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  1. Mike Bobbitt

    Increase font in quotes

    Looks the same size to me? Edit: Nope, I did a forced refresh and sure enough, the font size is smaller again. I did some re-work over the weekend, I'll have to go back and fix it. Thanks for letting me know!
  2. Mike Bobbitt

    Mobile View

    Folks, Although it doesn't have the Army.ca green (yet), Mobile view is available. To switch back and forth, use the following: Mobile View Desktop View Note, mobile view does not look good on a desktop. Try it on your phone. :)
  3. Mike Bobbitt

    Error “call to undefined function”

    Didn't get to it last week, hopefully this coming week! (And hopefully the mobile theme is compatible with the updated forum software!)
  4. Mike Bobbitt

    Error “call to undefined function”

    I've had to do a bit of a baseline reset, so the mobile theme took a hit. I'll see if I can reinstall that tonight or later this week.
  5. Mike Bobbitt

    Error “call to undefined function”

    Found an example and I believe, fixed it. Thanks!
  6. Mike Bobbitt

    Error “call to undefined function”

    Is this only while accessing via a phone? Can you give an example of a link/thread that doesn't work?
  7. Mike Bobbitt

    How Boot Polish Kept my House from Burning Down (A true but cautionary tale)

    Know what you mean about living in an old house. Attached is our kitchen fire extinguisher. (With an approved extinguisher nearby.) Glad it was resolved without significant damage!
  8. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Thanks all. Still making some tweaks and fixes as time allows, but I am feeling comfortable we are "stable" for the time being. Appreciate all of your patience and support. Cheers Mike
  9. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    I believe we have finally reached a level of stability. Server is rebuilt and many changes made, so please let me know when you find things not working. Thanks for your patience all, I know it has been a frustrating few days!
  10. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Update: Progress is being made but issues remain.
  11. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Folks, Sorry about the site issues, we encountered severe performance issues of an unknown source. It did not appear to be related to a spike in site traffic, but most likely a server software or configuration issue. I have upgraded the server and refreshed all software packages to see if this...
  12. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Folks, we have been having some intermittent issues with the site crashing a few times throughout the day. I have performed a major OS upgrade on the server, please let me know if you see any issues. Hopefully this will resolve the crashing issue. (And not introduce some other issue!)
  13. Mike Bobbitt

    Army.ca Chat [merged]

    Appreciate the heads up, that does sound fishy. I'll check into it.
  14. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Folks, Replaced the SSL/TLS certificates with a new breed, should be no issues but let me know if you have any troubles. Cheers Mike
  15. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Just upgraded the Tapatalk API here - it was a minor upgrade from 4.5.1 to 4.5.2, so it may not have any effect, but let me know if it makes things better/worse/no change. Cheers Mike
  16. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Thanks, I'll do some digging and see what I can find.
  17. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Good news folks, I moved us to a new, improved database server, and pre-paid the next 3 years. Performance should be a bit better now, and as always if you have any issues just let me know. Cheers Mike
  18. Mike Bobbitt

    Aldershot Kit List and Staff Living

    I’d also add https://valleyevents.ca to the list. (It happens to be co-hosted here, too!)
  19. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Yeah, incognito/private browsing may also cause that issue in some cases.
  20. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    That message usually appears when you have multiple tabs open doing multiple things at once. For example if I'm drafting a post, and then open up a new tab to browse the forums, I'm likely to get that message.