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  1. muffin

    Canadian Flag for Shoulder

    I used to take the epilets off the old green pajamas when I wore them - because they'd get all bunchy. The flags were always getting stuck to the socks so I just took them off. I figured I might as well do the nametag too while I was at it. :)
  2. muffin

    Canadian Flag for Shoulder

    Must be related to the CAW-APRS (automatic poppy removing seatbelt). I have a pile of those little flags in various colours, green, red and white, tan.....  all next to the dryer... I take the things off (and the nametags and epilets) before they are washed... yes... I do his laundry ... LOL...
  3. muffin

    I want to join the military but i have cancer.

    Pills that you will have to get from the MO because as a military member you do not have access to private health care. Therefore - they will have to know.
  4. muffin

    JTF-2/Airborne destined for land north of Trenton?

    I just wanted to know if the info on the plane (listed as now with the cadets) meant that this is the same plane that is in the 2nd photo - to help with the date... nevermind though I guess.
  5. muffin

    JTF-2/Airborne destined for land north of Trenton?

    Would this be the same plane? CF-TGC Cessna L-19 Birddog Model 305A 23475 first date: 11 April 1973 - Transferred  to Air Cadet League, registered as CF-TGC Built in 1953.  Ex Canadian Army 16705, ex CF 119705 (which see).  First registered as CF-TGC on 5 September 1974, became...
  6. muffin

    Sgt. Scott Shipway Killed 7 Wounded- Sept 7/ 2008

    RIP Sgt Shipway My condolences to his friends,  family and his children - muffin
  7. muffin

    CF PLQ equivalent to BOTP?

    I do... but I am in the basement of Yeo Hall now - and moving to trailers behind the rink later this month  :blotto:
  8. muffin

    CF PLQ equivalent to BOTP?

    I know what you mean ... but they pay my mortgage ... so I guess I can't complain too much  ;D haha
  9. muffin

    CF PLQ equivalent to BOTP?

    This is already in the works - they are working on the database that will make this sort of thing happen. It isn't just a matter of this trade course vs that trade course, but also this university/college course plus this trade course vs that trade course etc. It's a complex and living thing...
  10. muffin

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Fixing Vern's OPME registration  ;D
  11. muffin

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    HOLY SMOKES! This just kept going after I left work yesterday! I'd have checked on it last night, but I was out and I only had my portable internet tablet with me... and I wasn't sure who's net's I was seeing ;) I have posed the question to a member of our local police force... I will let you...
  12. muffin

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    Well just for fun I called the RCMP ITCU ( http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/on/prog_serv/support_serv/itcu_e.htm ) to  see what thier interpretation was. The nice gentleman on the phone told me that wardriving and piggybacking are illegal, because of unauthorized access to a computer network and/or...
  13. muffin

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    Ironically - HE'd have to tresspass to do that. In keeping an open mind... and looking at tresspass versus stealing - is there a "clause" to tresspassing law that says to be enforced you need signage or something else clearly stating "no tresspassing?" (I think I just found my new SSID haha) I...
  14. muffin

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    I didn't miss the quote - your reply was in reponse to the quote: "If you are unable to set it up or have someone set it up for you and no one at the routers tech center can help you then should take the network offline so it's not open for public use." I am just saying that building a car and...
  15. muffin

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    It isn't the signal that's the problem, its the access to the paid internet service. If you cut a little hole in the wall and spliced your neighbors phone/cable line and ran it to your place would that be different or just messier.
  16. muffin

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    They don't have to know how to put it together, which is why someone else does - however they do need to be lisenced to drive it.
  17. muffin

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    I just did. The only mention of the FCC is that the devices complies with the acceptable levels of radiation for a device in it's class. That is true - however, I do own the device that transmits it, and it is through that device that a piggybacker is getting an IP and access to the internet...
  18. muffin

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    The problem isn't the listening... it's what they do once they've heard.
  19. muffin

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    I am able therefore I am allowed? My 8 year old likes to try that one. Your hardware allows you to make use of free access, but was that it's intention? My car "allows me" to run things down. My .410 "allows me" to shoot at whatever I want to. My pen and chequebook "allow me" to write a cheque...
  20. muffin

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    HAHA ... that's true I haven't seen your name fly by my desk this term... yet ;) he he