that headline isn't true - the Special Investigations Unit will always investigate incidents where people are...
  13. midgetcop

    Quitting Smoking

    Thought I'd throw in my experiences on here... I smoked for 13 years, since I was 13 years old. I worked pretty hard at getting addicted, God knows that cigarettes are damn disgusting when you're that age. But, as most can empathize, it was a way to feel 'grown-up' and 'cool'. A social tool. It...
  14. midgetcop

    Microsoft.. you have GOT to be kidding..

    Wow....and to think, people actually come up with this stuff. And get *paid*.  :blotto:
  15. midgetcop

    Happy Family Day - Ontario

    I worked too...not complaining though. Yay stat pay..! I wouldn't imagine fire or emergency services get any holidays off...unless they were talking about those chained to desks. *shrug*
  16. midgetcop


    I see where you're coming from, QV. Just not as able to articulate as you clearly are, from your experience.
  17. midgetcop


    You may right - I'm probably over-simplifying things. I'm over-sensitive to the general public and their views on police use-of-force. As for my credentials - I'm a supervisor for a campus police service. Lots of training on use-of-force...but not a heckuva lot of respect or recognition. As...
  18. midgetcop


    I never said "shoot just because". I said shoot when one has a weapon and doesn't follow instructions. My point being that police often don't have time in critical situations to assess whether a suspect is going to use their weapon or not. I didn't mean to imply that cops should just "blow...
  19. midgetcop


    Er...as a cop, I doubt there would be a lot of time spent looking for "intent" vs....I dunno, just holding a gun..? If someone is holding a firearm (or edged weapon) and doesn't drop it immediately upon being told to by police, then getting shot is procedure. Police don't give them any benefit...
  20. midgetcop

    Fanshawe College Anti-military Demonstration

    Trespassing - makes it nice and easy for us to deal with same. Thank you for the Trespass to Property Act!