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  1. medaid

    On asking questions & hostile dog-pile replies.

    Why thank you for your permission. I shall indeed to continue to offer my advice in a manner appropriate to the questions being asked. I'm glad someone has finally authorized me to do so!
  2. medaid

    All things Health Care Admin/HCA (merged)

    HCA = OCdt - Captain HSO = Maj - Gen (but very unlikely beyond Col, as H Svc branch is always commanded by MOs) It would never work because the HCA is your clinic manager, trg coordinator, policy enforcer and platoon commanders. All of the above jobs cannot be performed by a LOG O, just like...
  3. medaid

    Taliban Claim Mentions Trevor Greene & Other Child Soldier Attacks

    Oh snap! I KNEW that they lied to me when they said the MCR wasn't going to stand up! I have proof now! The enemy knows it exists! It even claims to have killed one of it members! Amazing! I want my transfer to the MCR now!
  4. medaid

    Criminal Charge help

    Just to sa this. Assault is Assault. It is an indictable offence under the Criminal Code. You were lucky to get a conditional sentence. It however does not negate the fact that you had comitted an offence. Sure you don't have a record, but any investigator worth their salt will dig and find out...
  5. medaid

    Sailors don't wear CADPAT direction by CANFORGEN

    Funny we're only hearing from those who've got such a BIG problem with wearing CADPAT. I've met more then my share of sailors who LOVE wearing CADPAT. Stating that they don't have to iron the damn things, it's good to go even if it's a little dirty, and feels that their OD with BLACK threaded...
  6. medaid

    Sailors don't wear CADPAT direction by CANFORGEN

    So I guess you just said what I said again? My point was that there is no such thing as element accouterments. As purple is purple.
  7. medaid

    Sailors don't wear CADPAT direction by CANFORGEN

    I don't agree with Halifax Tar one single bit. The reason is that the Purple trades don't belong to anyone but their BRANCH. That's why the CSS trades all wear BRANCH insignia NOT element insignia. They are a clerk, doc, nurse, medtech, PSEL, PAFF, MP etc etc etc FIRST. Their uniform is...
  8. medaid

    Sailors don't wear CADPAT direction by CANFORGEN

    Waste of time and energy.
  9. medaid

    Pharmacy Officer

    No, not at all. What I'm saying by "think hard" is just that. You will be apart from your family for quite a bit during your initial training period, and not to mention that your postings may be all over the map. West coast, East coast and all areas in between. Since you brought up the point of...
  10. medaid

    Pharmacy Officer

    pharmadude, Unfortunately you will be stationed where the CF stations you. You don't really have a choice especially if it's your first posting. Your young family has got to do without you for a while, since you'll be away for your basic, then learder ship, then the specialist courses for your...
  11. medaid

    "Lesbian U.S. deserter case must be reviewed: court"

    Her sexual orientation has NOTHING to do with anything. I am SICK and TIRED of homosexuals who flaunt their sexual orientation like a "Oh poor me, look at me, I deserve a break" flag. If you WANT equal rights, and equal treatment, and be as you be, then QUIT using your sexual orientation as a...
  12. medaid

    Personal weapons training BMQ Reserve

    Vimy_gunner, If you take some more time to search through BMQ topics, you will find the answer you're looking for and I sugges that you look at the SQ topics as well to get a more rounded answer.
  13. medaid

    CAF Combat boots policy 2005-2018

    Polish may be your problem. The only pair of magnums I have ever messed up was by putting polish on it. I use boot paste with it now, and after  3 yrs I have had no problems with any of my other pairs of magnums. I own lots.
  14. medaid

    9 mm pistol as secondary weapon

    Lucky you.
  15. medaid

    Moose becomes 1st "victim" of new armed CBSA border guard policy

    Don't be. There are many members who never step foot on to a rural high way, and as such have no clue what to do with an injured animal. Not to mention if the CBSA member was an IntO, the RCMP member maybe in the same line of work. That's federal and they are based predominantly in major...
  16. medaid

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    Cowgirl Don't Cry.... Good song.
  17. medaid

    Possible sell- Elcan Spectre DR

    Pfft yeah there is... the munchies we get when we're work....oh....