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  1. Old EO Tech

    Senior promotions, appointments and retirements (merged)

    Yes and meanwhile we are blindly just cutting CWO's again, without any particular analysis about what they do for the CA and CAF.... Jon
  2. Old EO Tech

    Retro Pay & Allow 1Apr 2014 - 1Apr 2017

    I would definitely go to your clerks and have them look at that.  But the pay guide did go month by month for both pay and LDA etc.  So if you don't see months/years that you think you deserve, that would be the starting point. Jon
  3. Old EO Tech

    Retro Pay & Allow 1Apr 2014 - 1Apr 2017

    I noticed the same thing, they maxed out on tax, pension, EI and CPP.  And yes EI and CPP will max out early, and Revenue Canada is going to be giving me back more cash next March :-/  Not necessarily a bad thing. Jon
  4. Old EO Tech

    Canadian Sniper Sets Longest Shot Record

    I'm thinking, as an EO Tech, that at that range there must have been special ammo and an electronic FCS driven scope too....but all speculation as that will never be released of course. Jon
  5. Old EO Tech

    Defining Foreign and Defence Policy (and hence our Military Force)

    For that matter, if you look at the tasks that the CAF has in this policy, they are not that different from the CFDS, or the 1993 White Paper on Defence for that matter...only the proposed cash is different.  And for that I will reserve judgement until FY 18/19 when the first 1.2B is supposed to...
  6. Old EO Tech

    Defining Foreign and Defence Policy (and hence our Military Force)

    Well like many here, I'll believe the numbers when I see contracts being signed.  As someone already stated, projects already exist for much of this, it would just take money for LVM, ERC, ACSV projects to put out RFP this year and assess bids in 18.... Jon
  7. Old EO Tech

    Unveiling of New CANSOFCOM Dress Uniform

    Well I'm not sure what the RCN and RCAF think about there uniforms, but the current CA DEU looks like a business suit with badges....And I would certainly welcome a uniform that makes us actually look like soldiers, not a green bag designed by a rotund CDS at unification :-/ Hell even bringing...
  8. Old EO Tech

    Retro Pay & Allow 1Apr 2014 - 1Apr 2017

    Thanks, any smart person here do a similar calculator for environmental allowances? Sea pay, LDA etc Jon
  9. Old EO Tech

    All things beardy-2005 to 2018 (merged)

    I agree totally, and IMHO the CBRN reasoning is a red herring...the lack of beards in the Army is nothing more than adherence to an archaic idea that we can only tell if our soldiers are washing if we make them shave....which is a low level leadership issue and nothing more.  Not to mention that...
  10. Old EO Tech

    PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

    Sometimes that is justified though, particularly if they are different trades with different scores required to merit nationally.  The question to ask is do this Cpl's deserve to be promoted?  If the answer is yes then the next question is what score is required to do that in there trade?  For...
  11. Old EO Tech

    LAV 6.0

    Could be that these are the LORITS that were not getting upgraded originally.... Jon
  12. Old EO Tech

    WTB, WTT: Air Cadet Badges/uniforms/books etc

    Nice Collection, been awhile since I've seen the old green AirCadet uniforms we wore in the 80's with no medals back then other than the Duke of Edinburgh award.  Jon
  13. Old EO Tech

    Length of veh tech training

    There is a lot of light and heat being put on the roles and tasks of PRes Svc Bn right now, with all of them being asked for there input as to what they think they can provide.  A couple things have filtered out of what I have heard.  One for the MSE Ops is for them to do long haul trucking with...
  14. Old EO Tech

    Coming soon to a SOF unit near you...

    DART might be able to get some slightly used MRZR's from the LIB, out of the 36 or so purchased I'm sure we can paste together a half dozen, after the try and buy trials are over :-/...
  15. Old EO Tech

    CAN Enhanced (Permanent?) Fwd Presence in Latvia

    Ya I see Somalia level staff officer deployment :-/  All the new guys need a gong after all :-/
  16. Old EO Tech

    Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle - RG-31, LAV Coyote, and (partial) G-Wagon Replacement

    That picture looks like it was taken at MTD(LESC), in Uplands, which is what is left of LETE, but now part of QETE.  A few years ago I worked in that very sprung shelter.
  17. Old EO Tech

    Plumb Lines for Dressing, Alignment

    Better delete this before someone at 2RCR sees this and the good idea fairy strikes  >:D
  18. Old EO Tech

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    I'd just be happy if we got any sort of moderate cost of living increase for the past two years....I don't think the TB would be injuring it's fight with the PS over sick days by doing this...
  19. Old EO Tech

    Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

    Yes I concur, this is a large shock for those of us who know him well, still a lot to process.
  20. Old EO Tech

    Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

    I'm not sure if we will here anything publicly on this right away, 1VP is on block leave most of August after a busy 15 days fighting fires in northern sask.  Even if he does get replaced, I doubt DND will release that to the news.