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  1. Old EO Tech

    On Guard 90 and the 'Super Master Corporal's' Training Course

    I was a young Pte in 2 Svc Bn in Pet at this time.  I can't speak to the RNTP as I've always been Reg Force.  But I took part in On Guard 90, or as we called it Oh God 90.  Definitely a very limited success of a Total Force Ex.  I don't know how this worked out on the Combat Arms side of things...
  2. Old EO Tech

    EO Tech Sight

    If you have not done the new TFR's see your planner or Prod O, there is a DRMIS simulation and PPT on how do them as well as an training aid pdf.  Really they are just an other type of notification, were each level in the CoC adds their comments in the text field and then adds the next level of...
  3. Old EO Tech

    EO Tech Sight

    DRMIS TFR's are not that hard to do once you crest the small learning curve.  They can be done in either the portal or production. And to clarify there is a difference between UCR's and TFR's.  TFR's are for when an item fails to live up to is technical specifications.  Such as the problem here...
  4. Old EO Tech

    EO Tech Sight

    EO Tech sights aren't even repairable items for that matter.  But if you are receiving ones with manufacturing defects that is something that needs to be pushed to the LCMM on a DRMIS PR TFR. Or no action will be taken to fix the issue.
  5. Old EO Tech

    PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

    I'd really like to see some RCN examples of MOI PER's with 16 AF's to cover and only using 9 lines...anyone happen too see one of these elusive beasts that the new CANFORGEN references?
  6. Old EO Tech

    Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

    You have had a very different experience from myself and many LCIS tech's I know and have supervised.  I have never told them how to fix radios.....but I do tell them how to sort out their DRMIS Work Orders that most LCIS/ACISS CST are not terribly good at.  And not to order ECL items on a WO...
  7. Old EO Tech

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

    Merry Christmas to all on Army.ca
  8. Old EO Tech

    Retro Pay & Allow 1Apr 2014 - 1Apr 2017

    Technically they are not tied to the unionized play raises, there are no TB policies preventing the GoC from giving the CAF a cost of living pay raise before the unions.  They chose not to do so, so as not to set a precedent ahead of negotiations....
  9. Old EO Tech

    Civilian credentials on your MPRR ??

    I agree totally, I recently had to point out to my young Sgt's that you can actually write in the blue sheets and when done by a supervisor it becomes documented fact.  Printing them off of Monitor Mass while in many cases works is not the 100% solution and should never replace the requirement...
  10. Old EO Tech

    Dec 21 - Happy Birthday, The RCD & The RCR

    We could always discuss why the RCN feels they are the senior service in Canada even though Naval Service of Canada didn;t form until 1910...55 years after the Militia Act created the Active Militia(aka Army).  But Happy Birthday to the RCD and RCR. Arte et Marte and Pro Patricia
  11. Old EO Tech

    Combat Team of tomorrow? Mechanized Infantry Company of tomorrow?

    I would agree, Armoured Regt's have always had a large echelon to support it's Sabre and Recce Sqn's.  While the Inf Bn's have gone from M113's and Grizzilies to LAV's with very little extra PY's in the CSS Eschelon's despite the huge difference in complexity of fighting systems.  But adding...
  12. Old EO Tech

    USN Patent Leather Oxford Shoes Authorized

    I agree completely, very cheap and chessy.  And while it is technically the CO that signs all orders in a unit....we all know were the dress orders really come from ...
  13. Old EO Tech

    Combat Team of tomorrow? Mechanized Infantry Company of tomorrow?

    Indeed it did change from TF 1-08 to TF 3-08, but that was much more to do with politics than capabilities.  NSE already Opcon MRT's to each BG Coy for the entire tour, the only thing that happened in 3-08 was an ET and Maint O was added to the BG Org.  There were no more vehicles or...
  14. Old EO Tech

    Combat Team of tomorrow? Mechanized Infantry Company of tomorrow?

    I agree, yes the strength of a Svc Bn is around 900 pers, but the strength of an FSG which is the unit typically used to support the Bde in the field is only approx 300-400 pers.  As MCG has stated, Svc Bn has many institutional support functions that should probably belong to the CDSG but...
  15. Old EO Tech

    Wearing Uniforms Post-Release/Retirement (merged)

    It is possible to wear a uniform after retirement...but it's not an easy process.  You will have to write a letter to the Comd RCAF or Comd CA. http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/faq/index-eng.asp?cat=dress&FaqID=124#ans-rep Question Can I wear my uniform after retiring/releasing from...
  16. Old EO Tech

    Recovery - current and the future

    Logistics is a fact of life, computers or not, ask Hitler or Napoleon.  So we have to balance capabilities with the need to support the fleet.  Taking logistics into account doesn't mean the supply system is broken, it means we need to streamline our effort.  I already take a small sea can...
  17. Old EO Tech

    Recovery - current and the future

    I don't think there is a need to separate the recovery and repair functions for an A Ech vehicle, MRV's can still carry a lot of parts even though they also have a large winch and a anchor blade.
  18. Old EO Tech

    Recovery - current and the future

    I agree it certainly is another headache for Tpt to pick up everyone but the driver, as the Wrecker can only take one passenger....I somehow doubt this is a key point in the SOR though :-/
  19. Old EO Tech

    B Fleet divestment & B vehicle rust-out (Split from: TAPV thread)

    I can't speak to what specifically happened in PRes units, but there was no intelligent decisions from CA/Divs on the B fleet divestment, Bde's and units were just told to cut 50% and it was up to them to balance unit needs and maintain at least 1 Echelon per unit..... A end result that Bde's...
  20. Old EO Tech

    Unique Regimental Traditions

    Judging by this one FB group I'd say there is lots of pride still in the Fighting Perth's https://www.facebook.com/groups/500239686718601/