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Search results

  1. G

    Military wedding in Winnipeg

    Bumping up
  2. G

    Thank you letter to helpful recruiter

    What is the best way to send a thank you to a recruiter that did outstanding work?  I want my acknowledgement of his excellent work ethic to place in his file, not just read and tossed.  I do not know his direct supervisor; should I contact the CFRC and ask for the CO's name and direct it to...
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    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    Since we are speaking about money I have a question about qualifying for a mortgage.  I haven't been in contact with IRP yet, and certainly I will be asking them these same questions. My wife currently works a fulltime government job and a part time on call job so she makes a decent buck.  I am...
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    Deployment Pay

    Since I haven't been on deployment yet, but from what I hear its going to happen sometime this year.  I'm curious if the various allowances you receive make a huge difference, or not much?  I'm Cpl. (basic) and curious to know if its worth waiting until after tour to purchase a house. I don't...
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    Military wedding in Winnipeg

    Has anyone here been hitched at the 17 Wing Winnipeg?  My wife (common law) and I are going to make it legal this September and would appreciate any information you can supply. Thanks, DME
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    Got the CALL

    Milpo,  The RCMP has offered me a position which I accepted.  I was heading off to their training depot last Saturday when the Forces called me and also made me an offer for ED TEch, which is my current trade.  Since I would much rather work for the CF than the RCMP I accepted the ED Tech Reg...
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    Component Transfers (Reserve to Regular): Stories

    Hey jhonnyt99 keep calliing the CFRC and if you're recruiter is not returning your call ask to speak with someone who will return your calls.  I had a slack-*ss recruiter who did nothing for me, and I mean zilch.  Thankfully the recruiter I have been dealing with lately is just the opposite...
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    Got the CALL

    You betcha I am!  I went and picked up my posting message right after work the day I got the call, couldn't wait to see it, even though half of it makes no bloody sense yet! My wife thinks I'm a bit crazy, with the long wait to get in, and the drop in pay.  My wife and I combined, our income...
  9. G

    Base (movie) theatre in Winnipeg?

    Great, thanks a lot chaos.
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    B&B near 17 Wing Winnipeg

    One more question about Winnipeg.  My wife has been trying to find a bed and breakfast really very close to the base (Whytewold) - anyone here that can help her out?  She's found a few cheap hotels downtown but the reviews aren't very nice on them, and we really would prefer the more personal...
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    Got the CALL

    Finally, had my bags packed to head off to depot for the RCMP this weekend and CFRC calls today with an offer.  Talk about cutting it bloody close! I'm a Reservist ED Tech, 12 yrs in, CT'ing to Reg. Force.  Fully QL5 qualified (no additional courses needed) and a Journeyman Electrican in the...
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    Base (movie) theatre in Winnipeg?

    I saw on a map "C.F.B. Theatre" on a map of Winnipeg.  Is it still active, and where can I get a schedule of movies they play? DME
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    Gourmet Questions

    I agree, the leftovers for lunch work fantastic.  When I was single on the weekends or my days off I would make something big, like a huge pot of chili, or lasagna (when I was feeling energetic) or beef stew and freeze it in small containers.  Then for the days I'm running late I just chuck it...
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    13 years after her husband's unexplained death, military widow finally wins comp

    And on top of all that it states the CF kept details of his death from his widow.  That makes me want to vomit.
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    Any ED Techs out there??

    SHHHH!!!! Quiet please!   My wife might read that part about going on tour a lot and make me pull my application!
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    Any ED Techs out there??

    Hey Jane I'm ED Tech and so is my wife. I'm in the Reserves CT'ing to Reg. Force and its taken three years so far for my application to go through.  However, seeing as I've been offered a go at the RCMP and have accepted, now I hear back from the CF I'll have my offer by the end of this month. ...
  17. G

    Ombudsman's Probe into Canadian Forces Recruiting and Training Backlog.

    I know one other fellow plus myself that have been waiting for a CT for over three years.  We are both QL5 qualified in the same trade we are joining reg. force in, and they are offering bonuses for both our trades.  If I got in within nine months I'd be tap dancing. Thank god my wife has been...
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    Military ID Card Pics

    I just got new temp. ID and my reserve unit took the photo with a poloroid.  It worked fine, I was able to pick one of about four or five takes for my ID.  They certainly varied, in one I looked totally stoned, and one was so large theres no way a headshot would fit on the ID card. BTW did you...
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    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    With so many people involved in the process, and with the chain-of-command hurdle (I'm referring to when your recruiter can't phone someone and ask whats up with your file because that someone is "too high up" in the chain of command) its near impossible for me to find ou where the holds ups...
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    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I can tell you from experience its a lot longer to get in with prior/current (ie switch from reserves to reg force) than it is to start from scratch with no prior experience.  CF paperwork is a nightmare and unfortunately it results in unecessary delays trying to verify and track things down. ...