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  1. Flavus101

    The Defence Budget [superthread]

    I found an open source report: http://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/parl_oag_201611_05_e_41834.html#p109 5.109 Actual attrition. In the 2014–15 and the 2015–16 fiscal years, the Regular Force lost 5,487 and 4,804 members respectively, which represented about 8 percent and 7 percent of the...
  2. Flavus101

    The Defence Budget [superthread]

    It is all about creating little empires (job security) for some people. Those who are so far removed from where the frontline work gets done in the CAF have ample time to worry about these issues which really shouldn't require much thought to get right. These are the types who devote their time...
  3. Flavus101

    The Defence Budget [superthread]

    ^ Solid post.
  4. Flavus101

    Class "A" duty Status

    I also am very confused why this is still in limbo... It is absolutely ridiculous that situations like this even occur. I think that there needs to be a sit-down with the relevant people all in the same room so that all the details can be properly aired and a decision reached. This bullshit...
  5. Flavus101

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    Cameras open up their own can of worms. You will almost never get full coverage from a camera system, what happens when an event that appears suspicious happens but moves off camera? The UK operates a system of cameras that monitor public spaces, I personally am not a big fan of that (call me a...
  6. Flavus101

    Canso, NS to join the space race, er..industry

    I had no idea the Ukraine had a rocket export industry!
  7. Flavus101

    All things beardy-2005 to 2018 (merged)

    Fastest release process ever... I think that SSM and Ballz are so up in arms because it appears that there is a hell of a lot more time and energy devoted to ensuring the good ol grooming standards and shiny bits of dress kit than working on items and projects that will allow us to complete our...
  8. Flavus101

    VAdm Norman - Supply Ship contract: Legal fight

    I don't think the public quite fully understands how messed up the system is. I concur that they understand it is not running how it should, I just don't believe they have wrapped their head around how bad it is. I am also starting to think that the public is starting to accept that the...
  9. Flavus101

    Motion M-103 coming up (split fm Politics in 2017)

    Is that what we should do? Simply set aside our values because it is going to cause a bit of a stink with a large number (not majority, but a large number) of people? This is how ridiculous policies get in place, there are too many "yes men" that just nod and agree because they are too nervous...
  10. Flavus101

    VAdm Norman - Supply Ship contract: Legal fight

    The good old National Post is reporting this as well. (Link withheld for legal reasons)...
  11. Flavus101

    BMOQ - Reserve ( merged )

    If a Reg force member fails they are not slotted back onto the mod they failed to complete (assuming they get another go)? They have to start at the beginning again? Thanks for the info though everyone!
  12. Flavus101

    BMOQ - Reserve ( merged )

    I would be curious to see the stats on reservists taking the course? I assume (a problem in and of itself  :P) that the 1% stat you threw out was for both reg and reserve. If we look at only reserve candidates, what is the percentage that opted for the mod based version?
  13. Flavus101

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    Sounds like you had a rough go there buds. Might have something to do with overanalyzing everything. Perhaps might involve you taking every small misfortune that occurred as an intentional act against you. I am sure that little journal also did wonders at improving your situation. There are...
  14. Flavus101

    Politics in 2017

    Good for the firefighters and paramedics! Pray tell, was that decision unanimous down to the last 300,000th member?
  15. Flavus101

    U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

    People group themselves into nations and then states. A nation may be composed of many states (the people living in the nation are similar enough on the outside, but there are distinct differences between the societies of the various states). Think of this concept like the Holy Roman Empire of...
  16. Flavus101

    U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

    That is why we have elections. In a democratic republic like the United States the electorate is meant to screen candidates for the traits they desire in a leader. I am not a believer in complete direct democracy, I do believe that there must be checks and balances (which should be provided by...
  17. Flavus101

    U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

    That's exactly what the States needs... a group of people who screen the leader of the free world for the desired traits.  :facepalm:
  18. Flavus101

    Light Carrier Arguments

    Why spend money equipping a member of NATO when at the end of the day you have no control of the asset? I echo D&B, if the NATO countries really wanted to have a top-end military they have the money to do it. They simply lack the political commitment to shift the funding. When you start...
  19. Flavus101

    U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

    Just another "expert" weighing in. The nice thing about "experts" is that you can always find another one whose opinion differs. I think that the world needs an event that brings around hard times, where the starving students are not able to always have the latest phone or computer. An event...
  20. Flavus101

    Chair, Vice-Chairs named for Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee

    Keep in mind that this post is not meant to attack you, simply the point that you made. And so what if the Committee is all male? At what point in time did that become a problem? I would think the decisions made by the Committee will affect Muslims, Christians, rural and urban folk, etc. etc...