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  1. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    It's a very nice vessel, but not the speediest thing around at 17kt. Range (according to wiki FWIW) is 3000 NM compared with 5500 NM for the RIVER class, too.
  2. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    Update: Canada issues Royal Canadian Navy ISTAR UAS request for information I think you are referring to this current tender. I'm not sure if it's to replace SKELDAR or compliment it. If the latter, that means the RCN would be fielding 3 different UAV systems, including the PUMA used by MCDV'S.
  3. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    It would also fit in a CSC mission Bay, I'm guessing. Though, I'm not sure you'd want a frigate babysitting a mine clearance operation, but at least the option is there.
  4. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    I was using it as sort of a low bar for something that has an air defense and anti surface capacity. Naturally, I would prefer a 57mm for the reason you mentioned and also for its impact. I'm still of the opinion that the 25mm is a bit light, but it's probably good for 90% of what the vessel...
  5. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    Regarding helo ops, it's kind of a lost opportunity in some respects to not have a lesser aircraft to deploy from ships than the Cyclone. I believe the AOPS are to be sent north with a CCG help and airdet at least initially. I think something like a bell 429 tasked for AOPS or new OPV missions...
  6. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    That's certainly true, but I think the replacement has to be a bit more substantial. Sea keeping, speed and flexibility in mission profile would be better served by a longer, larger displacement vessel. For myself, I'd prefer to see something that makes at least 20kt, has a landing pad, ability...
  7. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    Off the top of my head I can't think of too many other options that would be considered a lower end vessel than the RIVER. SAMUEL BECKETT class maybe? I think anything more workman like would probably wind up being a clean sheet design, unless you found something like a Sea Truck design from...
  8. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    Yes, I understand it was quite the battle to get that sorted. IIRC it cost them a heavier main gun too, but I can't recall if that was a weight issue or a budgetary one due to the cost of the strengthening. I'd sure love to have that hangar though. I think it's worth it even for UAVs. I wonder...
  9. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    Fair enough. In that case, what would be your baseline requirements for a new OPV, with regards to size, compliment, speed, armament, sensor fit etc? I also wonder about your opinion on ISO capacity, hangar and ability to upscale as need demands?
  10. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    I feel like the AOPS are already going to be stretched pretty thin. With only 6 and lots of potential taskings on 3 coasts and abroad, their dance card is looking pretty full already. I also wonder if they'll be sent to do more frigate style work as the CPF's need more and more down time for...
  11. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    I feel like the AOPS are already going to be stretched pretty thin. With only 6 and lots of potential taskings on 3 coasts and abroad, their dance card is looking pretty full already. I also wonder if they'll be sent to do more frigate style work as the CPF's need more and more down time for...
  12. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

  13. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    I'd imagine the question would be whether it was deemed necessary to invest more heavily into a dedicated mine warfare/clearance capability or are we satisfied with how we do it now? It's been stated in this forum before that mechanical sweeping has not been done by the MCDV's for some time and...
  14. S

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    I wonder if their assessment of timeline still holds true for a 2023 delivery. I'm guessing that RN sea trials happen post delivery, but there will be a series of builders trials first? If so, 2 years doesn't seem like a lot of time for the fitting out of the first ship of the class.
  15. S

    Replacing the Subs

    I think we missed an opportunity when Trump was calling us out on defence expenditures. That would've been an ideal time to make a play for SSN's built in the US. It would have been winners all around...We get something capable of under ice patrol, impress NATO/US with a funding and capability...
  16. S

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    If I'm not mistaken, I was under the impression that the electric drive system on T26 was being touted as one of the main reasons why it would be an exceptional ASW platform. As a matter of fact, I thought the whole point to the T26 was an ASW bias, given they already have an AAW class?
  17. S

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    I agree, but now that mine hunting is being done by unmanned systems, it could be incorporated onto any given platform you choose. The issue with using the AOPS in the way that you mentioned, I believe, is with the number of ships that will comprise the class. With only 6 hulls, doing OPV...
  18. S

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    I think if anything were to change overall, it would likely be the number of CSC that get built, rather than how soon we get them. I can see a scenario where it goes from 15 to 10-12 and then decide the KINGSTON replacement be an enhanced OPV/corvette that makes up a little ground on the missing...
  19. S

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    I guess if they made it a Flight II AOPS, with a 100+ ft increase in length (for a VLS, mission Bay, etc) and an MT30 (along with added length makes a few more knots) it wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen. But, still no world standard radar, no stealth to speak of (she's pretty high...
  20. S

    RCN Weapons System (historical, current, planned)

    There's so much more flexibility with the 30mm. Higher firing rate, ability to store more ammo in the mount, significant upgrade in hitting power (the USN did a brief film on the difference in damage dealt between a 25 and 30mm weapons system, can't find it at the moment) and perhaps most...