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  1. ballz

    Canadian Federal Election 44 - Sep 2021

    The real weakness of P.R. is that there is no accountability for individual MPs, they become slaves to the party. Given that we are already suffering from that in our current FPTP system, then I would argue we should either fix it by making MPs relevant again (which we seem incapable of), or we...
  2. ballz

    Canadian soldier charged with feeding cannabis cupcakes to artillery unit during live-fire exercise

    Perhaps the PRes could stop trying to do level 3/4/6 training and just run good level 1 and 2 training....... Lord knows the Reg Force already spends too much too time on 3/4/5/6/7 and not nearly enough on level 1 and 2 which is what the soldiers want and need. Anyway, I'm sure 2VP can't wait...
  3. ballz

    Afghan Interpreters, Others Fast-tracking to Canada

    I was thinking more along the lines of arming every citizen... I'm not sure trying to create a standing army was a good strategy, might be way too much of a first world idea for a third world problem.
  4. ballz

    Canadian soldier charged with feeding cannabis cupcakes to artillery unit during live-fire exercise

    I'm pretty familiar with how they're staffed and the garrison/field split. Not necessarily W Battery but in general. People end up in those jobs for multiple years sometimes, quite frequently. Often depends on if they're a "good guy" or not. There is utility to being able to utilize someone...
  5. ballz

    Afghan Interpreters, Others Fast-tracking to Canada

    Doesn't really seem like it can be characterized as an attack on Kabul. Sounds like everyone abandoned post and the Taliban just walked on in...
  6. ballz

    Canadian soldier charged with feeding cannabis cupcakes to artillery unit during live-fire exercise

    Wasn't going to suggest CANEX has anything to do with unit line stuff or the field, but it's definitely straying off topic.
  7. ballz

    Canadian soldier charged with feeding cannabis cupcakes to artillery unit during live-fire exercise

    The company/squadron/battery canteens are not the problem. They're great and I fully support.... great for morale / providing stuff the CAF doesn't always provide, and the proceeds make things like a company Christmas party possible. But units having a full-time, permanent canteen in the lines...
  8. ballz

    Afghan Interpreters, Others Fast-tracking to Canada

    If Afghani's were provided with the means to defend themselves, would they revolt again the Taliban?
  9. ballz

    Canadian soldier charged with feeding cannabis cupcakes to artillery unit during live-fire exercise

    Why would we use SWE or contractors when soldier time is free? That's me throwing shade at our poor management practices, in case anybody doesn't catch the sarcasm.
  10. ballz

    Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

    The Morgentaler ruling didn't have any majority opinion from the Court and so it has no binding precedent, so it did not create a "right to have an abortion" so to speak. Justice Dickson wrote an opinion in support of Morgentaler, signed by Justice Lamer. Justice Beetz wrote an opinion in...
  11. ballz

    Transfer Value... buying an annuity?

    Hello all, Never seen this option before... I was always told that, as I am under 50 and not entitled to an immediate annuity, my pension options are: 1. Deferred annuity, starting at age 55. 2. Deferred annuity, starting at age 60. 3. Take the transfer value... inside/outside limits, all...
  12. ballz

    PLQ / AJLC changes again....

    I doubt this has anything to do with funding... if it's money-related, it's financial mismanagement, not funding. If there are savings from this, they will be pissed up a rope.
  13. ballz

    Wanted Infantry Mess Kit

    Mike, The various regiments can/do have very different kits, is there a specific regiment you're looking for? Most Inf Os don't get their mess kit until they are a regiment for this reason.
  14. ballz

    Posting within PLD Zone HELP

    That's right, it'd be impossible to prove, but everyone has known it's going on. PLD needs a fix, I would just tie it to the consumer price index, updated every 2 years. Nice and simple and at least based on something that makes sense. And ROTP pers would not eligible (or people in other...
  15. ballz

    Posting within PLD Zone HELP

    They just get their parents to do up a fake lease showing they pay rent... this ROTP scam has been going on forever. If you're ROTP civie U, you get to choose any university in Canada you want. They should just not give ROTP ppl at university PLD and it'll sort itself out real quick.
  16. ballz

    2021 federal budget and the CAF

    Yup. It's a lot easier for all the GOFOs to unanimously agree to cut a Unit CO's budget than get rid of one of the many negative-value sacred cows that is the brainchild of one of their own....
  17. ballz

    Pay Raise 2021

    While I knew source deductions had to comply with CRA requirements, I didn't realize the method for lump-sum payments was so... overly simplistic (chalk it up to no experience doing payroll). I'm surprised to find myself accusing CRA of approaching something too simply, but yes, they basically...
  18. ballz

    Pay Raise 2021

    No but they could have actually calculated the proper source deductions instead of just deducting it at the highest tax rate for everyone which is what appears to have happened. In any case, take solace in the fact that it doesn't matter. Your tax bill is calculated on Dec 31st based on all of...
  19. ballz

    Dress During Final Release Appt

    Wasn't kidding! Was on my way out and the CAF offered me an easy road and I figured I could grind it out for another 3 years (which turned into four because of CAF bureaucracy). Of course, the easy road is rarely the right choice and I genuinely regret taking this route, thankfully I'm almost on...
  20. ballz

    Dress During Final Release Appt

    I'll be wearing a suit every day in my new career, so spare me about how I'm just too much of a slob to dress well (which is the insinuation being made my the "pro-DEU" camp). And for that matter, I actually like men's fashion / wearing business attire including suits, blazers, collared shirts...