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  1. Harris

    Illegal Border Crossing into Canada - Asylum Seekers

    Send all of them back to Haiti.  Then tell them to get in line like everybody else if they want to return.
  2. Harris

    Retro Pay & Allow 1Apr 2014 - 1Apr 2017

    Further on to the last question, how is the amount handled for those currently on tax free status?  I'm guessing money earned before going tax free is still taxed.
  3. Harris

    Welcome New Army.ca Staff

    Hey All, I've been around from the beginning.  CO West Nova Scotia Regiment by night and shitty little jobs guy for the Brigade and Div by day.  Currently deployed somewhere warm so I will be on when able.  Welcome to all, especially the new blood.  Send me a question if you have one and I'll...
  4. Harris

    My life is falling apart, don't know what to do.

    Does your unit know you are looking for work?  Sometimes they can help source some extra Class A days either in the Unit or through other means.
  5. Harris

    Op IMPACT: CAF in the Iraq & Syria crisis

    I agree but we already break that model by having "points" that increase the amount based on time.  I'd be OK with a flat rate that increases the more you are "exposed" to the risk and/or hardship.
  6. Harris

    Therapeutic Cannabis use

    Unlocked.  If it turns into another slugfest then it gets locked again. Staff
  7. Harris

    Therapeutic Cannabis use

    OK.  Everyone to their own corner at least until the new year.  We don't require yet another thread with people bashing each other about Cannabis.  You want to fight it out, do so via PMs.  We (The rest of the site members and staff) are getting tired of it.  Big Fonts and questionable articles...
  8. Harris

    Leasing a Car

    I'll second that.  I recently bought a 2015 Dodge Journey Crossroad edition (so all the bell and whistles) that would have been $40k off the lot last year for 26k this year.  In great shape with 20k km on it.  I know your budget is lower than that but check autotrader for some price indicators...
  9. Harris

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    And don't forget the single red rose for the Commandant's wife.  She will then be on your side if you have issues on course.
  10. Harris

    Using POMV to fulfill you job requirement

    Just to make it clear to the OP you are responsible to get yourself to your work place and that is it.  (Bus, POMV, walk etc...)  Once you are at your workplace it is the employers responsibility to get you around if required (unless of course the terms of your hiring involved having your own...
  11. Harris

    Army mess dress jacket white only for officers?

    It's Australian, but you get the picture.  http://www.blacktieguide.com/Supplemental/Military/defence_gov_au-army-collage.jpg
  12. Harris

    AB Wildfires 2016: Def Min Asked for Help

    Warning: Operation Honour violation in progress.  You may be offended. Didn't see this anywhere else, but I'm told this will likely not go well for the airperson (?) involved.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eemin7DNvYg
  13. Harris

    CAF Combat boots policy 2005-2018

    Received my first pair of LOTB Thur.  Refused the zippered version and received the other style. First issue - The mondo point size I'm supposed to wear doesn't fit.  In fact the opening to insert my foot is too small for me to do so due to high arches.  The supply pers said that that was...
  14. Harris

    Summary Trial Question & Discussion

    Just so it's clear, as I understand it whether the charge is electable or not can result in one of four outcomes: a.  less than a year has passed and the charge is not electable the soldier goes to ST; b.  less than a year has passed and the charge is electable the soldier picks his poison; c. ...
  15. Harris

    Summary Trial Question & Discussion

    Unfortunately the MPs and their system dealing with MP reports frequently cause delay which results in something that could have been handled by a ST, going to CM.  I have routinely received MP reports 8 or more months after the incident happened.  One time at band camp the MP report didn't show...
  16. Harris

    All things CF98 (merged)

    Some suggestions in order of preference (Ignore those you have already tried)  Document everything and don't take no for an answer: 1.  Ask your CoC, Pl WO, Pl Comd or equivalent and have them ask higher for it.  (Including CSM and/or OC) 2.  Ask to have an appt with the Chief Clerk and ask...
  17. Harris

    Armed Forces Consider incentives to keep soldiers fit

    And PSP is exempt from this?  Oh I get it, they have no friends.  [Xp
  18. Harris

    Armed Forces Consider incentives to keep soldiers fit

    Interesting.  I wonder who ordered that?  I just did mine today with my Unit Qual guy (one of three).  They do everyone in the Unit and for many other pers on Camp as well.  No PSP in sight.
  19. Harris

    Armed Forces Consider incentives to keep soldiers fit

    Glad it's a Reg force thing.  [:D  Merit points mean nothing to a reservist.  The bag would be nice though.