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Search results

  1. pbi

    New Ontario Government 2018

    It might not be  that hard to get good people. Really, at the level of CEO and the Board, how much do they actually have to know about how an electricity system works?  They will have a COO, VPs and a bag of tech SMEs to advise them on that. IMHO they just need to understand that the people who...
  2. pbi

    New Ontario Government 2018

    Perhaps. But in my opinion, that isn't the nearest, or even the second nearest, crocodile right now. And Canadian governments, of all stripes and persuasions, have a nasty historical habit of of blaming their inability to deliver XYZ because The Previous Govt robbed the piggy bank, or cooked the...
  3. pbi

    Need to Evacuate the White Helmets From Syria

    Realizing that the Russians are not always the bad actors, or that they have legitimate security concerns, is not the same as minimizing or dismissing them as a threat to Western interests in general, and to the strategic balance in Europe in particular.  Ignoring, or trying to normalize their...
  4. pbi

    New Ontario Government 2018

    I certainly agree that there are probably things in the Liberal closet that need to be dragged out into the daylight. In Canada, this is likely true of any Govt, Provincial or Federal, that has done at least two terms. I just don't think that the present Ontario Govt should put any energy or...
  5. pbi

    John Tory as Mayor of Toronto

    I don't live in TO, but I would certainly vote for Tory if I did. He seems to be an example of common sense and moderate conservatism, standing out from a rather questionable list of incumbents over the years, some of whom may actually have been insane in some way. No doubt he doesn't please...
  6. pbi

    Conservatism needs work 2.0

    I did not mean, at all, to demean traditional marriage between a man and a woman (after all, that's what I've been up to for the last good while...), nor did I want to question anybody who wants their faith to have a place in the marriage ceremony, which we also did. That is all good and I would...
  7. pbi

    Conservatism needs work 2.0

    OK, seen. I am glad to hear that you don't limit the institution of marriage to its "traditional" definition., although I have now spent 35 years in a traditional marriage. What matters to me in describing marriage and a stable family life is the conviction, dedication and patience necessary...
  8. pbi

    Canada-US Trade Relations

    My view as well. We can't control much in this world, but at least I can decide which shopkeeper or gas station owner's pockets I put my pennies into, and I would much, much rather that be a Canadian pocket if I have the choice. I hadn't thought of the tax angle, but I agree I'd rather pay to...
  9. pbi

    Conservatism needs work 2.0

    I am with you on this. I also agree (pretty much) with the list of values you identified as being important, but isn't imposing these also a form of "government intervention"? The trick IMHO will be for moderate conservative leaders to avoid the strong temptation to whip up the social...
  10. pbi

    Need to Evacuate the White Helmets From Syria

    I hope they are successful: these people deserve to be helped, after risking their lives to help others. Naturally, the Russians don't want these people to get out: they might provide some eyewitness testimonies that Moscow might find a bit awkward.
  11. pbi

    Conservatism needs work 2.0

    I agree fully with you. I have two teachers in my family, and I would not want their jobs. On the one hand, whiny, entitled, bitchy and unpredictably violent kids acting out in class because of the stupid, undisciplined, self-indulgent way they were raised. On the other hand, whiny, entitled...
  12. pbi

    Conservatism needs work 2.0

    OK. I'm with you now. :nod:
  13. pbi

    John Tory as Mayor of Toronto

    I'm not sure where the "anti-commie" remark comes from, since I didn't make one, but I'll try to address the rest of your points. Obviously I didn't express myself clearly, because I'm not against immigrants. I'm married to one, for a start. I am well aware of how my wife's ethnicity was first...
  14. pbi

    John Tory as Mayor of Toronto

    The idea of sanctuary cities, and of providing safe haven for people fleeing war, persecution, or other savagery is a very fine one. Very Canadian and very Christian (at least, as I understand Christianity...) These days it is being countered by two things: one valid, one not. The invalid...
  15. pbi

    3b released member looking at homelessness

    I agree 100% with Rifleman here. Pressure on the political system, with the potential for embarrassment over yet another  VAC-related issue, is the one possible  COA. Sad, but true. I wonder though what sort of bank or lending institution you are dealing with that has so little understanding of...
  16. pbi

    Conservatism needs work 2.0

    I voted for the Tories, but this issue has always bothered me.  I continue to doubt that most (or any) of the people opposing the sex ed curriculum of the last Govt actually even read it. And of those who actually read it, how many approached it objectively, as opposed to starting with...
  17. pbi

    Conservatism needs work 2.0

    Brad Sallows:Thanks for introducing me to McCloskey. I'm reading it on vacation. So far I agree with almost everything she says. She lays into both the Left and the Right, which is roughly how I see things. Unfortunately she probably wouldn't be allowed to speak at many Canadian universities.
  18. pbi

    Conservatism needs work 2.0

    I grew up in Blue Ontario, with Bill Davis and the gang. It seemed to work well enough, and it could again. We'll see, I guess. I was not a fan of Harris, although some of his reforms like municipal amalgamations and downloading of services like EMS to counties and regions seem to have worked...
  19. pbi

    Conservatism needs work 2.0

    And so do I. I voted for the Tories almost all my adult life until the last election. I voted for the Tories provincially (with some reservation, and more than a little desperation) in the recent Ontario election. IMHO somewhere along the way, principled and reasonable conservatism in the West...
  20. pbi

    SCC and Trinity Western University

    So, I take it that TWU cannot enforce this restriction on its students any longer? Which is fine by me. In my opinion, what students do in their private sex lives, as long as it isn't harmful or criminal, is their business alone. It certainly has nothing to do with being good lawyers. There...