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Search results

  1. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    An ad blocker should work, but won't be available for mobile users (which are an increasingly high proportion of our users). For now, I've relegated ads to unregistered users: Log in, no ads. I'll see how that plays for a bit while I try to work out the issue with the ad placement.
  2. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    I've just made another change... could make it better, could make it worse. Feedback?
  3. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    ...and I thought I might have worked out a solution. Looks like I have not! Back to the drawing board I guess.
  4. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    It allows Chrome and other browsers to use the "toast" popups in the lower right of your screen to notify you of new DMs, replies to threads you are following, etc.
  5. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    I have, for now, completely disabled ads. I like it, but in recent years, the site has largely sustained itself on ad revenue. I do not want to pressure users to “pay to play.” The whole point in my view is the site should be free for all, with the option to support via subscriptions (upgrades)...
  6. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Ok, I may have slowed down the rampaging ads. Odd, I have not changed a thing wrt advertising since we went live on Christmas Eve with the new site. I suspect Google is just getting more aggressive with the inserts. I'll see if I can scale it back to something reasonable... if not I may have to...
  7. Mike Bobbitt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Is it asking for the 2FA/MFA code every time too? I’ve managed to stay logged in across multiple devices so far. Are you online when it “forgets” you or does it occur when coming back to the site after being away for a bit? I may be able to make the text box for new posts lighter, but have to...
  8. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    Unfortunately the ability to ignore boards is something we lost in the migration. This should be "better" now in that anyone who was set to UTC is now set to Eastern timezone. You'll have to adjust off that.
  9. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    Great! Heads up if you have issues in the next few hours I'm doing another upgrade (back-end, no visible change to users). Apparently I just can't sit still lol.
  10. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    Thanks for the info blackadder. This sent me down a path which found a few things. First, the elastic search daemon wasn't automatically starting on reboot. Once I got that sorted, I found that the search index was not correctly built... a manual attempt to build showed that I didn't have enough...
  11. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    Yeah noticed that. Seems to be resolved now but I’ll keep an eye on things.
  12. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    Yep, turns out I changed the wrong spot. 5 mins is now 60 mins, and Subscribers should be able to delete posts again. Thanks for the feedback, we will reach equilibrium at some point! :D
  13. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    Changed to 35 mins, is that reasonable? Trying to balance ease of use against going back and changing the conversation, which has happened in the old days.
  14. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    I think there is a “mod” that may allow collapsing, but at least for now, I’m trying to stay “stock” as much as practical. All of the custom coding and changes to the last stuff made things difficult to maintain over time.
  15. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    Looks like it’s not possible with the base software.
  16. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    It’s automatic, if you pick a positive “like” you give a point. Some are neutral, and some (like trolling spam) or will deduct a point. Here’s what I’ve added so far, I can add/adjust as we go. Note: To give a reaction other than Like, click and hold (or tap and hold).
  17. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    Everything from the old site should be here, somewhere. The search is pretty powerful so if you know enough to search on you should be able to find it. Knowing the OP, the board, or some of the key words/phrases would help. :)
  18. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    Here is another link on PWA: https://mobilesyrup.com/2020/05/24/how-install-progressive-web-app-pwa-android-ios-pc-mac/ Has instructions for “installing” it on iOS and Android.
  19. Mike Bobbitt

    Site Administration Welcome to the new Army.ca!

    I haven’t done the Tapatalk integration yet. Will put that on the list!