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  1. Jacky Tar

    Wearing an Ancestor's Medals Mega-thread

    Ditto. The Criminal Code of Canada makes it an offense; it's also a service offense, and it's not appropriate. There've been some excellent suggestions on how to display medals in a suitable respectful manner to honor the person who received them. I see kids wearing medals earned by a...
  2. Jacky Tar

    Word association (just for fun)

  3. Jacky Tar

    Retirement of CFCWO CPO1 Bob Cleroux

    I don't know about  the un-ironed part, but I recall seeing him in some pretty spectacular, eye-maiming ones in Pearl. I'm pretty sure I sprained a retina looking at him :D
  4. Jacky Tar

    Law enforcement pushes for power to swab for DNA on arrest

    My concern is not so much the issue of collecting the information, be it photo, fingerprints, swab, whatever, but that this then becomes yet more data stored about me, available to the government's various departments. If the CF identification fingerprint database is indeed distinct and separate...
  5. Jacky Tar

    A Questionable Point to Raise on Memorial Day

    Louis Riel comes to mind. Depending on which way one views it, he was a patriot or a traitor.
  6. Jacky Tar

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    Listening to random shuffle of Stan Rogers stuff and Arrogant Worms :)
  7. Jacky Tar

    Retirement of CFCWO CPO1 Bob Cleroux

    Finished with main engines. :) I don't know if he reads the forums - probably doesn't have the time - but if he does, enjoy a well-earned retirement, Chief!
  8. Jacky Tar

    Word association (just for fun)

  9. Jacky Tar

    DEO Naval Engineer Application: Aptitude Test

    From the thread title, I gather you're loooking for a commission as a MS ENG officer? Or are you looking to go in as other ranks in the Mar Eng trade?
  10. Jacky Tar

    Election 2015

    Basically it came down to "hold your nose and vote Liberal - they smell bad but not as bad as the others" or "vote against the Liberals because you shoud change rascals regularly."
  11. Jacky Tar

    2 men hack soldier to death in UK, are then shot and wounded by police

    I'm not sure how what I said can be taken as 'apologizing' for either of these two clowns, but in case I was less than clear, in no way whatsoever do I support, defend, apologize for, attempt to mitigate, lessen, reduce or otherwise absolve them of even so much as a shred of guilt. They are both...
  12. Jacky Tar

    It's been a long road...

    Good luck to you!
  13. Jacky Tar

    POET Course Supplies

    I can't speak for POET trg, but I can tell you CFFSE wouldn't allow it, and I doubt very much we're unique in the training system.
  14. Jacky Tar

    2 men hack soldier to death in UK, are then shot and wounded by police

    I did. He struck me as a moron and a sociopath, not a true believer. Even if he was, I'd consider him no more than a common criminal, just like any other terrorist. So far as I can tell, the chief difference between terrorists and pretty much all other murderers is that the former try to justify...
  15. Jacky Tar

    2 men hack soldier to death in UK, are then shot and wounded by police

    As far as the reaction time goes, my understanding is the local LEOs are not customarily armed in Britain and they had to call for armed officers. Since I don't know the geography, I can't speak to whether or not it's a reasonable reaction time. On the subject of recording it, I don't see why it...
  16. Jacky Tar

    2 men hack soldier to death in UK, are then shot and wounded by police

    I never said they didn't claim it; I doubt that it was the primary reason. And you're welcome. Feel free to return the favour.
  17. Jacky Tar

    Word association (just for fun)

  18. Jacky Tar

    What book are you reading now?

    Decided to re-read Weber's Honor Harrington series, so took up "On Basilisk Station" once again.
  19. Jacky Tar

    My situation before applying.

    It's also a good idea to see about applying for a pardon. Again, it may not be granted, but who knows? The worst that can happen is it's denied, in which case you're no worse off.
  20. Jacky Tar

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    "PO, I think there's something wrong with <x>. When I check, I have current but no voltage." From a QL4-qualified ETECH-JR. And not today, but from some years ago, from the lips of a tech: "I didn't know the rotor was supposed to turn."