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  1. gaspasser

    The Khadr Thread

    And yet they've let other-more seriously accused go home~~~and paid for the ticket!!! I'm not sure the lad will get justice ?~!
  2. gaspasser

    Avro Arrow RL-206

    Still, she was a Canadian dream; engineered by Canadians, built in Canada by Canadians.  Can't see why we can't be extremely proud of that accomplishment.  I'm  proud to say that I'm impressed that it was those Canadians that put a man on the moon and came up with other great aircraft later in...
  3. gaspasser

    DHS Releases 5 Terrorists Into U.S. To Test National Security

    This must be some sort of stupid joke??  Perhaps they are persons with the same names and "back grounds" to test "big brother." Like actors or people paid to act like terrorists and see if they get caught?  Putting the real bad guys back into play..would be like relighting the fire after it's...
  4. gaspasser

    Aid workers murdered by Taliban

    Unfortunately, We Canadians and other 1st world countries like to help out the third (fourth) world countries into gaining their independence and becoming a democratic country.  But what do we do with the ones that don't want it?  Yes, the world left Afghanistan alone for a few years, but then...
  5. gaspasser

    Aid workers murdered by Taliban

    I'll play devil's advocate here by saying: I find it insulting to our way of life, ethics and military ethos that these scumbags can get away with murdering innocent and unarmed medical aid workers...and we have to adhere to the Geneva Conventions. My wife read this and exclaimed: "why not just...
  6. gaspasser

    The Piper's Revenge Challenge to Haligonians

    Now, that I've seen the bands people up close and their hatbadge, I'm pretty sure it was 78th Highalnders of Halifax.  Who, BTW, came second this past weekend at Maxville behind Peel Regional Police and above 78th Fraser Highlanders..(plug in there for 78th...one their pipers is one of our...
  7. gaspasser

    "U.S. soldiers upset over decision on (Chinook) nose art"

    I'm reminded of Marlon Brando's line in Apocalypse Now.. "we train young men to drop fire on people, but thier commanders won't let them write  {bad word} on the aeroplanes because....it's obscene"
  8. gaspasser

    For those who drove the 417

    ["The city said it is pursuing the case because the speed at which Pacitti's car was travelling was excessive. Pacitti said the incident has cost him more than $6,000 in car insurance and legal fees."] Why don't some idiots just pay up and say I'm sorry!!? The reason we get these idiots doing...
  9. gaspasser

    23 Jul 10: CF-18 Crash @ Lethbridge Airport

    From what I've heard about punching out...can't say I'd boisterously wish to become a member of that club....However, the alternative....I hear that you end up a tad shorter than before... ??? Luckily a guy named Martin say fit to invent this fantastic life saving devise for flight.    :salute:
  10. gaspasser

    23 Jul 10: CF-18 Crash @ Lethbridge Airport

    WOW, talk about taking the photo "as it happens"  Nice shots and very glad to hear that the pilot lives to fly another day.  Quick thinking on his part... :salute:
  11. gaspasser

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Thank you Texas for adding more chlorine to the gene pool... :blotto:
  12. gaspasser

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    ...are you sure we don't work for the same people ???  
  13. gaspasser

    Anti-semitism uniting German neo-nazis, disgruntled Muslims?

    That is getting scary~~ Two sides of a weird triangle of hatred ganging up on one other side... I guess the Neo-Nazis figure it's the lesser of two evils ??? Why can't we all just get along... ???  [mountie]
  14. gaspasser

    Serial killer Olson threatens to sue federal government over benefits

    Yes ! And Pete has a large can of whoop ass at his disposal    :salute: I wonder why Gen. Hillier didn't get into politics ?Oh, yeah, he pissed off people in politics in order to get his troops stuff. But I digress, we need politicians who are willing to take a stand for the weak and start...
  15. gaspasser

    Serial killer Olson threatens to sue federal government over benefits

    Seems it's gang up on BYTD Day for typing the same things everyone else is typing.  Seems a there's lots of advocates for Capital Punishment here. Au Revoir.
  16. gaspasser

    Soldier fights fine for sharing pig

    I was going to go there but wasn't to sure how the forum would take it.  And I think that's illegal too, somehow...somewhere ???
  17. gaspasser

    Serial killer Olson threatens to sue federal government over benefits

    57, I stand by that! The government should give these guys thier old age pension and then sign it over to the victims families.  My mom had a hard time getting her old age pension and gets rightly upset when a refugee claimant is handed more than that and lives here free.  (my info could be off...
  18. gaspasser

    Soldier fights fine for sharing pig

    Next thing is we won't be able to share a case of beer or other beverage with friends after they help you move..or they can't help you move because you don't have Workman's Comp or aren't providing proper personal safety equipment. So, I have to BUY my FEDERALLY inspected meat from a legal...
  19. gaspasser

    Serial killer Olson threatens to sue federal government over benefits

    Thanks for the added info.  My keyboard took a burp and ceased working so I had to end my last post in mid thought. Taxpayers are already hit and complaining about government squandring, mishandling of funds et al.  Why hasn't anyone really taken offense to these costs?  I wonder if COs make...
  20. gaspasser

    Serial killer Olson threatens to sue federal government over benefits

    I think I tried to say the same things here but in not so many words.  Perhaps my intentions were ill read and I was given a warning for speaking my mind. My intention was to speak out about the fact that many folks over 65, who earned thier CPP and Old Age Pensions have to fight to get it, and...