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  1. Ammo

    Need info with this old Explosive Ordnance

    Thanks for the suggestion, Geo, but I have already checked and they have nothing. There are also no indications that DREV/CRDV was involved in the development of the rocket in the early stage.
  2. Ammo

    Recruitment Allowances for Understrength Military Occupations Aug 2008

    think it's the new MOSID system as opposed to the old MOC or whatever e.g. 031 went to 00010 It is the new MOSID. Check out the following topic: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/987.0.html
  3. Ammo

    5 Canadian soldiers lightly injured by IED

    You're right, my apologies.
  4. Ammo

    5 Canadian soldiers lightly injured by IED

    http://canadianpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5gmxhYiM-UmEYW_GZy-P3-VhD_PLg Roadside bomb in Afghanistan 'lightly' wounds 5 Canadian soldiers 3 hours ago KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Five Canadian soldiers have been "lightly wounded" by a roadside bomb in the perilous Zhari district of Kandahar...
  5. Ammo

    Need info with this old Explosive Ordnance

    Time for an update on subject EO. Info provided as follows: Well, this one is a challenge. At this point we can't find no data on the M19, but obviously it does exist. The 1961 manufacture date happens to be the year that the M72 LAW was adopted by the US Army. Development of the LAW began in...
  6. Ammo

    ID this component

    Not sure about a flag pole. I tend to believe more about the harpoon or actually spear tips or spear guns. But agree with WrenchBender, definitely would be nice to get additional info: where was it found? what are the markings on it? Scale... Ammocat - Is this a brain teaser (i.e. do you have...
  7. Ammo

    Heller Anti-Tank Weapon

    I have been meaning to bring some info for quite some times now but been to busy. I have received lots of reports and thousand of pages that talk about the Heller, one of which is titled "Final Report - 100mm Heller Anti-Tank Weapon System". That's right, "100mm!!!". There is currently a range...
  8. Ammo

    How could I become a recruiter??

    There is a program called "Recruiter for a Day". Check it out at http://www.forces.ca/rfd/. You may want to try this first.
  9. Ammo

    Borden Thread- Merged

    Just a couple of points that might have been missed by some members. Firstly, the rank is Capt (N), equivalent to FULL Col. Secondly, news reports say that the incident happened on July 7th, which was a Monday. Do "female get all dressed up" on a Monday? (But I don't want to sound sexist...
  10. Ammo

    Borden Thread- Merged

    http://www.allistonherald.com/allistonherald/article/112680 Just seven months after a ceremony to turn over command of CFB Borden to Capt. Fred Schmidt, he was rather unceremoniously removed from command yesterday (Tuesday). Capt. Fred Schmidt was removed Commanding Officer of the military base...
  11. Ammo

    Need info with this old Explosive Ordnance

    As suggested by recceguy (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/1401.300.html), I would like to start a new thread aimed at assisting members in finding information on Explosive Ordnance (EO) that they have in their possession, know someone that have some (war souvenirs) or need proper...
  12. Ammo

    Borden Thread- Merged

    Info available at CFHA's web site (http://cfha.mil.ca/info/index_e.asp) and select your base from the "Housing Locations" on the left. (I know it's only generic stuff but contact info is there)
  13. Ammo

    Canada Day Fireworks in Afghanistan

    A good one from Dewar in today's Toronto Sun http://www.ottawasun.com/Comment/Dewar/2008/06/29/6022796-sun.html
  14. Ammo

    Canadian woman finds brand new grenade in backyard

    Scott, Well understood wrt wait out. What I meant to say is that I would report back if anything else is reported quote officially unquote in the press. 
  15. Ammo

    Canadian woman finds brand new grenade in backyard

    Karl28 Understood, however **it happens (i.e. I think that it's an "inside" job). I am still trying to get more info and will pass on whatever I can pass on. Cheers
  16. Ammo

    Canadian woman finds brand new grenade in backyard

    Can't see it, specially with grenades. These are manufactured/assembled in Ville LeGardeur PQ by General Dynamics (the old SNC) under very strict contract demands (i.e. if the contract calls for 5000 grenades, they produce 5000 grenades as they don't have storage capacity at the plant). By the...
  17. Ammo

    Canadian woman finds brand new grenade in backyard

    I was told from a very reliable source that it was indeed a Grenade HE C13 sealed in its original package. Obviously, investigation is still going on but it is very easy to figure out who was issued some lately (they probably already know). I wouldn't want to be the RSO who certified that all...
  18. Ammo

    Calling out for ammo tech!!!!

    Check out this topic:Anyone here an Ammo Tech  (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/1401.0/all.html). It has lots of info.Let me know if you need to know more Cheers
  19. Ammo

    Allowances - Post Living Differential (PLD) [MERGED]

    I was checking CMP's web site and it states: Updated PLD rates effective 1 July 2007 are contained in the table to CBI 205.45. These rates reflect the new methodology. Where members currently in receipt of PLD will see decreases, transitional measures have been incorporated into a new CBI...
  20. Ammo


    Agnes Lots of info on Ammo Techs by going to the thread titled"Anyone here an Ammo Tech" at http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/1401.0.html. A while back, I updated what ammo techs do for a living, what training they go through, who's eligible... Let me know should you want more. Cheers