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  1. ballz

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    It's not a stat / not meant to be strictly literal. It's from my earlier post where I quipped that the public sector is a place where 5% of the people do 95% of the work. It's a play off of Price's Law, except my personal experience says in government it's much worse.
  2. ballz

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    But surely you see the irony in public servants complaining that they are unfairly stereotyped as being overpaid for the results they achieve, whilst also complaining about the results achieved by their fellow, high-paid public servants?
  3. ballz

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    And you're suggesting that it's isolated to those levels then? If the executive and senior managerial levels are incompetent and lack any form of accountability, I should have no reason to be concerned that this might trickle down into and infect the rest of the public service.....? I say...
  4. ballz

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    Because people base their assumptions on their experience, and they have enough experience dealing with government and dealing with private sector businesses, and knowing people who work in the public sector and the private sector, to know that it's a LOT from Column A and a little bit from...
  5. ballz


    So exactly which of the supplemental healthcare benefits is actually getting cut? And who is cutting it, exactly? I didn't use it much for small OTC drugs, but one thing I used it for was vaccines. Unbeknownst to many (including, unfortunately, the CAF medical community), you could get a lot of...
  6. ballz

    Lt.-Gen. Jennie Carignan chosen as next chief of the defence staff

    The CDS has been an operator-type for a long-ass time, and many people will say it has to be because someone from a support trade couldn't possibly understand all the complexities of combat, war, strategy, etc. And they'll point to that one guy whose name escapes me that was CDS as a Loggie I...
  7. ballz

    Lt.-Gen. Jennie Carignan chosen as next chief of the defence staff

    Is that you, Cathy Newman? How can you possibly have read that from his post?
  8. ballz

    Restricted posting - Selling a house and buying a house

    These postings are a mess, it seems no one knows how to administer them properly or how to inform the member of what to do in any given situation, and there are so many different situations that someone who already has a family gets put en route to finally becoming qualified and receiving their...
  9. ballz

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    That's not how any of that works at all. Using a corporation to defer tax on income until you're retired (or semi-retired) and have a lower marginal tax rate at the personal level is a super common tax planning tool used by almost any owner-managed business after maxing out RRSPs (and sometimes...
  10. ballz

    Grievance question

    Has anyone ever actually submitted a grievance over that and got denied? And at least pushed it the committee as opposed to just the IA? Nothing toxic about that practice at all....
  11. ballz

    Transfer Value... buying an annuity?

    Unsurprisingly, after two emails and a week having gone by, they just tried to brush it off with a bogus answer and no reference to any legislation or regulation to support their position. "Good day, the Payment was made for the time in 2022 that you were in the CAF, if you receive money owed...
  12. ballz

    CAFTDTI Accomodation Interpretation

    Interpretation of compensation and benefits policy (which includes TD) is an HR function, which is why it falls under DCBA and not somewhere in Adm(Fin). Account verification, s. 34 certification, and s. 33 is a finance function (accounting actually... it would help the CAF if it could use...
  13. ballz

    CAFTDTI Accomodation Interpretation

    I'm curious to know if it was being denied by an FSA doing s. 34 or by someone at the RDAO shop doing s. 33. There's no reason a unit FSA exercising S.34 on claims can't be given additional guidance from the CO, to, for example, get a written statement from the member as to why they had to pick...
  14. ballz

    Transfer Value... buying an annuity?

    Thanks With any luck someone else that this happened to noticed in July and the 6-12 months it will take them to figure out how to amend a T4A is at least already 6 months complete. Agreed, there's a lot of factors that go into it. For me, I am not going to try and be and active investor...
  15. ballz

    Transfer Value... buying an annuity?

    So I just noticed on my T4 that when they paid out the back-pay to me in 2023, longer after I have released and after having taken the transfer value, that they withheld amounts for RPP contributions? Has anyone encountered this?
  16. ballz

    Office Production Paths - CFR or Bust?

    That is unfortunately a slight against the CAF in that it has strayed from so far from optimal in its back-end support from anything recognizable to the business world and a slight against the Fin O's own competence in that they couldn't recognize it.
  17. ballz

    Office Production Paths - CFR or Bust?

    No change is 100% positive. In a perfect world, you could make something like that as a rite of passage and using it as a selection tool, it might be 90% positive to 10% negative, which is a huge win. But in today's climate? Not sure it would be in any way viable. Probably much more viable to...
  18. ballz

    Petawawa Master-Warrant Officer faces drug and human trafficking charges

    I will understand that my sarcasm would be hard to understand since you haven't been on the sexual misconduct threads, so for your benefit - and so it doesn't fly over the head of those who the comment is actually aimed at - I'll clarify. My comment is a remark of the hypocrisy aimed towards...
  19. ballz

    Petawawa Master-Warrant Officer faces drug and human trafficking charges

    Only GOFOs accused of sexual misconduct are off limits for disparaging remarks, presumption/assumption/suggestion of guilt, etc. Every one else is fair game. Sorry, I don't make the rules, hate the game and all that.