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  1. Ex Ranger Instructor

    The brown Temperate Combat Boot (AKA: Mk IV Cbt Boot) - No longer CADPAT

    Why does it matter anymore?  A huge portion of the soldiers now wear privately purchased boots.  I was recently appointed as SSM, and I do too.  So do my RSM and CO.  Non-issued boots are a non-issue.  Or at least they have been.  His question in regards to colour issues is valid if you ask...
  2. Ex Ranger Instructor

    Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

    I was at a conference last week at which we were briefed that 1 Jan 13 was going to be the drop dead date.  If a mbr is not fully qualified under the old system by that time, then he is going to have to start fresh under the new TP.
  3. Ex Ranger Instructor

    Operational Service Medals?

    I'm a latecomer to this discussion and wouldn't post, except for the above quote. A WW II bomber crew might have faced different circumstances of service than a modern RCAF aircrew flying over Libya, but I fail to see how that's relevant to the discussion.  Personnel should be recognized for...
  4. Ex Ranger Instructor

    EX Cougar Salvo 2012

    A bunch of problems came to light on this ex.  That said, what I told my troops and what I'll say here now is that this was not, by far, the worst ex I've ever been on.  In my experience, every time we try to run a bde-level ex we experience similar teething issues.  I've seen worse, and in the...
  5. Ex Ranger Instructor

    Captain Jeff Pitblado 1965 - 2012

    It's after 1600 your time, so you're likely gone for the day, but I sent everything we could find to your DWAN address.  They'll be in there for you when you get back to work in the morning.
  6. Ex Ranger Instructor

    MCpl Nicole Stacey

    http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2011/09/23/yellowknife-plane-crash-investigation.html http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/41cbg_hq/3col-eng.asp Goodbye Nicole.  I'll miss you. Edited by mod to replace David ******** blog link with 41 CBG link with same content (41 CBG rls also downloadable here...
  7. Ex Ranger Instructor

    When did batmen fall out of use?

    I have done a fair bit of Signalling for various Officers over the years, and I've seen both highly positive and highly negative leadership styles set in regards to this particular point.  One incident in particular comes to mind to highlight the positive (and from a British Officer no less): I...
  8. Ex Ranger Instructor

    Snugpak Ionoshpere Personal Tent/Hooch

    Since you're talking about using it at work, it might be worthwhile to point out that the Snugpak is colour-appropriate and has a low silhouette whereas the Big Agnes doesn't look like it has either of those qualities.  I could easily be wrong, but off the top of my head I can't really envision...
  9. Ex Ranger Instructor

    Sig Op, Task Force Positions, Digitization SP?

    "Digitization" is just the buzzword used to describe the employment of all the additional systems that would not have been found at the unit and sub-unit level a few years ago. Digitization Sp is the name given to positions used to beef up the Sigs workforce above the level commonly found at...
  10. Ex Ranger Instructor

    NZ SAS - First Among Equals

    Well, pretty much every unit in the CF that I'm aware of employs civilian cleaners nowadays- our conventional troops don't really do all that much cleaning.  That'is one of the reasons why I was so surprised to see these SOF guys doing so much. Anyway, I don't want to go round and round all...
  11. Ex Ranger Instructor

    NZ SAS - First Among Equals

    Secret lair and M, no.  Daily parades and cleaning stations done by SOF guys though- you know what, I really didn't think they'd do that.  Obviously I was wrong.
  12. Ex Ranger Instructor

    NZ SAS - First Among Equals

    Ok, I didn't mean to imply that I think anyone above rank X should never lift a finger.  I chose a poor example, and I think it muddied the water of what I was trying to say. I was just surprised, given how elite these guys are, that there seems to be such a significant element of "normal" army...
  13. Ex Ranger Instructor

    NZ SAS - First Among Equals

    I have swept many since then.  :nod: I just had a (possibly uninformed, as I said) opinion, that these guys may have been considered better than that.  QL3 graduates sweep floors everywhere, but MCpls don't, and your average MCpl, in any Regt, isn't exactly one of these guys. The floors...
  14. Ex Ranger Instructor

    NZ SAS - First Among Equals

    As an ignorant and outside observer, I'm surprised by some of the chickensh** they go through after completing their course and being posted to the Regt.  Sweeping floors? 
  15. Ex Ranger Instructor

    UAB kit list

    It's not really that expensive at the PX, man.  Maybe if you're buying stereos and TV's, but I held off on that.  They have everything you're likely to need on a day-to-day basis, at reasonable prices.  Plus it's not really like you're going to be poor. Bring whatever you want, rest easy in...
  16. Ex Ranger Instructor

    UAB kit list

    PT Kit/Long Sleeve Shirts: Bring more.  I was there at the same time you're going to be there, and I found that I didn't have enough cold weather PT kit.  They only have US PT Uniforms in the PX, and you can't buy those.  Bring some track pants, a couple of hoodies, etc.  I got some brown cotton...
  17. Ex Ranger Instructor

    Application in... But what about my dog?

    You aren't going to be going to RMC, you're going to be going to the Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics (CFSCE). And I wouldn't count on being allowed to live out on account of your dog.
  18. Ex Ranger Instructor

    Custom FMP Notepad

    Some reports, like the contact rep, have been around forever and haven't, to my recollection, ever changed.  You can pretty much count on those.  But some others are not as reliable.  When I get a chance later tonight I will dig through my closet and find the multiple refs I was talking about...