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  1. S

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    I believe the info quoted here is for a batch 1 RIVER CLASS. The batch 2 has a higher top speed (24kts) and a larger main weapon (30mm) for example. It's a better fit for us than the batch 1.
  2. S

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Ocean Helman...very fond memories
  3. S

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    With regards to the Sea Cepter, it is listed on the fact sheet under CIADS (provided by MBDA). The listing is in the same column as the torpedo suite and 30mm units.
  4. S

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    I agree, it's not the ideal fix, and there might be a certain "throwing good money after bad" angle to it. But, I think there is likely to be a time, some point soon, where quantity of hulls, particularly with low crew requirements, is going to bring a quality all its own.
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    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    Maybe an unpopular thought, but it might make some sense to build the extra 2 AOPS, and keep them with the Navy. If it appears that we'll be short of ships for missions in the next 5-10 years, flexible vessels like the HDW class, may be useful, particularly with their lower demands on crewing. I...
  6. S

    USN Laser and Drone swarms....

    Would something like the 35mm millennium with fragmentation ammunition work better?
  7. S

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    I saw her at Welland a few weeks back. Came upon her by chance and I'm looking forward to getting a better look next time I go through there. First time I've seen one of that class in person. Impressive.
  8. S

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    In a perfect world, you'd have both Arctic icebreakers built by the same yard, using the same design, with presumably commensurate savings from doing so. Since it's been determined that either the schedule or perhaps dearth of voting being spread out in the most satisfactory manner (to the G's...
  9. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    I think he's referring to a PHALANX, Colin. They're about that weight, IIRC.
  10. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    I I disagree, to a degree. The MCDV does have a UAV capacity with excellent real time visual coverage. I can't speak to the speed capability for the auxiliary boats carried by the ship, unsure if they are similar or not. I would like to see a KINGSTON with some sort of RWS, preferably the...
  11. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    Since the assessment of the AOPS area of operations/mission profile called for the RWS, it would seem logical for the same to apply to the MCDV, given that they do cut much of the same grass. Maybe even if there were 6 of the units kept in a rotating pool to be installed for just these sorts of...
  12. S

    Future Naval platforms, systems, & fleet composition

    Last year, participating in JOINT WARRIOR 2020, the RCN had HALIFAX, VDQ, TORONTO and ASTERIX at sea together. They played the opposing force to the RN QE strike force in the exercise, IIRC.
  13. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    Definitely a much better tasking for something with legs, then. Should be a good fit for the AOPS range, I'd imagine. Thx for the insight, it's good to have a better idea of how these missions are executed.
  14. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    I rather thought that might be the case. I was just brainstorming if it were possible given shorter patrol missions and the ability rotate in and out multiple ships. Say, send 3 or 4 on OP CARIBBE with a rotation in and out of port etc. Again, probably not the best bet, anyway.
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    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    Not saying that this is my idea of a great solution, but I was looking at the USCG Fast Response Cutter recently. It's about 400t, has a stern ramp, 2500kt range and is capable of 28+ kts. It's also equipped with a 25mm and a pair of .50 cal. I'm wondering if an option would be to procure 10 of...
  16. S

    Replacing the Subs

    My thoughts are with you, my friend. Best of luck!
  17. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    Curious about your assessment of the NZ PROTECTOR class having no UAV abilities. The ship incorporates a fully functional hangar for a full size manned helo. This should be more than adequate for any manner of either fixed wing or rotary UAVS.
  18. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    That Damen model is sweet. It seems to tick quite a few boxes.
  19. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    I'm no expert, but I've been told before on these threads that these type of ships are often very specific to their area of operations. VISBY is for Baltic Ops, relatively small AOO and not the grind that operating a vessel in the North Atlantic can be/is. Same for the other two, being the Med...