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  1. stealthylizard

    The Khadr Thread

    The difference is that this 15 year old threw a grenade in war.  WAR being the key component.  Whether it was as lawful or unlawful combatant, he did what any of us may have done in a firefight against an opponent.  If he was on our side, and threw the grenade at our enemy, he would be hailed...
  2. stealthylizard

    Election 2015

    Big, scary words....... socialist and communist  ::)  The PC's screwed up too much too often, and frankly after 44 years in power it was time for them to go.  The biggest boost for Rachel Notley came from the debate.  Brian Jean would not and did not stray from one phrase the whole time... lower...
  3. stealthylizard

    BMOQ Regular Force 2014 - 2017 [Merged]

    You cannot keep your own food.  You won't have time for 2nd's or 3rd's.  3 meals per day: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  4. stealthylizard

    Athabasca Univ./Online Courses

    I know this is a really old topic, but I have questions about Athabasca University for anyone with experience with the institution. For their undergraduate programs, can you complete them by doing one subject at a time? Or do you have to enroll into the complete undergraduate program. I'm...
  5. stealthylizard

    medical question

    I donated a kidney in 2003, and enlisted in 2008.  Results may vary from person to person.
  6. stealthylizard

    Drug use/drug testing in the CF (merged)

    I'm drug tested annually.  I am also subject to a drug test following a recordable incident, for reasonable suspicion, or upon a client's request.  It's pretty standard now in the oilfield to have a pre-employment test, and regular or random testing.  Last time I worked for a oil-sector company...
  7. stealthylizard

    Life After the Army Experiences

    Don't burn any bridges to jobs you hold prior to enlisting in the military.  They may be useful after you have decided the military isn't the life you thought it would be.  I was hired back within a week of leaving the military, 3 years after I had quit.  The work didn't last long, but I got a...
  8. stealthylizard

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    At least they might be accurate than the national registry that was only supposed to cost $1 million which ballooned to $2 billion.
  9. stealthylizard

    Literature about Canadian Airborne Regiment

    The Canadian Airborne Regiment in Somalia was a good read.  It might not be exactly what you are looking for, but is history relevant. The prices for the book on Ebay and Amazon are outrageous.
  10. stealthylizard

    US Election: 2016

    Congress passed a non-binding resolution recognizing McCain as a natural-born citizen.  This was already afforded to him, as people born in the zone were retroactively granted the status, but it was to remove any doubt as to what kind of citizen he was so that it wouldn't be an issue in his...
  11. stealthylizard

    metric vs imperial - which does CF use?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7x-RGfd0Yk Are Imperial Measurements outdated?
  12. stealthylizard

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    Bring what how many ever towels it says on the kit list. You will get issued towels, but for the first week, you use your own.
  13. stealthylizard

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    Buy your own shoes.  The ones you are issued should never be worn for anything.
  14. stealthylizard

    Application Q's - Fitness and In Progress Schooling

    For end date, I would have put "present". 
  15. stealthylizard

    Medical Disqualifications

    Only a medical officer reviewing your application can give you a definitive answer.
  16. stealthylizard

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Did the RCMP use the supposedly scrapped long gun registry to know which homes to target for firearms searches, or did they just come upon them by chance while ensuring homes were vacant?
  17. stealthylizard

    Commentary "Why No One Should Join the Canadian Forces"

    I was deployed as part of Tpt, with Admin Coy. I never took part in any live fire training during work up training.  I got to do some of that fun stuff after I returned to Canada, when I was posted back to 3VP. I didn't even have IPSWQ until after I came back. Edit: I had the pleasure of...
  18. stealthylizard

    Commentary "Why No One Should Join the Canadian Forces"

    As far as the "49 rounds a year" bit goes, I wouldn't doubt it. When I graduated Infantry DP1 in Sept 08, to the time I deployed to Afghanistan in Sept 09, I had fired just enough live rounds to zero my C-7 prior to it being bagged and shipped overseas.  Even blank rounds wasn't much better. ...
  19. stealthylizard

    Qualification Parade once the course is done?

    QL - Qualification level.  Same thing as DP.
  20. stealthylizard

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Take the initiative.  Call them.