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  1. Flavus101

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    I don't know if we should be using conscripts as comparing apples to apples here  :P. I will concede for the moment, thanks EITS and others for laying out your positions. I have definitely taken it on board and you've changed my outlet on certain subjects.
  2. Flavus101

    Politics in 2017

    The Romans ran into this problem where the politicians simply bickered to bicker without any just cause. We know how well that turned out... Historically, countries (or societies of people in general) have an interesting cycle where they are more democratic for a bit, then more authoritarian...
  3. Flavus101

    GBA+ training

    But then the optics would be all off for those that "matter"....
  4. Flavus101

    22 March 2017: Attack In London

    Thanks for those well thought out posts Brihard! Old Sweat, I know someone going to that ceremony as well. I also trust that the security services are working hard.
  5. Flavus101

    22 March 2017: Attack In London

    While we may use the term "mental illness" at times to justify why a person committed an act that the vast majority of people would never dream of committing, I do not believe that we are doing ourselves any favours. I think that we have used "mental illness" way too broadly over the past few...
  6. Flavus101

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    We all aren't as talented.  ;) What I am getting at is it depends what is involved in the attack. Is the attack your standard walk along until you find that specific hill with the depression or forest on the flank and then simply do your flanking attack. Or does it involve part of the force...
  7. Flavus101

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    A category is much like what I know a "competency" to be. Like a qual it says you can do something, however it has an expiry time. Now this is just trying to extrapolate the category concept a bit further. The variety of PWT's that must be shot in order to stay "current" or the number of jumps...
  8. Flavus101

    GBA+ training

    Whenever the government inserts themselves into family life in such a way it rarely works out over the long haul... There is an ever increasing amount of parents who believe that the school system is meant to teach their kids everything they need to know about life and that when the kid messes...
  9. Flavus101

    CityNews Toronto "Invasion" Story

    And here comes the berating about how females aren't objects and what you just said completely sexualizes them. Oh wait, did I just assume a gender? In all seriousness, we need to stop pandering to fear. If immigrants are scared then we need to stop sheltering them, instead it should be...
  10. Flavus101

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    In case it isn't clear I have never operated the sensor suite you are talking about, when reading my next bit of rambling factor that in  :P. In my mind I equate the complexity of operating that sensor suite to conducting an insert with assault boats, infilling on foot, then conducting a raid...
  11. Flavus101

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    Without straying too far out of my lane here (I really do not know a whole lot about the Navy nor Airforce) I think we are speaking to almost the same point. I definitely agree that there are certain trades within the Airforce and Navy that are a hell of a lot more technical than the majority...
  12. Flavus101

    Canadian Budget 2017

    Some people just like to hear themselves... Or in this case know that others are reading their posts.
  13. Flavus101

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    I would wager that not all Sea and Air components are as technical as some Land components. Once you have hammered in a skill you usually just require periodic refreshers to keep yourself proficient. However this requires you to have learned the skill properly. Personal gripe - We need to stop...
  14. Flavus101

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    And yet some are confused when people say enough with this coddling of the muslim religion. We aren't afraid to condemn Catholics, Protestants, Jews, etc. When you elevate one group above the rest it is only a matter of time before they believe that they are superior and can do what they wish...
  15. Flavus101

    The Defence Budget [superthread]

    *Offtopic alert* This is most definitely not the most important thing out of above releases. I just find it interesting that Indigenous leaders were specifically consulted. It would be nice to know what exactly they bring to the table in regards to Defence Policy, besides possibly helping to...
  16. Flavus101

    CityNews Toronto "Invasion" Story

    That is where my bit about the police and military needing to communicate better with each other. There was an incident in my area where a similar type of thing occurred. An exercise was being conducted at a local park, a concerned resident called the police. The police show up with a police dog...
  17. Flavus101

    CityNews Toronto "Invasion" Story

    Here is an absolute winner, be sure to watch the video for the full effect: http://www.citynews.ca/2017/03/21/toronto-police-apologize-flippant-tweet-military-exercises/ I really wish the police and military would support each other more. I believe this speaks to the need to get into the...
  18. Flavus101

    Politics in 2017

    While I agree with most of what you are saying I do not believe that you will ever see a cent from most illegals. In general I think that most have already spent their savings on arriving to Canada, as such a program that seeks to collect compensation would simply be a waste of taxpayer money.  :P
  19. Flavus101

    Politics in 2017

    The interesting thing about law is that it can be changed. The law must balance between protecting the minority's rights while following the constitution (although I believe the constitution as a whole only covers Canadian citizens, with non-citizens being granted the rights laid out in the...
  20. Flavus101

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    AbdullahD, I am one that for the most part stays on the sidelines. However I appreciate both jarnhamar and yourself discussing this topic in a civil manner. It helps people like myself gain insight into the various topics.