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Search results

  1. Mike Bobbitt

    Announcement: Scott as Army.ca Chief of Staff

    Folks, It is with pleasure that I announce the appointment of Scott as Army.ca's "Chief of Staff". While this is the first appointment of it's kind in Army.ca's history, the plan is to create and fill a number of other roles for key personnel. As CoS, Scott has agreed to take on the following...
  2. Mike Bobbitt

    Major Site Upgrade

    Yes, we are hitting a high number of concurrent database connections, so the "last in" time out or are dropped outright depending on how far over the limit we go. Tapatalk adds more connections. As a test I may temporarily disable it to see if it is a key contributor to the issue. I suspect it...
  3. Mike Bobbitt

    Major Site Upgrade

    Unfortunately a known issue. We simply hit too many connections for the database server to handle, and new connections are deferred until things ease up. Been looking at way to optimize database access for as long as the screen has been coming up, but clearly haven't made significant progress...
  4. Mike Bobbitt

    (Suggestion) Website template/design

    It's a good thought in principle, but the job of converting 1.4M posts and over 60,000 users to a new system would be onerous, and probably a bit risky. It's on my to do list to consider migrating to E.G. Drupal for the "portal" portions of the site, which are currently running homegrown code...
  5. Mike Bobbitt

    Calendar Font Colour

    After just 4 short years, this request is now complete. :)
  6. Mike Bobbitt

    Increase font in quotes

    Funny, I was unhappy with how long it took me to get around to it! :)
  7. Mike Bobbitt

    Increase font in quotes

    Quote text size has been increased to match normal text.
  8. Mike Bobbitt

    Major Site Upgrade

    Made a change this morning to stop the error log from filling up. Side effect: nobody could post or possibly even log in. Fixed, error log is back to growing fast enough to run us out of space in about a week. (I just have to remember to empty it, weekly, until I find a better way.)
  9. Mike Bobbitt

    Server Hosting 2017

    Thanks. It will be easier to roll it back to a previous version than to fix it. And by "easier" I mean only a couple hours of work vs. many hours of tedious rollbacks. Thanks, random Internet jerks. :-*
  10. Mike Bobbitt

    Server Hosting 2017

    Wiki is fixed again, thanks. I'm tracking a variety of issues here... unfortunately it's not one cause or problem but several (php module crash, server hang, and server overload). Looking into each as time permits, hopefully I can get at least one off the list this week. Thanks, it is...
  11. Mike Bobbitt

    Welcome New Army.ca Staff

    Search issue was a problem on the new server... all fixed up, thanks for letting me know. :) Cheers Mike
  12. Mike Bobbitt

    Welcome New Army.ca Staff

    All, It is with pleasure that I introduce the new Staff roster for Army.ca (sorted by ID#, not importance): Harris recceguy Infanteer Kyle Burrows Scott PuckChaser Good2Golf milnews.ca kratz Loachman Jaydub MAJONES Humphrey Bogart mariomike BeyondTheNow Buck_HRA You will see an even mix of...
  13. Mike Bobbitt

    Army.ca Staff Reset

    Do Staff need to use their real names? No. Should Staff be anonymous? No. Can a new forum member become Staff? Yes. Caveat: Unless this is a thinly veiled second account for an existing user. :) Should we have key Staff positions? Already thinking about a system like that. Boy do I ever need a...
  14. Mike Bobbitt

    Server Hosting 2017

    Thanks. Put in a quick fix, but logins to the Wiki are not (yet) working.
  15. Mike Bobbitt

    Server Hosting 2017

    Thanks for your patience all, the bulk of the server migration is now complete. I did not intend to have it done until next week, but today I realized the interim architecture I had was generating much higher traffic costs due to some routing that needed to be in place between the old and new...
  16. Mike Bobbitt

    Server Hosting 2017

    MOOXE, the ads are top and bottom of just about every page. See just above the footer (starting with Army.ca Conduct Guidelines) for example. Also a quick progress report: Firewall is in place and working on the new server. I didn't lock myself out, always a bonus. Patch to support new server...
  17. Mike Bobbitt

    Army.ca Staff Reset

    Requiring Staff to subscribe is a good idea on the surface, but I have been very hesitant to coerce people into financial support. I would much prefer to see that come from E.G. advertisers if possible. In fact, I almost see things from the opposite point of view... as Staff you are already...
  18. Mike Bobbitt

    Server Hosting 2017

    Thanks MOOXE, that's good insight. I'm actually already using Google's DFP (AdSense), which I guess underscores the effectiveness of ad blockers. :) For those who are willing, I've attached a screenshot of how to disable your ad blocker, just for Army.ca. Note: Subscribers never see ads...
  19. Mike Bobbitt

    Server Hosting 2017

    We got pretty close. I haven't had to pull the trigger on the "big" purchase of the reserved instance yet. Although I'm kinda doubling costs by running two server infrastructures while things are cut over, I hope this period will be short. Having said that, I just discovered that I may have to...
  20. Mike Bobbitt

    C7 PWT 2/3 Aide Memoire

    Folks, I just realized that the attachments had been stripped out of my previous [very old] post on the C7 PWT 2/3. Attached are the aide memoire docs I made a few years ago. When printed the doc can be folded in thirds, then in half to easily fit into a pocket. PDF and Word attached in case...